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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. The numbers shall be near the bow, but how near is near?
  2. I wonder, does this super new recognition system recognise names just in case a Ranger suffers from dyscalculia?
  3. Yes, more or less, not sure that weather conditions come into it though. However, not with headlights or searchlights as under the regs they are likely to confuse, annoy and to create problems for other users, as well as being unnecessary! I forget the exact wording but that's the general guist of things.
  4. Sailing half deckers, such as Waveney One Designs and Yare & Bure One Designs, plus thousands of dinghies, have never displayed numbers, do they now have to? I have to on my kayaks but how unsightly it would look on a Broads One Design with their fore and aft overhangs!
  5. Perhaps she is, when she won't start which seems to be frequently!!
  6. Perhaps they operate in pairs just in case one falls in and also so one ranger can record and the other can witness any infringements. If that is the case then that seems quite reasonable to me.
  7. JennyMorgan


    Just curious, have any of you seen her out on patrol recently?
  8. It's been a weekly event for months now
  9. I wouldn't be too sure, it only takes one bloody minded individual!
  10. Like when crossing Breydon!! Got to say that when moored by Beccles or St Olaves bridges I do find the whine of whatever roaring across the bridge & marshes somewhat annoying but it soon passes!! Oh how I used to gun the motor on my Honda Fifty twin engined moped!!
  11. As a youngster I was warned that to much erheming would lead to deafness! Or was it blindness?
  12. On one side I have a forty year old with a rally ready 'Landy' with, at the flick of a switch, through exhausts, he also has a racing catamaran that he runs up several times a week micro fine tuning it for Thursday night racing on the Broad. On the other side, another forty year old has a track ready Audi something or another, very tasty, that too has flick of the switch through exhausts which get well aired in his garden when he comes home off the oil rig that he works aboard. On the other side of the Broad lives another forty year old, a lady who travels to work and back in her helicopter. On the other side of the road lives a retired oil rig worker with a penchant for throaty motor-bikes. After forty eight years of marriage and four children and eight grandchildren I have learned to turn my ears off, a handy attribute!
  13. The distant bridge was, back in 1890, the Beccles to Tivetshall line.
  14. The railway across Breydon has long been lost.
  15. Not being a keen gardener I have to admit to having let nature take over!
  16. The Beccles to Tivetshall railway bridge across the Waveney, the piers are still there if you look carefully.
  17. https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/lost-railway-of-the-broads-remembered-1-5998692
  18. Pre GRP? Pre infernal combustion? Pre BNP? Pre JP? Pre MAFI? Pre ?????????
  19. If she's on her way to the Broads then I hope they don't try passing under 'Po'er Haam'!
  20. Does this mean that all of a sudden Wroxham has three shops selling fishing tackle, Mark's shop, Angling Direct and the pet food shop?
  21. Not sure that my wife likes the close season, perhaps it all the stuff in the kitchen sink or dishwasher having the dried on crud being washed/soaked off. Or is it not having the bed to herself in the morning!
  22. Think of the real positive of the close season, it's been alluded to and that is the lack of anglers at 24 hour moorings!
  23. Please don't judge Suffolk by Ipswich Town FC, useless lot!!
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