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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Saturday 25th May. I was rudely awoken by the sound of a starting engine at about 7am, peering through the curtains I was somewhat surprised to see all but one of the five or six hire boats had already departed. Although it was an early low tide at Yarmouth this morning so perhaps I shouldn’t had been so surprised and I can hardly moan as I’d done the same many times before as Loddon was always our first stop before heading north. Once in the land of the living we decided to take a wonder around Loddon and see if the shops were open. Strolling up the hill most of the shops were firmly shut but the day before we found a little circle path up to the pyes mill so we decided to do that again in the hope the shops where open on our return. It was a nice stroll, although the sheep wasn’t quite so happy being woken up. Dave had noted that Orcas gas bottle was running low but we also noticed the DIY shop here had a “Colour gas sold here” sign. Thankfully they had stock and at a reasonable twenty something quid. Before leaving we popped into the supermarket for the typical junk food and some cheese and bread for colour gas cheese on toast for lunch. Engine on and with plenty of space around us we departed loddon for destination Norwich! The trip up the chet was as usual rather relaxing but the bends meant I couldn’t dose back to sleep (Yes I have daydreamed and ended up in the reeds before!). Turning left up out the chet and upstream on the yare felt strange as we always really turned right and down towards Yarmouth but with the current behind us this morning it felt right! Familiar sights were quickly passing us by. Albeit at the speed limit I hasten to add, the speed coming from Jessica’s old GPS chart plotter, which although allowed us to safely navigate the Medway estuary, is funnily pointless here on the broads as it typically showed us sailing through fields!, but it’s still nice to have the speed over ground so visible. It’s reassuring to see that the landscape on this part of the broads has hardly changed in all the years we’ve been here. Rockland turn off was soon upon us, time to play with the gopro camera! Dave jumped up on the cabin roof and switched it on, Rockland broad looked magical a brisk wind resulting in little wavelets. I had struggled getting “Sweet Kingfisher” down to Rockland so I wanted to see how Orca would behave, it looked even narrower today despite the lack of moored boats and Orca’s lack of a upper helm but I managed it whilst ignoring Dave’s “Come to starboard” objections! The moorings were empty apart from one boat. I have already learnt that Orca turns really well to Port with a bit of power so with a small group of watchers I turned Orca within her own length and headed back up towards the Yare. Sadly the gopro overwrote this bit although it did capture the trip back up the channel and you can clearly see Orca doing her usual sailing boat impersonation and being blown all over the place in the strong crosswind. The bright lights of Brundall quickly appeared and this view for us always has typically meant that we are going home, so it felt very strange to be simply passing through! For once I stuck to main river instead of the Surlingham broad shortcut but I wanted to admire the Henley of Norfolk! Brundall quickly vanished as we passed Surlingham Ferry Inn. I must admit we should stopped as it looked very welcoming although I could see lots of “Reserved mooring” signs so perhaps there wasn’t the space. I had planned on stopping at Woods End for lunch and beer but it was packed with Gym palace boats whom all had apparently moored here and hitch a cab into Norwich to watch the Radio 1 weekend festival. We've only ever ventured this was four or five times before so this part of the river seemed a new adventure. I gave dave the helm and jumped on the cabin roof with camera in hand and took a few pictures. Postwick bridge reminded me of a huge cathedral and the graffiti seemed somewhat fitting! As you will see below I took a few pictures of this stretch. Tummies where starting to rumble and we noticed the only empty mooring on this part of the River at the commissioners cut, although it looked a tricky mooring as it was still surrounded by mini gym palaces.. and typically Orca didn’t want to play ball, attempting to reverse into the mooring with the current behind was too much for thumpers reduced idle and it quickly stalled just when I didn’t want it. Typically the moored boats proud owners were sitting beside their immaculate (but rather unused) boat enjoying the early summer sun. A quick turn of the key and thumper came back to life and Dave managed to jump of and tie Orca up quickly. I did very well at not swearing at the chef engineer but I think the look of panic on those proud boat owners faces kinda said everything.. Dave instantly said..”I’ll turn the idle up!”