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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Forty minutes walk or flag down a taxi: http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/stanford_arms_in_lowestoft_named_among_top_four_real_ale_pubs_in_country_1_4914955
  2. Does it do 3D models of well rounded young ladies?
  3. I wonder why it's The Man in the Moon rather than The Woman in the Moon?
  4. On the same terms our Northern Correspondent, Griff, would be far wealthier!!
  5. You mean on less money for the same job?
  6. Classic comedy, or true to life observation?
  7. Am I right in suggesting that Pat Moss was the last female driver of proven merit? The inner workings of a woman's mind, incomprehensible to that of men, and there lies the problem!
  8. Thanks everyone, the Mays are something of a Broadland institution, good to hear that they are still going strong.
  9. I have a public footpath over my land, very rarely a problem, indeed my wife and I enjoy the friendships we have struck up with both walkers and the dogs that accompany some of them. If someone buys a house with a footpath over the land then they should accept it. Bit like folk who move into the country then complain about the cows mooing!
  10. Thanks Speed. I'd looked at their website and saw it was dated 2014 and that the Hampton had old style blue birds still on it so I did wonder. I knew old man Billy May and sometimes met the son at boat auctions or BA public meetings. One year he had a good old go at the Doctor, entertaining stuff!
  11. Broom and mop handles as flag staffs are very traditional on the Broads. Also very useful for mounting the TV aerial to or setting up a washing line from.
  12. I have very good memories of May Craft at Potter Heigham, always spoke good sense with regard to boats and broads, and always as proper English should be spoken, Norfolk style. I went past last September and the yard still looked alive but in browsing the Hoseason's web site I see no mention of them. Any news?
  13. I agree Alan and excessive control probably has driven skiers away. Mind you, many skiers have moved over to wakeboarding and really that is not best suited to the Broads.
  14. Alan, water skiing, albeit tightly controlled, is allowed at various locations on the Southern Rivers and there are good slipways at Oulton & Cantley for example. Speedboat racing also takes place at Oulton Broad. Granted that there is no provision for unrestricted use.
  15. Regarding Loch Lomond and the provision of 'safe' launching facilities. Why oh why do such 'authorities' insist on protecting people from themselves? I appreciate that there is the question of liability but, for example, Waveney District Council allows unrestricted, unsupervised use of their excellent slipway at Oulton Broad, just not a problem. So why is it an issue with one authority but not another? Speedboat racing at Oulton Broad was for decades run on a self policing basis without problem but then the Authority just had to become involved. Have things got safer? Not according to the speedboat club it hasn't! Interference for the sake of it? Regretfully it sometimes is, in my opinion. Will it happen on the Broads?
  16. The Right to Roam in England: http://www.ramblers.org.uk/advice/paths-and-access/england/what-is-the-right-to-roam.aspx
  17. It would be a problem for me if 'wild' camping as well as 'wild' moorings were banned because I find no greater pleasure than pulling into an abandoned carr, please note the second 'c', and setting up my tent. Hardly 'wild' in the enclosed picture, being outside the Pleasure Boat at Hickling where having an unaccustomed second half of shandy might be considered 'wild' by some, but it illustrates my possible problem.
  18. Just a thought, if a camper van can be autonomous then why can't a boat be?
  19. That is entirely true and to be commended but can we honestly expect 100% commonsense compliance?
  20. Canoes and day-boats and let's not forget those anglers who also leave rubbish behind. As for camper vans, not a problem, yet. I can think of a number of places besides the rivers where inconsiderate camper vans could lay up for a week's free camping and where there is no one to clear up after them. If folk think that moorings are expensive then they should check out what some river-side camping sites charge!
  21. Both, or at least that was the original concept, namely to preserve the habitat for the enjoyment of the public. Regretfully that commendable purpose seems to have been overlooked by some in their high towers.
  22. I don't see it as a problem within the Broads, yet. Back packers and dinghy cruisers, folk who move from one location to another on a daily basis are generally not the problem. However if people start parking up along the river bank in dorma-mobiles and camper-vans then I do see a problem in the making. Long may the freedom to go 'wild' camping continue but I fear it could be threatened if people park up for the week and then leave all their detritus behind.
  23. I agree that a suitcase is utterly useless on a boat but a brolly can be handy. Anglers have also been known to use their large umbrellas to power their rowing dinghies downwind!
  24. So a second class Commodore only had one ball then? Vaughan, might it also have been worn on a second class Commodore's staff car? Timbo, could it be 'dry cleaned'? I suspect that there is a story behind the acquisition of said bit of naval bling, just a shame that we can only now guess it.
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