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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Don't give him ideas, wonder what toll a waterboard would attract?
  2. Couldn't you have claimed to be hampered vessel? Not sure what you were hampered by but I'm sure that you could have thought of something suitable. Fair bet that the overtaken boat wouldn't have known better, bluff is such a useful tool!!
  3. If that one's missed then there is this one, bit cheaper too: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mothers-Union-pin-Badge-/262838681703?hash=item3d32680067:g:rFAAAOSw6DtYXEtr
  4. It's what happens in the last two minutes that matter, as the Bishop's daughter regaled to the Mother Superior.
  5. Sod-'em-all- we-got-right-of-way so there!!
  6. Probably some unheard of Z listed non entity of absolutely no consequence whatsoever.
  7. Regretfully all perfectly true! http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2017/02/50-shades-of-mud.html
  8. It's also not unusual for the BA to manage on behalf of a parish council or whoever, also a sensible solution. Whichever, I am pleased to see such solutions, both in providing moorings and managing them. A genuine win win situation.
  9. Very definitely a hole in one though!
  10. Tim's in-depth offering, and subsequent need for a nail brush, does show that we are not afraid to plumb the depths of lavatorial humour. Back to Izal, as kids we used to chew it as, unlike newsprint, it didn't chew away to nothing. If we got the timing right it made excellent 'ammo' for the catapults that we made with elastic bands looped over thumb & first finger. Very accurate and by heck they could sting! Easily hidden if our teacher became aware of a 'catty' battle in the back row of his class.
  11. Hello David, no promises but I do know some of the people that built them, I can only ask. Won't be an instant response though. Being in the Oulton Broad/Lowestoft area I do know of several on the bank. There is a Pegasus owners club: http://www.pyoc.org.uk/index.html
  12. I used to teach blind folk how to sail & I must agree with Gracie's sentiment regarding humour & the zest for life. Regarding some of the jokes and I also have to agree with Poppy! I know that I was being tested, a determination to shock, but hey, part of the joy in helping folk who really appreciate the experience that only a sailing boat can provide. A sailing boat calls on every sense that a person has and one blind man I had on board wept as he sailed, the joy that it was giving him. He was over seventy and he just kept asking himself why he hadn't taken up sailing when he was younger. Thanks to people like Nancy Oldfield & Sailability he can.
  13. Grace, perhaps that is where he gets most of his jokes from!
  14. I watch the work of Waveney Sailability and I never cease to be amazed. There is one man who controls his boat just with his mouth! Where else other than a sailing boat could he find that sort of freedom? Totally dependent on other people whilst on the land, totally free of that dependence whilst out on the water, not even dependent on a fuel station! http://www.waveneysailability.co.uk/
  15. In those far off days a nail scrub was standard issue
  16. They were good old days, the younger generation have it far too soft!
  17. One old fool that I knew thought that he could be a hero, not only for his family but also for friends and neighbours, plus he's could make a bob or two. Great, in theory, but it was a short lived shortage and my friend took several plus years to use up the vast stock that he'd stashed away in his garage. Good job that it wasn't that awful Izal stuff!
  18. Events involving Norfolk mud are a regular occurrence on Breydon Water.
  19. Allegedly very demanding and not cost effective. Apart from that white sling backs & Norfolk mud don't tend to be compatible.
  20. Why else would Gracie come to Oulton Broad? No wine bar, no shoe shops and no confectioneries. Okay, so the local car park has a national reputation , maybe !!
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