. It was the perfect time for colour gas cheese on toast! Although Orca’s stove didn’t quite want to play ball either and the boat quickly filled up with smoke caused by dust on the top of the stove! It just added even more flavour! And it was a lovely lunch.. nothing better! Thirty minutes later we slipped away from the moorings and I did a few test manoeuvres and Thumper seemed happier! A slight look back to those proud boat owners.. “It was the boat and not me!” The first of Norwich’s bridges appeared and Dave once again jumped up and switched the gopro on as so we can capture Orca’s first trip into a big city. The trip into Norwich is rather special as again we don’t do as it’s not what we go to Norfolk for.. But there were lots of people enjoying the warm day in the big city. Sadly no smell of mint sauce though. Thankfully an empty yacht station appeared and we were quickly moored. It was far too busy in Norwich (and it was getting a bit late in the afternoon) to spend much time but I wanted to grab a Wherry and try the pub with fellow forum member Howard (NorfolkNog) had been to a few weeks back as I liked the look of it in his tale. Sadly wherry was off but it was nice to sit outside with a pint of Adnams ghost ship. Back to the boat after just the one. I wanted to get as far back to Reedham as possible today as we wanted to catch Steve and Debs tomorrow. So we quickly headed off. We noticed another NBN boat at Brammerton (not sure who it was – Sorry ) but I did a little blast on the horn and a wave was exchanged (I think I saw the boat name as “Swordfish” or similar). We also spotter Jasper on Captain Dread sandwiched between those gym palaces a wave was exchanged! At Brundall another NBN burgee was spotted, I think this was Mark (psyhicsurveyor) on a topcraft another wave was exchanged. Cantley quickly approached, funny how the trip back is always quicker. Although the moorings looked full but with relief we spotted and one empty mooring right outside was spotted, Orca was span around and slotted in! I helped another boat moor up as it was quickly apparent that there had just collected the boat as they hadn’t span around and moored against the tide, so it was a quick lesson in spring lines to ensure they don’t hit the boat in front.. I neglected to advise how to moor as they looked ready for the pub! Table booked in the pub. When we first came to the broads this pub had a very bad atmosphere but a random visit a few years back showed huge improvement and I was looking forward to a meal! We started with whitebait which was really good and already warning signs were present..i.e the portion was erm “large” then the mains where brought out, I had scampi and chips and it was literally overflowing from the plate but very good but I couldn’t eat it all!! The pub seemed welcoming and the barman was very talkative so much so that we didn’t see the need to leave so we ordered more drinks and relaxed. We left the pub just before closing time! It’s very unlike us to stay this late in a pub (on a Saturday night) but the Reedcutters is very welcoming and friendly at a decent price. It’s certainly a real Norfolk proper Norfolk pub.. Highly recommended.
  2. until
    Autumn Meet, WRC, 25-27 September, 2015 More details here: http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/topic/7489-autumn-meet-wrc-25-27-september-2015/
  3. until
    Summer Meet, Beccles YS, 24-26 July, 2015 More details here: http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/topic/7483-summer-meet-beccles-ys-24-26-july-2015/
  4. Sorry Jonzo broke it.. Although it was a quick and easy fix At least it was Jonzo and not me On Subject. I'm a bit wary of these Boafengs after googling so I think/hope me and SteveandDebs are going halves on the cobra set someone posted up which seems a better idea. I'll keep hold of my Boafeng as a backup though but I've not got the time to do the course and don't want to use too much.
  5. Iain lol Lol no Mark they are typically floating downstream towards yarmouth so I help and collect them... although I do wish people would use black or white ones.. it's always blue ones and they wont match now... Lucky I didn't post that comment on the last blond joke about how such jokes should be re-titled .. Essex jokes... whoops
  6. Lol I'm from London (Originally)... moved to Medway recently although not sure that's better?! And we used to "save" fenders found floating in the water (and no one around looking for them!)... although I'll probably only do now if they are better than the ones we have..
  7. Lol Neil.. if it restarts (although in all seriousness you will be surprised what a simple restart can do!) I agree with everyone else though.. it's probably spyware.. I've lost track of decent programs these days. (I think malwarebytes is still a good one). Also as Iain said check the start up for unrequired programs.. also check and disable any browser extensions in the settings (use Chrome too as it's better with extensions). Make sure window and Java updates are all upto date.. Also it could be good old windows updates over time maxing out the Ram so it maybe time for upgrade.. or even possibly hardware given up... Good luck
  8. Hi Neil.. Have you tried switching it off and back on again?
  9. Alan to the forum.. it sounds like you need to make a return sometime soon Enjoy the forum
  10. My mum apparently refused to let my dad take us on the broads when we were kids... and I still hate her now (Well within reason.. she knows what I mean... ) I'm sure as a youngster I would have loved it and I'm sure I would only have fallen in once... Stopping at WRC monday night the kids on the boats seemed to have better respect for the water than the kids camping who rode bikes along the pontoons and messed about like it was a playground.. although again I'm sure they would quickly learn but I do see an accident waiting to happen there..
