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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Richardo, the Authority is under no obligation whatsoever to provide hook-up facilities, indeed they are outside their remit in doing so. Granted that the live-aboard/houseboat community depends on the hook-ups but as things are that is not a right. That said if boats were houses then there would be a legal obligation thus perhaps the BA should accept power supply at over wintering moorings as being a reasonable responsibility. Perhaps one for the RBO. Reasonable Rangers, yes, most are, commendably so.
  2. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/firefighters-battle-boat-blaze-on-river-yare-1-5348913
  3. Anagram? Composition of owner's girlfriend's names? Ignorant previous owner that couldn't spell?
  4. Interesting to note that ones of those nabbed was on Breydon where there is no speed-limit.
  5. As are all really interesting topics! But then are we off topic, after all we are talking gin palaces !
  6. http://www.edp24.co.uk/features/norfolk-wildlife-trust-nwt-broads-hickling-marsh-harriers-common-cranes-1-5347541?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social_Icon&utm_campaign=in_article_social_icons
  7. Clearly these unfortunates weren't testing or promoting their products! Not to say that they shouldn't have had their collars felt! http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/pair-fined-for-speeding-on-norfolk-broads-1-5348518
  8. That's true, Peter, but that doesn't mean blasting along at 5 or 6 times the speed limit! I once had a Delta, similar to an Albatross which would do about 35 m.p.h., great boys toy! Anyway, I didn't know what she'd do in tick-over so I asked the ranger to pace me. In gear I was a very small fraction over the limit yet I had two very grumpy rangers, one of which told me I shouldn't be underway. The logical question from me being 'well how else can I get back to the slipway' wasn't humorously received shall I say!
  9. It's not an issue that worries me because North is North & South is South & I quite like it that way. However there was a time when I was in the industry with moorings and a pub on the Waveney. It is a fact that I often heard hirers expressing their opinions about their experiences and by and large speeding boats of all sizes were regarded with some concern, even fear. By the way, when I petitioned against the Broads bill in the House of Lords I was supportive of water-skiing and see no reason to change that opinion. There is a minor difference between several tons of speeding cruiser and a speedboat! However I do agree with Jaws, there are waters better suited to skiing than the Broads, Breydon being an example. If I still had a speedboat then that's where I would go.
  10. Is it just a coincidence that since water-skiing and the testing of sea-going boats on the Yare has been allowed to take place that one by one Southern Rivers hire yards have closed and the vast majority of hire boats stay up North where such activities don't take place? Just a thought.
  11. In practical terms no real objection, but seemingly like others it is the message that is being pushed out that is cause for concern. I suspect that many of us would rather that the Broads was not promoted in any way as a race track.
  12. Just a thought, John, maybe Broom is alienating itself?
  13. Maybe! I have a near neighbour who likes to own cars, cars that are neatly displayed in a row on the lawn so guests can admire the contents of his toy box. They might just as well be peddle powered!
  14. Youngsters were youngsters for longer back then, I miss those days.
  15. The testing area started off just as that, I'm not convinced that it was ever intended to be a 'show off' area. I've long felt that it gives out completely the wrong message. As river cruisers they do provide stately style and extreme comfort in a limited way so why not built and sell some of them for that role? A sea-going version, a river version, even a houseboat version, would that not be worth considering?
  16. Re cloths, I met a gentleman at the weekend who wears his shirts inside out during the day when they are most likely to get dirty and wears them right sides, clean side, outwards when he goes to the pub. Reckons that at most he needs two shirts onboard, with one of them being on him.
  17. For any of you interested in the historical North Sea herring fishing, folk singing or local dialect then there is a five part presentation on U-Tube that is sheer bliss to the likes of this old git!
  18. 100% with Marsh on this one. Brooms might be closing the brokerage but might that simply mean that someone else will be doing it for them? I doubt that we will see any reduction of what's shown. Personally I see it as a typical arrogance that I have come to expect of Brooms.
  19. In this country we tend to forget that others also went through absolute hell on earth and it does appear that the retreat at Falaise was effectively Germany's Dunkirk, the boot was clearly on the other foot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falaise_Pocket
  20. You could well be right. Smocks and beards, that's me, best go and mingle!
  21. That is just so incredibly sad .
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