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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. A very keen Leisure Owners Group on the Broads, might be worth searching out. Not sure what use VHF will have on the North Rivers but down South we have a number of bridges that, depending on mood, swing open and, ofcourse, you might be tempted to do the sea trip from Lowestoft to Yarmouth, 7miles.
  2. Whatever do they hope to gain? Their actions certainly won't undue the fine old mess that the country is in. Still, we don't do politics on this forum, do we!
  3. Roy has a real Aladdin's Cave, been a good friend over the years. If you tell him what you want then he'll keep his eyes open on your behalf.
  4. There are second hand chandleries at St Olaves, by the bridge, and off Victoria Terrace, Oulton Broad. Often see such things there. Word of caution though, if you moor stern to then stern-rails/pushpits can sometimes be a disadvantage. If you are a long way away then I can take a peep at Oulton Broad and let you know what he's got. Mind you, I'll need to cover my ears, he's ex matelot and can curse for the Grand Fleet! Either shop would probably have a suitable mudweight.
  5. Not a first but fairly rare, I agree 100% with Marsh on this topic. I think, sometimes, that in regards to the Broads we cannot freeze time so to speak. There those who clamour for a halcyon age, however that varies between commentators, but is that mythical time really achievable? What we can do is to learn from history though. I dread to think what his bottom is like!
  6. Even when you have a bath, or does that just relate to socks?
  7. The picture is actually of Postwick Grove just outside Norwich and the photo was taken by George Christopher Davies and published in the 1870s. Whimsey perhaps, but I often wonder what the ideal is, if indeed there is one. What do we need to do down South to prevent the rivers being boring, personally I find them fascinating and the reeds crammed with interest. As a sailor, whilst I love the river above Beccles, I admit that it is not the best of sailing rivers!
  8. Very true! As the saying goes, there is only one captain on this ship! No democracy when afloat .
  9. Perhaps I am! Maybe not 'better' but certainly different. If we take the River Yare as an example, downstream of Coldham Hall is still pretty much as it was back then but above Brundall it is now heavily tree lined, it would never have been like that as the industrialised river that it was. No question that we have lost open Broads to neglect, it's an historical fact. Maybe I'm asking just how far should we let this neglect go?
  10. I used to skipper charter yachts on the South Coast. Every week would see another crew of strangers, often their first time afloat. In honesty problems were relatively rare, most folk content to be lead, e.g. being told what to do. Perhaps a case of when in Rome do as the Romans do, share and share alike.
  11. Enjoy this absolute classic image of the Broads from over a hundred years ago. Big sky, as we have today, but where are the trees? Back then the Broads landscape was controlled by man, the character & heritage of the Broads was created by those who lived by navigating the rivers or worked the marshes & fields. Today miles of riverbank are blanketed by trees, the Broads is a very different landscape. Things do move on, developing as demand requires. However, neglect can also take its toll. Open water is a part of our heritage and tradition.
  12. Click on: https://www.facebook.com/OurHoveton/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARDoo8LfiamZhE1ZmSnPbvYzBJmVi0yVZYt5RmcWZQe7ySIijv6cgUq72OOFVjkpgbqskVpHntVNgtnC&hc_ref=ARTgtt0txXLWHwNT8gOoIsWV7FIWvnRGPxAzCCVEO-z3VP-VI5XsfvIc7XW_DjOlm98&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARCseUHHcoakoRQZM3MOJgselm_7V5IoElWSjhd69mhhUL61mruL6b7TLxPMbF6gXGsMOc0mY2sswIhe8h0M1JfapmlnsFa1NDUt5GujniZzpAUmHIYH8JQ5i4GKlR41oYKbd9bwmxIfLXX_j-T5GAU5eu2iM7gms4eQXtdgyo_qFtRvSVbJuLJjjmNgdJqKggR1OOunUQz1VBgBkK5K4jMzqoY3CRJxya8GvnFM6ocPRh_VW4OA3e2tQQhWeff750QJO8YJJ9EkJyDvVgB4pRs2SJ_LjRISJ4GfYmpf0DZZhsj9pcR2Ze-kQFEC2zzYON0ccypmD5zPRXj_TDfpbXy0MlomecrhVr_ZlLAvY3lyqo0aQG4qEpzlVf2cwDUF0Q
  13. 66, blinkin' heck, that's a mere sprog!
  14. Personally I'd have suggested that the person demanding the two quid go forth & multiply! Politely though.
  15. The idea of cruises in company for us decaying old folk is a good one. Several sailing groups do it so why not a flotilla of pop-pop boats? The more I think about it the more I like the idea. There is a forum 'meet' soon, be quite a few oldies there!
  16. The Yare Vally or Lady Yacht Club maybe!!
  17. A number of places already have that policy so it can be achieved. Free mooring until 18.00 hrs for example. Beyond that send the heavies round at midnight!
  18. Re high mooring posts, people do tend to make fast as near to the tops of posts as they can, it saves bending I suppose. Unfortunately this does tend to increase the pull on posts. Short posts do encourage people to make fast lower down which reduces the stress on posts.
  19. ECIPA, I don't disagree with your reasoning but as I wrote, I wouldn't wish to pay over and above just because a power point is available. Let those that want them pay for them. Personally I believe that mooring fees should be for overnight only, not for casual daytime moorers.
  20. As one of many I have absolutely no wish to plug into the mains electricity so why should I have to pay a premium to moor just because there is an electricity post there?
  21. All very true and we must remember that the BA has recently upset a number of parish & district councils, some of which are no longer friends of the Authority. Anyway, not down to us, whatever will be will be!
  22. Loddon is a parish staithe, I'm not convinced that there is a right to charge. As at both Oulton Broad & Beccles there is free mooring, if you know about it, I believe it is the same at Loddon.
  23. http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2019/03/wheels-fall-off-pikemans-folly.html?fbclid=IwAR18e2rZdQd_HgcGR2rWKgVrMZvFGXtLaFWv-6E4FyQzYJULSRuMWMo3f7Q Some very close to the knuckle comments from the Pike. Clearly some information from inside.
  24. In the case of the proposed 'Packman's Folly', it being a public building built with public money it meets the requirements for being 'called in'. Now, I'm no planning expert but this whole indulgent scheme is contrary to a goodly number of local planning policies and guidelines. Not only that but apparently the project has to be shown to be self sufficient, e.g. financed by mooring, car parking, cafe and shop, presumably similar to the visitor centre at Whitlingham Lakes. Apparently the site as is is too small to provide sufficient income thus the need to go big. A little birdy tells me that the adjacent landowner is less than willing to sell the required land to Dr Packman. So no guarantee that the required land will be available, no guarantee that the application won't be called in, no guarantee that there will be no public objections, no guarantee that 'highways' won't object and no guarantee that funding will be available.
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