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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Ohhh I really cannot do cryptic! Lol
  2. The PO is in Priory Close ( therefore a Loke)
  3. Hmmm AddisAbaba, Fish, de Coubertin (Fredo) Part Old Road is a cul de sac The PO is associated with Feed and Seed Nope no further forward.
  4. Please lets continue? I think we need stuff like this more than ever. I just set up a WhatsApp group for our WI and called it Harvesting Happiness. Jokes, chat sessions quizzes and trivia all welcome alongside any requests for support. We will also set up a phone chain to check on wellbeing. One key to coming through this is trying to keep a positive mental attitude and look for small springs of happiness.
  5. We are drinking more than usual and the next Tesco order isn’t until March 25th, definite miscalculation there, we only have non-alcoholic wine in. Paul, your amazing beer had interesting effects.
  6. I struggle to understand the bog roll thing. I never saw one until I was about 4 as I recall. We relied on The Kidderminster Shuttle cut into squares. This was a fitting use for local journalism,I think. Given that it was a twice weekly issue, there didn’t appear to be any shortage days. Reading the bog paper was annoying though because you had only part of the story. 😋
  7. If Brilliant was afloat we would have made a beeline for her.
  8. Looking at the current situation, we have decided to cancel the Spring Gathering. Members who paid a mooring fee will be refunded. Are we disappointed? You bet! Would it be good to try for another when the dust settles? Certainly. Sincere apologies to all.
  9. In my heart, I love puzzles, my brain is less certain!
  10. https://community.aafa.org/blog/coronavirus-2019-ncov-flu-what-people-with-asthma-need-to-know This is from the American Asthma Association it has a useful chart comparing Covid 19 symptoms with those of colds, flu, allergies and so on. It might be of initial use in working out whether you are unwell for Coronavirus reasons or not. Obviously it is just a rough guide not ‘Holy Writ’.
  11. Great idea Paul. Now Woodwose says ‘Acle’ I can claim to say that that was what I was just about to post! Andrew, I see where you are coming from but I think it is at times like this we need distractions too. Wartime humour? Giles, ITMA, the Wipers Times all tell us that.
  12. We have sent a sympathy card on behalf of NBN. I think Griff or Ray will let us know about tributes in due course.
  13. We are trying to reschedule a cottage holiday until Autumn. We don’t stand to lose a lot because the cost was shared in the family. We also have a boat booked for May and are waiting on that to see how events develop.
  14. Maybe the tightening economic situation will focus their minds on working when they can.
  15. I have cut back on doing things I really want to do because we are both in the ‘at risk’ group. Not happy but following advice from the doctor. Socially, the need to protect NHS capability by trying to keep out of infection seems to be pretty crucial looking at Italy.
  16. Coronavirus. Just to say we are keeping the situation under review regarding the Spring Gathering
  17. Coronavirus. Just to say we are keeping the situation under review regarding the Spring Gathering
  18. Coronavirus. Just to say we are keeping the situation under review regarding the Spring Gathering.
  19. Sincere condolences. He will be missed.
  20. That might be cheating because I think we were moored next to you. 😊
  21. It is confession time! I am a toilet roll squirrel. In my defence I must add that the big pack I got at Waitrose today, one of many on display, was bought because I vaguely thought we had got through a lot of the last pack I bought. Turns out I must have thought that last time too, so now there are two jumbo packs in the store! 🤪
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