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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Very tiddly, Andrew through and through!
  2. Yes, Matron. Pass the lubricant and the Marigolds!
  3. Problem is that Brooke Marine is not what it was in relation to small boats! Re Brooke Boats as hire boats on Oulton Broad, I have corresponded with the offspring of owners but whether they know any history of those boats is unlikely, at that time in history they were just hire boats, boats that were cheap and that nobody else wanted. Anyway, I can only ask but don't hold too much hope.
  4. The shriek of a dry stern gland is the one to avoid!
  5. Mention has been made of fender socks, arghh! Grit and sand can and does lodge in the weave of the cloth. I've seen boats with well abraded hulls where socked fenders have been hanging. In my opinion best avoided. As for lubricants, washing up liquid has long been used, both on fenders and on warps where they pass through fairleads. Well placed and adjusted springs and breast ropes can hold a boat away from the shore thus reducing fender squeak.
  6. They will of course have made their minds as to the best way to get there but nevertheless will hold a public consultation just so they can say that they have done so.
  7. Coincidentally since both he and Trudi Wakelin, the other voice of reason, have left we have seen a few indefensibles, one such being the CEO's response to the Glover Review.
  8. I have a in my mind a picture of an irate ranger chasing after a drifting cow because it neither has toll numbers on its stern nor within two meters of its snout!
  9. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/norfolk-fire-crews-called-to-cow-in-the-river-1-6095261
  10. The fore mentioned reciprocal mooring agreement where hire boats from one yard can moor at another hire yard is probably still good on the North Rivers but not so relevant down South due to the lack of hire yards. This is more relevant to those of you definitely coming South. Sandersons at Reedham is now no longer with Hoseasons, whether that will effect mooring availability only time will tell.
  11. Come South onto the Waveney & Yare for one thing but please don't tell everyone!
  12. I once read a comment suggesting that boating on the North Rivers, Horning and Wroxham in particular, is akin to being involved in a contact sport.
  13. It gets better!! What a nice man Haydn Thirtle is! https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/james-knight-appointed-to-broads-authority-by-south-norfolk-council-1-6082846?fbclid=IwAR3LQo3pOtwQ4NRKvUN_lawPKe9jHy14cIpPh3E0eXW8jqS7Q-HlymqegMI
  14. The Doctor's recent demand, via the recent Glover review, that membership of the Broads Authority be reduced by omitting local council appointees, suggests that he must have seen this one coming. My guess is that the overtly devious one has been well and truly outmanouvered at his own game! Judging by comments I've heard along the rhond it is quite clear that good news travels fast. JP must surely have heard the laughter!!
  15. Gt Yarmouth Council's new appointee is no great fan of the good Doctor either! A diminished poodle content is long overdue.
  16. Take a peep at the spoil that the dredgers pour out onto the bank, the debris that finds its way into the Broads varies from absolutely disgraceful to sometimes quite fascinating!
  17. Go on, you know it makes sense! Use stainless if you really want to impress!
  18. If you put a galvanised shackle on that rusty ring and then pass the rope through the shackle then you will avoid rust marks on your otherwise immaculate mooring ropes!
  19. This picture look pretty self explanatory to me. Might even try it on my own boat! It looks to be a practical solution.
  20. Those nice people at Whelptons, Upton Dyke, have a few seagoing sailing boats converted for Broads use, worth a call. An alternative is to come South, Waveney and Yare, lots of sailing without having to bother with bridges. I have lowered the mast on a Hurley 22 using the spinnaker pole and jib sheets to brace it.
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