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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Just read your post John, i second what Martin said and hope all is well and you make it to the meet. We will be above ‘that’ bridge until Thursday so will clean your numbers for you!
  2. Whooo hooo! Good news! I have just been talking with Kelly, the Ranger who says there is another event at the Broad on Saturday from 10 to 3. This is the 50th Birthday of the Great Hoveton Nature Trail. There will be a steel band, probably playing as we come in ...cool? There are exhibitions from various and a Dog Water Rescue demo. there is also a ferry running across to the Reserve and a coffee trailer, which is a new feature at the broad. We still get our preferred mooring at the bottom of the hill there and can put our tentage on the flat bit as we decided after last year. I have paid £10 per boat so will collect that on Sat PM. Robin, I think that gives us a bit of leeway on setting up our music for later, and I have called Sally and Richard to say the timings no longer work for them, they will give us extra time next year instead.
  3. Hi YT, many thanks. It looks like Simon, Cambridge Cabby can bring it, your help in getting it offloaded and pitched would be much appreciated.
  4. Updated. I have raised the issue of the Goose Guano on Ranworth Island and have hopes that they might run the mower over the mooring for us, no promises, so bring a doormat! Can anyone help with the party tent? It needs to go to Salhouse and back from the Richardson Wet Shed. It is small enough to sit on a cabin top but very heavy to lift, like say a medium weight person. Forum Meet (Autosaved).xlsx
  5. I am ringing them today to finalise. I am sure that would be ok.
  6. Ok here we go!!! Please check you are on the booking list attached and let me know if there are amendments. Timetable of Events Friday Night is Ranworth Island We plan to start the C in C from Malthouse Broad at 10.30 Chameleon will lead and we fall in in single file behind. Please don't overtake/travel in pairs as the river will be busy. Flags burgees and bunting- as much as you like! Saturday at Salhouse, we have live music from Sally and Richard ( An Evening with Bob) early afternoon; Robin and his crew will kindly provide on going music thereafter. Late afternoon, afternoon tea, (please bring a cake/small cakes) Mike will run a quiz and I am considering a slightly insane Donkey Derby! Saturday evening we get together for a DIY Barbecue (that is we bring our food and BBQ equipment together) Sunday Morning we have a map-based treasure hunt to round off proceedings. Sunday Lunchtime farewells.
  7. People do use pmr and enjoy doing so.
  8. Well there is a boat called George Thetford on the Broads, I think that it might not be a 'she'? Mmmm dunno though, George Eliot, George from the Famous Five........ Ohhhh soooo worrying, lol.
  9. Just a note to say that I am unable to make the meeting with the Tug o War guy due to a flat out rotten cold. Given that we had less than wild enthusiasm for getting dragged about Salhouse, I am calling it quits for this year. There's still a good plan so I doubt it will be much missed.
  10. Polly

    Bermuda Rs

    Welcome! I daresay someone here will be able to help you.
  11. The fund is there, along with Gazebo money. Maxwellian has the correct sum but i think we are there on the gazebo. I plan to buy in Norfolk in the days before the Gathering. The rope may be a bit short as it were. It's possible we can get more buying advice from my contact, I have mentioned it; but currently the plan is to borrow this year and go from there. If the interest on here grows, then buying would be sensible this year if we have enough in the kitty.
  12. Here is the issue, I need to go to a lot of time and trouble to sort this option. If members think they don’t want to get involved then I can cancel the initial moves I have made and I will not mind at all, it’s one less aspect to organise. We would need about 10 pullers to make it worthwhile. Broads 1, please be assured this isn’t because of your first post. I intended to ask for this information about now as part of the planning. Ball in your court guys.
  13. Not simple really, boats curve so feet swing inward on loop and you are climbing out at a hanging back angle. People, of ordinary weight, are REALLY heavy to get out!
  14. Well the general level of fitness isn't world class to be honest!
  15. I am meeting a kind member of the National Federation who will lend us a rope and give me safety advice. So now are we able to get a team or two for the Saturday afternoon, weather permitting? So please register interest here. You should understand its at your own risk and that you need to be basically fit. you need to own a pair of gloves, You need to be at the meet! More will emerge when I have met the Nat Federation Rep.
  16. I loved mooring at Ranworth too.
  17. Only a few weeks to go! All welcome! Sign up, sign up, sign up!
  18. Polly

    Loddon Staithe

    They are higher on the canals.
  19. Polly

    My Day

    This one is a Timbo Picture of a flying fish
  20. Polly

    My Day

    Crew shirts next.. it’s a BIG crew!!!!
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