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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Amen to that!! I had an uncle in such a position, they pensioned him off with a knighthood and a kings ransom for managing a project that was finally dumped because it went so far over budget. Mind you, that was the Wilson government. In the meantime my revered uncle bought an island at Runnymede on the Thames. He always considered the level of his remuneration to be an embarrassment, not that he was ungrateful!
  2. A competitive rate, but competitive with what? An awful lot of top earners in the public sector would wither and die in the private sector and probably do so PDQ. I think that that is especially true in the 'non job' world. Can't think of any examples just at the moment, at least not locally . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. As a small child I was told by my ancient and wise Granny that if I looked after the pennies then the pounds would look after themselves. Thirty thousand by itself might be paltry, just pocket money to some, but add that to the other questionable expenses, consultancy fees leading nowhere for example, and they don't half add up! So whilst I agree with you, MM, I also agree with Richard.
  4. Chris, you never know! In the past the Broads community has given inches only for the proverbial yards to be taken. It does seem to me that 'down South' we get lumbered with what would be deemed as unsuitable on the North Rivers. For example Dragon Boat racing came to Oulton Broad and actually it's great fun and works well, but it almost went sour. The BA inevitably wanted to close the Broad whilst races took place. A blockade by private boats was threatened before the BA conceded that the right of navigation held precedence.
  5. As a piece of architecture I too like the design of the building. But I do question its purpose, its cost, its location and the manner in which it has, as a project, been forced through the system.
  6. Not often that we disagree, Chris, but for once we do! Sailing clubs have been criticised by some for taking over the river but, at least in principle, they ask for co-operation from other users. Judging by Vaughan's comments, and he was there, swim marshalls were demanding co-operation. On the scale of last year's swim not a problem but in one year the event has mushroomed, not just in competitor numbers but also in support craft. Where to next year? Hardly venture capitalists but nevertheless still a commercial undertaking. What next?
  7. If I read Vaughn's comments correctly then boats were not always allowed to motor on by and there lies the problem. Photos very clearly show that swimmers were monopolizing the full width of the river and comments suggest that the 24 hour moorings were also taken over.
  8. By the River, so right, is it on hold? There is good reason to believe that JP is badgering away trying to keep his pet project alive.
  9. Perhaps the marshals should have been marshalling the swimmers as much if not more so than the boats. Forcing a boat into the reeds to 'protect' the swimmers could have resulted in detritus around the prop or crud in the water cooling for example. We are not talking motor bikes screaming around the Isle of Man, we are talking a degree of compromise (perhaps) whilst boaters go about their legal right to navigate a tidal water on the Broads at five or six miles an hour. A commercial entity has moved in, uninvited, and taken over.
  10. James Knight is no fool, he's in business to make money. Boats being asked/told to keep out of the way of swimmers, even being told to pull into the bank whilst groups of swimmers go past is questionable. Perhaps swimmers being asked/told to keep out of the way of boats should be the preferred option. If this event is to continue then I hope that a size limit will be set. I wonder whether the inevitable size and impact of the support fleet had been considered by the Navigation Committee.
  11. That it was near derelict was certainly mentioned as a justification for knocking it down and replacing it with a nice, new black (white) elephant.
  12. https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/feilden-mawsons-norfolk-broads-visitor-centre-on-hold/10043444.article
  13. A great deal depends on how you use your boat, in my opinion. If you want space to move and really nice pubs to visit then coming South has a great deal to recommend it. Fifty-five years ago I had a live-aboard narrow boat moored on the Fossdyke, good memories!. No marina back then.
  14. I thought that the Pauls both produced some good and sound comment. It is relevant that it comes from the hallowed pages of the Harnser, the journal of a Society that once supported JP without question, a relationship that was undoubtedly abused by JP, at least in my jaded opinion, the dreaded Reed Factor.
  15. Does that mean that Yarmouth ladies are worse?
  16. I trust that No bucket, no bailer nor even a spare coffee mug? I trust that the old dear had targeted an area of lawn that needed the extra nourishment that only an old dear can provide!
  17. Having now seen the relevant copy of Harnser, thank you, it's good to see that the Society is no longer the subservient, cloying poodle that it once was. Perhaps a more pragmatic view would be to suggest that JP has seemingly lost a good friend, the loss of which should surely have sent a very clear message to the desk-bound denizens of Yare House, although somehow I rather doubt it, by now JP's skin must have thickened somewhat. That aside it is perfectly acceptable to review and quote from the printed page provided source and authorship is acknowledged, at least that is my understanding of the niceties of the Net.
  18. Nothing new, that's for sure. The usual national park references, a subject that is not likely to go away until Dr Packman retires and then who knows. We must wait and see what the National Park Review comes up with. Eighteen years, gosh, that long!
  19. That's it! Excellent spring rolls too.
  20. That's the one. Still red but don't know what it's called apart from 'the chippy'.
  21. There are several takeaways on the way to the North Station, 'tis true, but only one Chinese and I think it's called China Gardens. Re the Tesco, yes, just carry on past the Flying Dutchman, only another third of a mile to go!
  22. Re the pub, their Sunday roasts are to die for! Problem is that it now justifiably a very popular pub. In my books one Broadlands must visit pubs, perhaps not in July or August. Re lawnmowers, it is rumoured that if Nix gets much greener then maybe a strimmer would be a good purchase!! Only a rumour! Re provisions in Oulton Broad, come out of the Yacht Station and go left until you come to a small and very convenient convenience store on your right and a little bit further for the best Chinese takeaway for miles. If you turn right then keep going until you reach the Tesco Express. In doing so you will pass an excellent ice cream parlour, an awful, in my opinion, oriental takeaway and a really good chip shop, his fish is always excellent plus. Take it from a local who likes his food!
  23. I was an eighth part of Fowlers. As a company we bought the pub from Ron, can't remember the exact date though. Mike eventually became the licencee but he was employed as the manager. Terry Abbot bought the company and, for whatever reason, put his own manager in rather than keep Mike and Andy on. Just a thought, whilst Ron might have been the front man he might have sold it under a company name.
  24. Day boat hirers have been known to have been caught short. No toilets, not even a bucket on a day boat and hirers without a clue as to what to expect when they hire a boat and set off on their adventure. We mustn't be too harsh.
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