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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I can say with some feeling that as far as the full-time Rangers are concerned I have yet to meet a duff one. As far as the seasonal ones are concerned I have met both able and helpful and regretfully one or two that have not been so helpful and certainly not so able.
  2. The spin department is hard at it! https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/broads-authority-sell-spirit-of-breydon-1-6160569
  3. Just double up on your fenders!
  4. Yes, I do. Various sources but one in particular who should know & whom I trust. It all came about as a dictate when what was disseminated to us mere stakeholders had first to be approved by Dr P. Surely you are aware that the Doctor likes to be in control. As I have told you before, I don't lie.
  5. We only have to look at the list of very capable Authority staff members who have chosen to move on for whatever reason. The one common denominator being that they understood the unique nature of the Broads & its inhabitants.
  6. A fact of history that has not exactly endeared the Authority to the Broads community.
  7. I was told by someone on the inside that the Rangers have been told not to fraternize with us mere minions. Great shame because there has long been a good relationship between them and us.
  8. https://rnli.org/about-us/our-history/timeline/2002-hovercraft-joins-the-rnli-fleet
  9. One particular man in charge? Not exactly but one man in particular does tend to lead and manipulate the relatively weak committees and the totally malleable chair-people that the Authority has had over the last dozen or so years. There is obviously more to it than that but that will do for starters!
  10. Food for thought, if the SOB had been a wise choice in the first place then would she now be up for sale after only six years, and that includes many months moored up out of service? Add to that the purpose built boatshed that proved incapable of housing her and you have something of a PR disaster from day one if you ask me!.
  11. I'm not anti the boat as such but have long questioned her suitability for the intended role. Had the BA asked for advice from such as the RNLI, with regard to her role as a rescue facility, then perhaps they would not have bought her. Regretfully the BA has something of a reputation for thinking that it knows best and then ploughing on regardless! She was bought as a multi role vessel and now it appears that they want a new boat that will fulfill an even more diverse roll.
  12. I jolly well would! I put a high value on openess and honesty, especially amongst executive public servants!
  13. I am not so sure about that, at least the first bit. She's spent a great deal of her life moored up due to engine problems, indeed I believe that she's had several new engines over six years. I'd have a great deal more confidence in the BA if they were to come clean and admit that they got it wrong in the first place.
  14. Liberally apply Super-Glue to the your rope either side of the whipping, looks a tad more tiddly than a heat-seal, even a neat one, in my opinion of course.
  15. Yes, two reasons, one being it is not hampering the public navigation and secondly the cost of disposal.
  16. Probably far too nice to complain!
  17. I have every confidence that your girl could and would give as good as she gets, and probably more! All said with a charming smile I'm sure!!
  18. I had the last laugh going through Potter a few years ago when, like Eddy Bear, had to hug the bank where, unfortunately, I picked up an anglers tackle on my keel. The tirade started, you have the whole river blah blah blah, we've all heard it, and then he threw maggots at me, I didn't take kindly to that. He hadn't bargained on me having an electric bilge pump that was rigged for washing the boat down!! You can guess what happened! As I told him, two can play at that game! Against that I have had far, far more cooperation than aggravation when going alongside where anglers were fishing. Surprisingly a number of those helpful anglers have commented that it was nice to have been asked to move as I was coming into moor.
  19. I must have been in a bubble of quietness! Good to read that visiting boats are there, somewhere!
  20. Surely it is incumbent on anglers to watch out for boats just as it is for boaters to watch out for anglers?
  21. Certainly 'down South' is amazingly quiet this year, despite some incredible weather.
  22. For me there is only one good reason to go North, apart from crossing Breydon, and that is the Upper Thurne above Potter.
  23. Based on past performance the only time consultants are listened to, and when we are told the result, is when their report is positive to the cause!
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