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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Do any of us really know? Water skiers might not agree! I think that many of us have learned the wisdom, in respect of the BA, of keeping a watchful eye open. Shouldn't have to be like that though. How many of us dreamt that JP would go against declared policy and erect these blessed road signs for example, despite previous Parliamentary dictates ? And another thing, The Broads is the Broads, not The Lakes.
  2. Indeed it could be, in an ideal world. Perhaps even more ideal would be if NP status were entirely compatible with Broadland. Indeed the UK Parliament has on three separate occasions declared that the legislation that governs the Broads is incompatible with the legislation that governs the real national parks, a very wise judgement in my opinion. No easy answer I'm afraid. Hope that I haven't reignited or even opened another can of worms but rest assured I am not anti national parks in principle.
  3. Bill, just my take on it but surely all that Grendel is doing is in suggesting what could happen. I did post an RSPB report earlier suggesting that the Broads motor boat fleet should be reduced to just 50% of all the boats on the Broads. Whilst I don't think it likely under present legislation I have to be aware that the RSPB, for example, has almost bottomless reserves should it wish to sponsor another Private Bill.
  4. I'm not unhappy with the design, nothing dreamatice, startling or out of scale with its surrounding, well done them, hope that it's passed.
  5. As well as a depleted bank balance!
  6. My thoughts exactly. It will be a hard one for the BA to refuse, that is if they want to. Consider the epic development that they want for themselves at Acle Bridge.
  7. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/ludham-bridge-stores-planning-application-demolition-redevelopment-1-6457880?fbclid=IwAR3ewn8lBq5j4r6XB9DkLALJzyf7QuT_qF1zHZGIG6zveniEADyIUbBa3uw
  8. Liverpool nicked it from Yarmouth, allegedly!
  9. All with different christian names though. Unlike the Yarmouth girl who had twenty two children all with the same first name but all with different surnames so she could tell 'em apart!!
  10. The Dick's Mount house and moorings have been for sale for several years. One time owned by the much loved and legendary Charles Collier (one time Broads Authority river inspector). Charlie was a true Broadsman of the highest calibre, he welcomed classic Broads sailing boats to moor in 'Colliers Dyke'. Whether 'stinkies' have been allowed to infiltrate those hallowed waters I really don't know.
  11. Afraid not! Much to clever a comment for me.
  12. Are we allowed to organise such things? Impromptu is the way forward!
  13. Finding Boycee is easy, put a pint on the counter and yell out: 'Boycee, there's a pint on the counter for you'!
  14. A few Southern meets would be good for those of us down South! For one raft up in the North Bay at Oulton Broad and the local ferry service will run you ashore for a barby. Alternatively a trip onto Lake Lothing, a very nice marina and restaurant available. So many ideas! It only takes two boats to make a meet!
  15. That divide does exist, it's called Breydon Water and it's far outside some people's comfort zone. A fear of the unknown is not particularly uncommon! Or do you mean the great divide between Northern Nancies and Southern Softees? Living halfway between either, as I do, I am at a loss as to that one too!
  16. Probably all local inbreds so it'll be a l o n g, l o n g wait!
  17. Thank you, Howard, good memories, used to visit by boat or bike, bit of a biker's pub in its day.
  18. It was the Wherry, great little pub in its day, probably too small to make a living though.
  19. Thank you, Fred, a sound, well worded analysis of the present hoo-ha.
  20. The comment re BNP rebranding that really struck a chord with me is this one: It is our opinion that the Authority should respect the decisions of a democratically elected Parliament and not take on a marketing title by the back door. Hardly becoming of our esteemed Broads Authority, an action that is not worthy of respect in any form.
  21. Take a moment and sit on the wall, the one on the seaward side of Mutford Lock. Best time is the Sunday before August Bank Holiday when the sports cruisers are locking through ready for the fireworks. The tortured screams of over used bow thrusters tend to far exceed a few seconds at a time!
  22. And there lies the problem. He tried to close Horsey Mere with threats of huge fines, if he'd had Sandford then he would have succeeded.
  23. Is there really? This whole thread was triggered by just one topic, that being the BNP and matters relating to it.
  24. Thank you, Bill, I will take that as a compliment, even if it were not intended. First comes the fire and secondly comes the smoke, I am the smoke, as are numerous other concerned folk. No fire, no smoke.
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