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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. https://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/norwich-city/norwich-city-2-blackburn-rovers-1-championship-report-promotion-sealed-1-6020314
  2. A great deal of local knowledge and experience has gone into this development. Largely not quality productive land in this case. If the previous land owner had to have paid the land drainage costs then it's unlikely that he'd have made a living! I'm quite certain that the income to the local community will be far greater than was ever produced by the low quality agricultural marshland that it was. I'm not usually a great fan of do-gooders and tree huggers but having followed this one, literally as I live opposite, I am more than confidant that Suffolk Wildlife Trust will be good custodians of this part of the Broads. As it is it's largely a Ramsar, triple SSI site in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It doesn't impinge on the navigation and Suffolk Wildlife Trust has an excellent reputation in this corner of the Broads.
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-48051836
  4. Wuffa, I have done it in my 21ft Drascombe so your Wayfarer will have no probs. As for fallen trees, the Authority is duty bound by the terms of the Broads Act to keep waters open that were navigable in 1986. Don't hesitate to report the blockages and ask that any obstacles are cleared. Have a chat with your local Rangers, if they are like my local ones then you'll find them very helpful.
  5. When it causes real damage. Today, though, we have the grp factor, it's incredibly easy to cause superficial damage, e.g. scruff the gel coat thus niggle the indignant owner. Wooden boat, easy, a slap of filler and a dash of paint, job done, no one is too bothered. Gel coat is not maintenance free, at least not on the Broads. Wear and tear is a part of boating, indeed it is a fact of life, these things happen, I suspect that most of us accept that. However, the unwelcome hit, down to a lack of care, that causes real damage is not acceptable.
  6. I sincerely hope that you are right however, where JP is concerned, complacency is his best friend. That we are where we are today is down to the bloke continually weaseling away until he gets what he wants, witness the BNP marketing scam. Mock if you wish but personally I just don't trust the bloke.
  7. The 'snowflake generation', offended by everything and anything, where has all this nonsense come from?
  8. What actually surprised me was the lack of Broads Attractions in the Awards let alone as finalists. That's despite there being some superb attractions in the Broads area.
  9. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/norfolk-and-suffolk-tourism-awards-2020-launch-1-6014529 No mention of the BNP!
  10. When she's a boat in Scotland! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-48037933
  11. Perhaps both owners and hirers need it to be drummed into them that is an offence to walk away from an accident that is of their own making.
  12. I note that 'dog treats' are on offer. Presumably Grain are hoping for a better class of dog, at least not ones that cock their legs against the legs of restaurant tables! Fully agree with Nog's assessment.
  13. Oh well, an honest English pint of Adnams Broadside will just have to do instead, what a shame! https://www.adnams.co.uk/beer/shop-by-country_1/great-britain_1/adnams-broadside.htm
  14. Yer average hen pecked husband who can't 'B' well win no matter what he does to please his woman!!
  15. Likewise to you John. Best go fly my In-ger-land flag, once I've rinsed the lager stains out and ironed it!
  16. Anodes long ago wasted away in the salt water, wonder what sort of state the stern gear is in now! Like Vaughan I wouldn't touch it, I dread to think what it will cost to bring back into commision.
  17. Back then a black and white portable television cost over forty quid which, in today's money, is over five hundred & sixty pounds. It was luxury back then! Getting a good picture was worse than getting a mobile signal at Horning. Aerials balanced on stools balanced on cabin roofs or mop and boathook lashed together to form masts. You could always tell the Yorkshire boats, the wife would be standing on the roof, even on the stool, clutching the aerial so the husband could watch the darts or snooker! Those men of Yorkshire trained their women well!
  18. More likely he's into Last of the Summer Wine!
  19. No getting away from it, those good folk from South of the River Colne do tend to 'talk all funny'!
  20. Loads of info via Google! http://www.norfolkpubs.co.uk/norfolkr/reedham/reedhbm.htm
  21. Rick-kay and Bee-An-Kar yelling at each other finished it for me. Stereotypical Londoners? Maybe!
  22. Even more so than Jeremy Kyle? Surely not all Eastenders are as portrayed by the BBC, are they?
  23. Near where I live there is Beccles Farmer's Market and very good it's always been. From a point of view of value it's never been that good. Despite there being no middle man there does seem to be a perception that what is on offer are premium products therefore justifying a higher price. I'm not entirely convinced by that argument but the burgers and mugs of tea on offer make a visit to the market worthwhile. Bit of a social event really.
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