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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/planning_inspector_gives_go_ahead_to_controversial_plans_for_new_tearoom_in_salhouse_1_4904259
  2. I believe that they would have been. A trip to the Greenwich Maritime Museum might pay dividends.
  3. So that's three of us who sailed Contenders at one time or another. Bit of an animal! No, this wasn't me although I did somersault one when I shot off the top of one wave and buried the bow into another. Never managed to loose a transom though, that's class!
  4. This is about right: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barque Wonderful thing is Google!
  5. Pongos are no better. Years ago I was involved in moving small boats at the Kiel Yacht Club in Germany. My crews generally consisted of serving personnel, more often than not squadies and they always turned up with ration packs. Those guys might have been trained to kill but they hadn't been trained to use their rations. Yours truly generally ended up teaching them how to mix up Mash, dried potato. No, you don't add cold water, read the instructions, use hot water. No, don't add water to taste and then heat up the resultant mess, you'll have a burned on mess in your mess tin. As for processed meat, those guys had no idea, urggh. Fry it, tastes great, boil the life out of it, terrible!
  6. Because they can. Got to ensure the CEO's pension fund is topped up.
  7. If a door or window is left open then sliding roofs can and do lift off. The boat fills with wind and up pops the roof! Normally the weight is enough and gravity does its job. Remember seeing a wood one lift off on Breydon and floating onto the mud. Amazed that the Alpha roof has traveled so far!
  8. Be positive, Howard, at least you are stuck in Norfolk.
  9. Like Chris I'm getting gusts up to 60mph. One large sycamore down so far and several big boughs off one of my neighbour's oaks. No flood this morning.
  10. Marsh, I do I get a hint that you might be a foreigner then? Re those return trips, you should have turned the petrol off and the ran engine 'till it cut out through fuel starvation, now go back forty years and try again!
  11. http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boats_matching_search&RegNo=&bname=Patience&aand=EQ&tand=ST&quicksearch= Reckon that she must have sailed off into the sunset.
  12. Neighbour's old moggy has just shot across the lawn with the wind up its tale, better take precautions. That aside the sky is bright blue right now!
  13. Think that I'll stick to bottled beer from now on.
  14. http://retrocalculators.com/charpentier.htm It could be worth a bob or two!
  15. Them buggers will all be back in London in their first homes and waiting for the summer.
  16. Next to the bunk just in case you need help in going to sleep I suppose?
  17. Thanks, John, interesting & I reckon we can say good bye to North Norfolk. There was also a dark patch over Beccles a few minutes ago but that's now gone and gone.
  18. Anyone in particular in mind with Tales of the Riverbank? See if you can see a blue bow fender or cloth cap amongst this lot!
  19. When's it going to happen because it has happened yet? It's windy but nowhere near gale force at the moment.
  20. Articulation, lack of, I know of too many aged sailors similarly hindered for it not to be a coincidence.
  21. Patience is here: http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=2665&BoatHistory=36409 Tea Rose is here: http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Details&BoatHistory=33576&BoatId=13129
  22. Just waddled down my garden to check my moorings. Two things that I did not expect, one being that there is no wind, it's like a mill pond. Two and surprise, surprise, my moorings are flooded. Flooded now so what should I expect for the morning when the wind really gets up? Could be an interesting day tomorrow!
  23. So right you are Chris. I never sailed Lasers but I did sail the Mini-Sail with a sliding seat which, despite its name, was a very able boat. My brother had a Man-O-War, a cousin had a Toy from Tiptree Marine, possibly because of the name it didn't catch on whilst the Lazer did, possibly because of its very strict one-design rules. I moved onto a Finn and then onto, like you, a Contender from Rondar which I raced in the Solent. Like you I'm now near disabled base of spine downwards.
  24. In the early 1960s. maybe early 70's, the builders of the Bonito lent demonstration boats to various yards in the hope that they would sell lots of boats. They were great fun on open water but not so good on rivers plus most prospective purchasers wanted a demonstration run on Saturdays, turn around day, when yards really did not want the aggravation. It was a great idea but they didn't catch on.
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