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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. To the above I have added: The invidious campaign by one particular individual to recreate the Broads as a national park, according to his vision, with the implications associated with the Sandford Principle should have no place in the proposed curriculum.
  2. I shall be posting this comment to relevant departments. Dear Mr Sanderson, Thanks to a colleague I have had sight of the the Broads Curriculum in regard to the education of local children. I note with concern the constant reference to The Broads National Park. Where education, especially that of children is concerned, accuracy & truth is paramount, in that I'm sure that you will agree. The facts are clear in regard to the Broads being a National Park, namely that legally it is not and can not be, a fact that is accepted and not open to debate. The same applies to the fact that the Broads National Park Bill failed to complete its passage through Parliament. It is also a fact that the use of the contentious term 'Broads National Park' was to be nothing more than a branding term for marketing purposes. At no point has it been agreed that the term 'Broads National Park' should or even could be used for educational purposes. To call the Broads something that it is not is nothing short of a lie, to use the term to mislead children via their education is undesirable. I will be referring this matter both to my M.P. and to various members of the Broads Authority. Yours, very sincerely,
  3. Many a true word said in jest, just got the name of the yard wrong!
  4. I am not convinced that brainwashing children into accepting JP's personal 'vision', that he's the demi god in charge of a national park, should be encouraged. It's agreed that the use of the term is branding for marketing purposes, marketing does not include educating youngsters.
  5. Having Viking genes, and having dug a hole to bury a departed hamster the other day, I can assure you that the descendants of Vikings do dig around the Broads.
  6. JennyMorgan


    Hoveton Great Broad then?
  7. JennyMorgan


    I've always thought that jetski's would be good on Hicking just as we have speedboats on Oulton, just once a week.
  8. JennyMorgan


    And there was me thinking of well rounded young ladies wearing bum hugging PWC! Must be an age thing
  9. You are right. Apparently two committee members, well known to the boating community, diligently took independent minutes, these then were compared and found to differ quite considerably from the 'official' minutes. On a previous occasion it was admitted that only relevant comments were recorded in writing. For relevant I suggest that you read 'helpful to the cause'. It amazes me that he has got away with it for so long! My gut feeling is that this revelation calls into question the legality of committee decisions but whether anyone will pursue that one has to be unlikely!
  10. Conjecture is fun! As for gender, no clues but my guess that the driver was blond and bald with a penchant for driving in poorly fitting 'Crocs', probably pink ones.
  11. My daughter had a smashing job done by Jeckells during the summer. She used a 'cheap' company before and that turned out to be expensive as the darned thing did not last. The service from Jeckells was excellent & the product is equally so. Jeckells also did a sail cover for me, I was hugely impressed, especially with the price.
  12. I trimmed a friends new vents several years ago. Quite simply I cut out a match to the flange of the vent used varnished mahogany which then served three purposes, it acted as a pad to the nuts & bolts that I used to fasten the ventilator and it also pulled the headlining up to the roof, lastly it covered the edges of the vinyl. You may need to increase the foam padding between roof and headlining around the wood pad, a case of suck it and see. Some vents are delivered with a suitable metal backing plate, am sure that if you are a half reasonable DIYer you'll find it all falls into place.
  13. It was my suggestion that, with the opinion of seemingly well qualified forumites, that the insurance might be invalid. In my experience insurance companies, rightly I suppose, do tend to withhold payment if there are any, even slight infringements to the policy. I agree that we know absolutely nothing about the facts of this one, only the reality of what we can see and that some of us can compare that with our own experiences. I might add, if I may, that had everything been as it should have then perhaps a jack-knife would have been unlikely. As for shooting, no, I have no evidence to suggest that!
  14. Vaughan, it is true, in my experience, also that of NSBA officers and that of good friends currently within the organisation hence it rearing it's ugly head at this time.
  15. Having followed this entire thread I do now rather suspect that the driver's insurance will be invalid, as well as the boat-owners, as it appears that the tow-vehicle and trailer combination might not have been either legal or suitable. Small issue of the boat coming off the trailer too. Whoops, if I were the owner I think I'd consider emigrating pretty sharpish.
  16. Vaughan, Jamie is making painfully slow progress with his boat but the hull has been rebuilt to an extremely high standard, he's now working on the cabin roof. Perhaps he's waiting for the new wood to season thoroughly before launching. Trouble is that Jamie is enjoying his Sharpie too much. JB, sorry about the drift, too much windage I suspect.
  17. Me thinks an insurance write-off, if she's insured. The damage to either the engine or the transom, or both, must be immense. The spray rails also look to have been severely damaged too. I can only guess that the driver was in a hurry, the silly billy.
  18. Worry not Grace. Despite the windward roll being experienced by 250 the only casualties were to their underwear!! When you see one heading towards you at speed close your eyes and think of England. They will miss you, a damaged boat is the last thing that they want, it would mean being out of several races whilst repairs take place!
  19. Over a hundred years old too. Not that dissimilar in shape but vastly different in the amount of sail she carries.
  20. Sailing cruisers NEVER get out of control.
  21. Somewhere I have a snap of a water-skier being towed behind Maidie, he was riding on the crest of the wash. When Maidie sits in the water she certainly creates a hole in the water.
  22. I'm sure that Mike would, Maidie being the biggest offender in the wash stakes.
  23. The latter. Previous written minutes have undoubtedly been 'Doctored'. This latest situation is one that the Executive has had forced upon itself. The evidence is sound, the reality is disgraceful. Even in my time minutes of the previous meeting might not be available as they were waiting 'verification' by the 'officers'.
  24. That wash can be pretty impressive!
  25. Those white marks on the road look suspiciously like white gel-coat that would surely have been abraded as the hull slid across the road. I also wonder what damage the outboard suffered? I have no doubt that she can be returned to an as new appearance but I would be concerned about the integrity of joints within the hull. Think I'd change the name and put her on E-Bay.
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