  11. Sad news, Shame to see another go.. Hope all the staff are sorted.. I'd take it too if I won the lottery or for a £1 (debt free)...
  12. I wave at everyone on the boat. (or aim to.. if i'm trying to stop the boat from crashing (aka mooring up) I may forget!) I find the majority do too.. although less seem to if it's raining perhaps they can't see through the rain I have noticed though that people seem wary to wave on when we are Orca though.. not sure why? it doesn't actually kill anything, well not yet... I do remember when being completely confused when i first hired though and someone waved.. we thought something was up with the boat so stopped had a looked around the boat... after the first few times we worked it out (Joys of being from London!)...
  13. Hi Iain, I do remember the chet being a bit smaller in places but it's still in my opinion the Ant of the south and a nice little journey shame it's been widened though I must admit too, I used to be a fan of Reedham but it's easier to go past and "admire" from the river. I remember the Nelson being the better pub, sadly the Landlord in the other pub (Swan?!) gets to me so I don't go in there . I know he's playing but I don't need it after a relaxing day out I do hope the Nelson quickly returns to the better pub sometime soon.. perhaps even a gastro pub as again the Reedham Ferries, "Norfolk Marines" level of customer service means we go elsewhere too. The strange and somewhat illogical actions of the BA "harbour master" also puts me off although the last few times he reconised us and left me to it (I think he's gone now though?).. The place does need more villagey feel before I return of my own accord (my mum and dad like the other pub though so as long as they run the gauntlet of ordering drinks for me, I'm sure I'll stop one day this year!!). I think you are right about Reedham bridge, we are about 8.6 high mast down and about 10feet mast up so as long we remember to lower the mast we should be OK! Somerleyton and St olaves are both a pain but it's good to get some use of the Radio and request for Somerleyton to open and avoid St Olaves lol (or have an excuse to visit the pub and let the tide go down!).
  14. 5 day bank holiday trip - "The Engine Run In". Friday 22nd May 2015. We left for Norfolk just after 9.30 to miss the Friday rush hour traffic and arrived at the boat just after lunchtime (Yup sorry diet.. Mcd’s for lunch at Geldeston roundabout!… that Mcd’s is going to be deadly!). The marina was quiet with no one about. The boat was loaded with the light bits needed for this 5 day trip. The chief engineer has purchased a rev meter as I was a bit worried that the engines rev gauge wasn't set up correctly and indeed it wasn’t, although it was only 200revs out so no damage would have been done as I can go to about 2500revs at the moment (Until 50 hours) and we hadn’t been above 2000) Engine on and we gently manoeuvre out the marina. I did switch on the video camera but looking back when getting home I noticed it’s overwritten today’s videos but plenty to come later in this tale. I checked the tides before leaving and knew it would be reasonably still water thankfully it was! Turning into the new cut this was the start of new ground for Orca and she did well. Dave took the helm for a bit and I sat down and watched the world go by.. I am a serious helm hogger so it’s very rare for me to sit away from the helm (although I noticed I could watch the forward progress through the cabins window from sitting in a certain spot!). Dave did well and we were quickly at Reedham. Thankfully the tide was flowing in as predicted and the bridge was open so it was quickly under! The plan for this week was to go back and forth from Norwich and Beccles but for no real reason I kinda knew this wasn’t going to happen?! so we headed down the chet towards loddon (I’m not a fan of Reedham, so no stopping). The chets 4mph speed limit was also new, as so far, we have been able to do 5 or 6mph everywhere so I was a bit worried if the boat would do it, and do it on a tight river and still have maneuverability. Thankfully all was well and she was fine, although she was stalling on the bends so needed a bit more power on the bends but it’s all lessons to be learnt at the moment. After a couple of bends one of pacific boats quickly approached, although I was close "on" the limit so not sure how fast they were going. We asked if he wanted to overtake and thankfully they made it clear they were OK going “slow”. A few more bends and we had the moment we had dreaded. Orca’s engine pitch unexpectedly changed but thankfully right next to an empty BA mooring so I quickly aimed at the bank although it was quickly clear we had lost all drive and the lever wouldn’t even go in gear so Orca hit the mooring at some speed. But once off, no damage was evident apart from a little scuff on the rubbing strip! Dave started to look around the boat and the pacific hireboater stopped behind us and we had a good chat! (I know better than asking Dave questions for things like this) Dave quickly identified that the gear linkage on the sterndrive had come loose from its mount which meant it would be a quick and easy fix (although the