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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Oh really Iain? We got a advisory on the BSC to fit a CO and smoke alarm the same on the insurance survey to? Both surveyors also voiced a strong recommendation. To be honest though a CO alarm has already saved our lives once so I will fit one. I guess the news ones are a bit better
  2. Graham this is 2013?.. I just had my exam and found it surprising that ventilation was advisory.. thankfully for us though as we didnt meet it although the examiner agreed we will just open the door when using the cooker! CO detectors again should be mandatory really IMHO.
  3. Hope there's not too much damage for Brinks to fix.. clearly not the best start to the season for them.. At least all humans are safe though..
  4. I know Grace is thinking this too.. so don't worry grace I'll ask the question.. .. Whats a member of the broads authority? are these paid roles.. i.e are these employees? confused..
  5. Grace you have the whole of sky for these shows... lol
  6. it would easily fit into your norfolk broads live format (although you maybe in trouble with the other norfolk live) but the more webcams the better.. You may even make money on the advertising revenue
  7. Hi Brian, I've only just stumbled across these later posts, very interesting indeed, the area looks lovely! and I love the pic of your boat ploughing through the white horses! Although I think we may need to give you a warning for potentially removing some potential holidaymakers to ireland! The irish waterways was actually on my list to visit a few years back but it never happened (I think it was just too expensive although that was before easyjet etc) after reading this maybe it will be one day! Please keep this blog coming, I'm looking forward to lots more pictures!
  8. Can you mods please stop and put the hats back on.. I'm dreading what Grace is dream up doing to the forum... I've added more fuel to the Firewalls, Grace so don't you even think about it! Personally I can't think of anything which is on the BBC which I watch other than top gear... (although I don't watch much telly). JC is a nutter and at times he oversteps the mark but clearly the production company and the BBC play on this, we all know that the media do a very job at editing things so it's clearly them that have made top gear and JC into what it is. It wouldn't surprise me that this is all part of the script! If so it's clearly doing the trick as it's been talked about! JC is top gear, it's not going anywhere, if this is true I'm sure some largely unheard producer will be leaving along time before JC or it will simply be produced by someone else.
  9. Neil ours are 3.3 meter so I think the limit should be set at 3.4 meter obviously... (and a 2 stroke as I brought it just before the law change so small 2 stroke <15hp should be permitted too.. lol)
  10. Clive you should get a webcam, it would fascinating to watch the builds of the boats in near real time..
  11. Thanks for the toll plaque tips, I think we will find some stainless sheet and make one up but appreciate everyones help. I dare not get further into the toll discussion as I know little about it, other than I do think our dinghy rate is a bit "high"
  12. until
    The lorry is due into Somerleyton for about lunchtime, Assuming all is well we aim to make our way down to wavenly river centre for Orca's first night on the broads. Returning to somerleyton on sunday. If you are nearby stop and say hello.
  13. Someones being a spoil sport aren't they strowager I do believe we should pay something as although it has little effect on dredging etc it is still being used on a maintained waterway and it's only fair to repay. I am surprised it's so much though and I would have thought it would get a discount being used with another full paying boat as a dinghy with an outboard is a good liferaft! Quite agree with Peter as I've seen similar on the upper medway and it can very annoying.. Anyways I guess I have to pay as no amount of dwelling on it is going to change anything! (although I think we will just get a short term tax for the longer periods and not use other times .. shame).
  14. Hi All, Couple of quick questions: Does anyone know of anywhere that sells the stainless metal toll plaque found hanging from the pullpits? I know I can make one but it's probably easier and cheaper to buy one (and Yup I'm getting lazy now!!). Also, do I really have to pay £94.28 to use the inflatable dinghy and the 2.5 hp engine? (I daren't bring the larger engine as I can get the dinghy on the plane with that one.. ).. as much as I understand the need for tolls that sounds steep considering the 28.6 foot cruiser is three times that! By the smallest possible chance tenders to a toll paying boat aren't dare I say free (as is the case on EA waters)?.
  15. What are you lot like lol.. my poor thread lol
  16. Don't forget the calender (Scroll up) is now available to put our holidays in! It would be really good to see whos out and about. (and who we need to avoid lol ).. Here's to a brilliant season!
  17. (Diesel Falcon.. another warning point like the rest...)...
  18. Notice I've not clicked the like button... lol
  19. (Gracie I can't speed on their boat as it's soo bloody slow (2 -1.5) and Orca will have GPS so i can't speed lol and being "an owner" we don't need to speed as we can go up every weekend.. " " )
  20. Erm excuse me.. that's 2-1 so I actually need to get my own back.. I'll find the right moment.. and don't forget it's mothers day coming up... (Grace talk to her please to get her off my back... )
  21. Hmm Thanks Alan.. I'm looking forward to meeting you one day.... Ouch Grace.. I can have a word with Jonzo if you want and we can give these pesky mods a warning point if you need me too... (Reason: insanity and bullying?)
  22. Grace you have to admit that's a bit extreme? Plus she had about 2 hours from Breydon to Oulton to relax!! I must admit I love breydon when it's rough although we went out in the north sea with a friend in his big heavy fishing boat, we had swell of about 3 metres.. the boat really was flying every wave went over the wheelhouse and missed the back of the boat, I was at the helm and just laughing my head of it was soo fun! Shame breydon doesn't get that rough.. We always miss it when it's really rough though. I know its also more worrying when its your own boat! Hense I think Orca was stay away from Breydon for a few months until she proves to us that all is good... Oh god mother.. I guess I asked for that one.. Which mod allowed my parents to join the forum?
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