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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Thanks David. Hope you progressing well with the house repairs Please can you say next month in really small characters lol it's soon going to fly by! although if we have problems with the water line after the float test (which I'm still confident we shouldn't) it could delay us some months although we will certainly be there this year!! I'm sure you will see the boat soon though once we are up there no one will keep us away (I need to get back a years worth of missed holidays at least!). Hmm Iain, we will see, I'm not looking forward to this considering he's changed a requirement in the last few hours, this BSS stuff is as much of a pain as I expected it but at least we are safe...
  2. Thanks guys..we are proud the boat looks good. Looking forward to welcoming everyone aboard! Grace looking forward to seeing that royal wave lol!! I hope we have helped some people show that at least you don't need to always get professionals in (although obviously there are times when you must and depending on the skill level - (lol i can do politics!) ).. Doing the blog has also been amazing to look back and see the changes and in a way has helped get through the dark days. Although we aren't quite finished yet!. Depending how the float test goes the weekend! and we still need to test the stern drive to make sure that works! So we could still be several weeks (although I really hope not!!). Don't forget too Boat safety chap is back tomorrow.. it better pass otherwise medway will have one less boat safety examiner lol!
  3. Lol ok I will do one I'll start as soon as the boat makes it to norfolk
  4. Thanks Neil, I'd like to say it's been down to very good project management (i.e me), luck with the weather! and just general luck lol but it's been a long hard slog and even now I can't wait for it to be finished! We take the mooring over 1st April (depending on how this weekend goes)but I'm going to try and get transport for around easter although I'm hoping to find a return load so I'm not fussed about the date..but it would be good to have some down time over easter though so lets see! But if we are here certainly welcome to drop in! We have decided not to do the teak-deck flooring though (Rather spend the money on getting to norfolk and we need job to do next winter!) so it won't look 100% finished but should still look neat I'll keep posting all the way up until we get to norfolk (then probably do another blog to keep Grace and others happy )
  5. Neil I'll take a look.. interesting stuff though .. I'd love to have a hoovercraft!
  6. and we don't have lakes we have broads...
  7. Couple more pictures from saturday. Also the bsc retest is booked for thursday this week (Thanks to Dan Burrill for relaying some fears over this tank !). and all is on for the test float this weekend.. it looks to be a really nice weekend too!!
  8. Thanks Eric. I'm sure it will be ok now.. (I'll stay away lol!)
  9. That might have been me Eric! we had 4 unapproved events which I tried deleting.. it looks like it deleted your actual one . Although I hoped/thought you deleted yourself
  10. That's good Steve! Geoff (GeoffandWendy) could you please try for us.. You can delete after if needed Also if anyone else who was getting an error before please try again
  11. Steve can you see sue's (sueH) event in may?
  12. I can see sue's event!! John I don't have permission to rate events?!! lol
  13. it's a setting buried somewhere.. Probably 11th menu on the right then 4th on the left.. then click the button and hope for the best I'm seeing approve event for Erics event (and it's greyed out) though so it looks like there's an approval process? (although it looked like the "bypass moderation" was disabled?).. Mercury emblem is white and looks approved. (Thanks DG )
  14. (Thanks Eric.. it looks like Johns on the case so it will be fixed before we know it!!)
  15. all. I can see A week on Carousel. From yourself Eric. Can anyone else see this? if not it's probably a permissions thing although I can't quite see where (although I'm only new to this software so Jonzo may need to look).
  16. Obviously I understand the concern over security considering my folks recent experience. I think the calendars can be set up to only show to full members only (so you need to be logged in to view) and this means that only members whom have been through the initiation process of full membership will be able to see. I'd thought this should improve the security aspect. This should also be more secure than posting an event on the general forum as I believe the general forum is open to all to view.
  17. I removed the Birthday bit on there two as the general consensus is to not have them (and jonzo said too!)..
  18. Do you get any error messages when you try and create? (John.. the new ACP is much nicer!!)
  19. Hi Steve, Sorry to hear about the carpet cleaner and the damage on the way up to the panel.. That's always the trouble when you fabricate away from the boat The panels you have put up though look really good though! For the gap you may want to try and cover your batten with the same headlining material (with or without the foam) see what that looks like.. I also found if you have a gap you can roll some headlining material up and jam that in there (easy botch but looks ok lol!). Curtains look good too so well done to debs! We will have a look at your carpet when we are up there next month (ouch .. next month ) lol
  20. A few people have started to put trips into the calendar. It's accessible via the toolbar and you will find an "add event" button.. I'll be adding our trips I do think the birthdays should go from here though .. Perhaps like this post if you don't want birthdays and we will remove these
  21. Hopefully we will be up there for easter on our boat for the first time so wave if you see us!
  22. I clicked the report button... Thanks guys .. If you know anyone with a boatyard who need two apprentice boat builders send them our way... I'm sure we would relocate
  23. Thanks Iain I must admit it does look better than these pics This camera phone isn't all that good. The cushions are a lot darker.. Just hope it floats next weekend!!
  24. Back to work today after taking yesterday off (kinda!). Main jobs today was play with the stern drive to make sure we have all parts and the last key bits bolt together. Thankfully it did although dave was moaning bit time about the paint department (i.e me) painting in all screw holes, we do need a few more parts but we have enough to do a test float next weekend!! We also finished off the bits we failed on for the BSS so I'll get the chap back midweek now and I installed some more vents on the door and by the fridge as so we have plenty of ventilation. So I'll update everyone when we get the BSC midweek and then next weekend (saturday lunchtime) we will be floating (hopefully! and only for 5 mins).. More pictures from a friend who attended yesterday can be found on flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/129895976@N06/with/16061964813/(as you will see we had a really good turn out considering the appalling weather). More pics attached too..
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