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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. In fact the SS Paris was painted white. http://dunkirk1940.org/index.php?&p=1_359
  2. Despite the bloopers and historical distortions it is a masterful film that deserves recognition as such, in my very humble opinion. I am quite certain that the modern railings could have been replaced with CGI but the film appears to me to portray emotion more than fact and does that very well. The music lifts that emotion incredibly effectively.
  3. Maybe, maybe not, I don't know. She sank incredibly fast too but I wonder if her inclusion in the film was symbolic rather than factual. I suspect that there is evidence that the Germans ignored the Red Cross during their sweep across Europe. However, a spot of Googling might not go amiss! https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/38033/was-a-medical-ship-sunk-during-the-evacuation-from-dunkirk
  4. Watch here for the non historic floating jetty:
  5. Spot the modern, plastic fend-offs! Are those warps modern black polyester? Stick on letters for the name perhaps?
  6. Finny, agreed, but it has allowed folk to get it off their chests, hopefully once and for all.
  7. Go on, Fred, hand in pocket time !! A Norfolk Wherry once did a grand tour of Europe, a Michael Portillo style documentary retracing that voyage, book in hand, could make good TV. Profits split between all the crowd funders.
  8. You're probably right, perhaps they are not overly impressed by the squabbling between us adults!
  9. Fred, we don't always agree but I am 100% in agreement with you on this one.
  10. EMKF, for short, am glad to see that you are still posting. I hope that we can all put the past behind us.
  11. I wasn't going to comment further but after many years on various Broads related forums, and having seen and even suffered some appalling moderation, I do feel that I have something constructive to add. A moderator's job is not easy, sometimes a balancing act that is nigh on impossible to achieve, a job that I would be loath to take on or even comment on. However, maybe wrongly, it's exception time, I will say that we recently had a mod comment that inflamed rather than placated a rather negative post on what had previously been a perfectly affable thread. What I'm really saying is that even mods can and do get it wrong so PLEASE don't lay all the blame at the feet of the members. One member recently, and wisely in my opinion, used the term 'self moderation', it can and does work, when allowed, after all we are adults! The future of this forum lays with us all, Team NBN so to speak. Put it another way, please take chill pills, before it's too late.
  12. I rather like the Dunkirk Little Ships as portrayed in the film Mrs Miniver, but was it historically accurate? The 2017 Dunkirk is clearly short on numbers but I can't help but feel that the atmosphere, tension and desperation is much nearer the mark than that shown by any of its predecessors. Historically accurate re-enactment is probably now impossible because the facts are now so blurred.
  13. Mark, wise words but, in my humble opinion, just two people made unwise, uncalled for comments and hey presto the whole darned thread turned sour! There are a few folk who seem to delight in being pointlessly confrontational, even abrasive, well, there is an easy solution to that one, just don't rise to it. Please, let now be the turning point.
  14. By the way, MTB 102 that we sometimes see on the Broads went to Dunkirk, scroll down through her history: http://www.mtb102.com/
  15. Watch out for those plastic fenders and floating jetty! Several Broads boats went to Dunkirk, one being Happy Wander, a boat that became a hire boat at Little Ships, Oulton Broad. She survived Dunkirk only to be destroyed by fire years later. My father was a volunteer who went over on a boat but he never spoke of his exploits, I only know that he did because other folk have told me.
  16. I haven't watched the extras yet, perhaps tomorrow. There is a scene looking down on a Spitfire as it flies along the shoreline, I thought that rather false looking and probably cgi. By and large what I assumed to be special effects were generally very good.
  17. I watched the D.V.D. of the film this morning. Gripping from start to finish. Perhaps uncomfortably true to life but what a superb film. Maybe it's just me but I absorb detail, bloopers is my thing! Like the very new looking, modern floating jetty in the early scene where a boat owner hijacks his own boat and sets off to Dunkirk, his boat carrying modern looking, plastic fenders stowed on the foredeck! Any other bloopers of note that I missed?
  18. Lucky girl, Lorri. A particular favorite picture of mine, I only have a postcard of it though.
  19. Just my way of looking at it but I thought that was quite wise. No one else about, a spot of learning and practice, surely not a bad idea. That said, warping her into the lock might have been more prudent but as one Royal Navy type once commented to me, 'you've got an effing engine, er hem well use it', language like that he must have been lower deck!
  20. Per Leeze, at any time of the year!
  21. Wise words and ones that should be more widely applied.
  22. The Authority has wisely made it clear that 48 hour use of some 24 hour moorings is acceptable out of season. For me I go along with Vanessan on this one. A common sense application of the rules has a lot to recommend it and has long been the Broads way.
  23. New Years resolution, resist hackle raisers, who ever they may be.
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