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Everything posted by Happy

  1. Russell, thanks for that. We have got a Seamaster 30 which I measured at 9'4" with everything down and it didn't look like we could get under even at slack low tide. Jason from LBBY did tell us that the height guage at the bridge reads under the actual height available and did offer to walk us through (nice guy) but I did chicken out! Maybe next time?! Regards Alan
  2. Lynn and Russell, good to see you are out and about. What is the air draft of your boat-you can obviously get under Ludham bridge OK? Regards Alan
  3. Grace-well now you come to mention it!! Regards Alan
  4. I sure thats a duck and not a monkey! Was the beer that strong at the Bell? Reagards Alan
  5. Happy

    New Torch

    Got mine delivered this morning-what a brilliant bit of kit! Showed it to one of my customers who wanted one, went to e bay sight to order it and they have gone down three quid, so ordered 2 more!! Regards Alan.
  6. Happy

    New Torch

    Strowager and Lost the Plot. If you look at the sky at night and see a sort of search light over Beccles you'll know I am on the boat and playing (with the torch) that is!! Regards Alan
  7. Happy

    New Torch

    Just ordered a re-chargeable one from the e bay site. Thanks. Alan.
  8. Great to hear from you again Jon. I thought you had already gone on that world cruise! Regards Alan
  9. Mowjo-Its not only the BSC that we have to worry about-we have an MOT testing station and vehicles have to be tested to 'minimum standards'. When you see some testers thoghts on this you would be amazed! Regards Alan.
  10. We called in at the Waveney Inn last Thursday night on the way back to our home base of Beccles. Now totally changed from the old Waveney and must have spent a fortune! We too were suprised at how reasonable both the food and drink prices were, lets hope they stay that way! Nice to see Alan the harbour master again. Well done and good luck. Regards Alan
  11. Happy


    DON'T DO THIS AT HOME!! Thank you all again for your input. This is going to make me out to be a real plonker, but here goes-as stated I purchased my Cobb BBQ and as the wife was working on Sunday decided to have a play and cook a whole chicken. Got the chicken prepared with herbs and spices, unpacked the new packet of cobblestones and placed one in the basket. Thinking back to a couple of threads reference lighting with a blow lamp, I searched for a lighter. Having given up smoking some two years ago, no lighter was to be found.. Then, idea. Place the basket over a flame on the gas hob indoors and light the cobblestone, not a good idea! The thing ignited like a rocket going off, I dropped the basket, fortunately onto the hob and the flames eventually died down enough to move the basket outside and place into the BBQ.. I am so pleased I did this at home and not in the boat galley as the outcome may have been slightly different! Anyway, when cooked the chicken was great and my 'mates' had a great laugh when I related the story to them later in the pub. Regards Alan.
  12. Paladin. Thanks for the info. Will now take the neccesary measures. Regards Alan
  13. Frank. I always get confused with mixing ratios but you seem to be on the ball! I have two 40 gallon tanks on the boat. How much 2 stroke (mineral) should be added to each tank? Thanks Mate. Regards Alan
  14. So if we add Soltron to our fuel to stop diesel bug will this also help lubricate the pump seals? Regards Alan
  15. Hi John, its getting nearer! Tell me, do some members 'dress' their boats up with bunting etc for these meetings? If so i'll join in but don't want to be the odd one out and look a real plonker! RegardsAlan and Eve.
  16. I was at work last year and started looking at e bay, as I do. (Don't tell the boss, I am the boss for my sins). Any way I started looking a gents watches and a 'top rated' dealer had 10 for a starting price of £3 plus postage of about another £3. I won the bid and wondered a, if they would arrive and b, what they would be like. They arrived in about 10 days and they were quite flashy. I gave most of them away for guys to wear at work (mostly in the motor trade) and quess what? They are all still working and keeping good time. Just how do they do it? Regards Alan.
  17. The two engines on My Panache don't burn any oil during the season and between oil changes and I must admit I don't check the levels very often-UNTIL NOW THAT IS! It will now become a regular routine. Thanks for the info!! Regards Alan
  18. Freedon Boating Hols. You mention 'old BMC engines', I assume this also applies to the two Thornycroft engines fitted in my Seamaster 30? Regards Alan
  19. Sorry Mowjo, answered my question. You must have posted whilst I was writing! Regards Alan
  20. This is a little worrying to say the least! Is there any prior warning that this is likely to happen, or does everything just 'let rip'? Regards Alan
  21. Happy


    Thanks guys. Shopped around obviously (tight bugger!) and have ordered one off e bay. Give me (or Eve) chance to practice before May! Thanks again. Regards Alan.
  22. Happy


    Thanks John. On your reccomendation I'll get one and bring it to the meet in May. If I cant work out how to use it I can get p....d while you show me! Regards Alan
  23. Happy


    Has anyone purchased a 'cobb' type BBQ? I started looking for a new barbie to use on the boat and came across these cobbs. Seem like they could be good, especially for the boat. Would appreciate some feed back before I take the plunge. Thanks. Regards Alan
  24. John and Mary-Ann. 50th post eh. I can see we will have to have a few drinks to that in May!? Regards Alan and Eve
  25. About 2 years ago I purchased a 'Broads Beat' outboard cover for the outboard on my tender. This morning I received a telephone call from Hoverton police station. First reaction was panic-whats happened to the boat!? It was then explained that the call was on behalf of Broad Beat to explain that when using the covers "the original engine cover must be removed first". I explained that I did realise this but she explained the reason for the call was that two outboards had recently been stolen, both with Broads Beat covers fitted, but also with the original engine covers still intact! The mind boggles. Regards Alan
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