swim platform was taken to bits for access ). He worked out that the cable was too tight so as the chet was quite winding it managed to work its way free. Engine started and gears tested, waving good bye to another new friend (a typical serial hirer although on one of their last trips up as they done the stupid thing and brought a boat.. good luck if you somehow read this!). We was worried that Loddon staithe would be full but we could see an empty spot on Pyes mill so worse case we would go there. Thankfully the staithe had empty slots and my stern mooring skills are improving! Engine off we decided to for a quick wander before heading further upstream although looking at the time (it was only about 4pm) and knowing that one of our favourite pubs (white horse) was here and being a bit shaken by the breakdown we decided to call it a day.. The white horse had a mini beer festival so although disappointed with no wherry although I settled into a light ale which tasted similar. Dave had his usual Aspal’s. We booked a table for a couple of hours time although I could have stayed there for hours trying the beers but my ever increasing waist line reminded me to be sensible! On passing we noticed that a cover on my parent’s boat was flapping so we wondered over to fix it. Returning to the staithe another pacific boat arrived so we helped fend them off and tie them up followed by the usual chat (I really do talk to everyone!!). Once again a serial broads addict! but these guys are serious though, averaging 11 weeks a year!! 11 weeks!! and still hiring! That’s insane.. No idea why they don’t have their own boat although they mentioned they get a good deal with pacific (bloody hope so indeed!). They also brought their cat aboard which I’ve not heard before but reassuring the cat just relaxes like the rest of the crew. Quick shower and scrub up before returning to the white horse for a different beer and some lovely grub as usual. Back to the moorings after dark and quickly passing out.
  15. Hi Eric. I've been away so wasn't me. Grace you been hacking? Not sure if Jonzos done any updates either. Im also on my mobile and it looks ok. It does seem to do strange things at times with avatars but normally deletes them so seems you have been lucky lol. Keep an eye if it happens again shout again.
  16. Lol the chap at Oulton said these last few years have seen a huge rise in boats. Although still no struggles for moorings so we can share for now!
  17. Brill afternoon and evening lol. Ive not drunken that much in ages! Bad influence although not enough as my head is fine! Nice to chat and erm follow behind in your wake (cough). Hope you got home ok. Catch you soon!
  18. Hi Andy. We came past Saturday (I think) but obviously you was right fully occupied! Im not sure we will find the time to get over this weekend but we will be back in a few weeks and will stop off.
  19. Have a good trip. The south is jammed at the moment (seriously) and Beccles is almost full. Which is good for the local economy! But grr lol.
  20. Hi mm that sounds brilliant! Thanks for that. We are currently up here till Tuesday. But struggling to get phobe signal. Ill try and pm you though!
  21. Sorry neil we will just miss you. Out today for 5 days. Anyone down south give us a wave. [emoji112]
  22. You will probably struggle to get it "off the shelf" at that size and with a bullnose profile. You would probably need to order it (or machine down yourself). If you are near Kent (I see you mentioned "up" to the broads). Morgans timber in Strood (Nr Rochester) (http://www.morgantimber.co.uk/) are very very good and may have off the shelf (They have a massive off cut area and you can get less than 2 meter pieces of Meranti, sapele and French oak for about a £5 a length (Longer a bit dearer). Robins in Bristol will also post to you but at a serious cost (http://www.robbins.co.uk/). I have heard of a company similar to Morgans in Norfolk but can't remember the name..
  23. Does anyone know at what time (roughly) after low water the flood actually starts to run into the bure.. I'm sure even 1.5 hours after low water the water is still flowing out.. I really don't want to Orca up here when it's flowing out like this as the engine is still untrusted (And as it's so light it will probably be semi planning!!). I guess after 1.5 hours the current into breydon is more than current out of the bure so it's never ideal.. or there a better time??
  24. Don't you lazy scotts have more than us? And at least us southerns can cope with our drink and don't need a day off after new years day... (Hiding under the desk expecting something to be thrown from Scotland icon ) Grrr Gracie... all i wanted was a peaceful life...
  25. Oh geez it's looking busy... Ok here goes: Dear other boaters. the southern broads are closed this weekend... and it's boring down here nothing to see... the northern rivers have lots of windmills and Wherrys and everything else you want to see.. You won't get under the bridges at Yarmouth and breydon water is like the north atlantic in January.. Stay north (Please)... Geez I'm really going to have to learn how to use this sterndrive now...
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