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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. No shoe shops in Oulton Broad.
  2. Don't be caught out, bring your own. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/iceberg_lettuce_on_sale_for_20_in_norwich_as_salad_shortage_continues_1_4876635 Personally I don't enjoy the acidic taste of an iceberg lettuce. Still, a dydle round a marsh dyke should find some water cress or something equally tasty.
  3. Re Waveney Stardust find info here: http://www.waveneystardust.co.uk/about-waveney-stardust/ You need to be able to sing though, we sometimes hear the old biddies singing their hearts out, all the old, predictable favourites, They may be old but they know how to enjoy themselves and no MP3's either! 'It may be because I'm a geriatric old codger that I luv Lundun Tarn, boom boom' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. John, there are steps down, or up if you prefer, but mostly the boats are hired from a floating jetty. For a people with real access problems then there is a trip boat called Waveney Stardust that works out of Beccles. She is entirely disability friendly having been built for that purpose.
  5. The rise and fall is not a factor as hires can board from a floating jetty. Re tired boats, they are, some I know are over forty years old because two of them I helped build. However, a number has been redecorated over the winter. I'm not sure that it is a disability issue although it may be, more an excited young child standing on the seats issue. I think that I'm right in suggesting that the boat is question is a Sea-Master and the two in the fleet now have these railings and both have a very low freeboard. I would hate to view the world from behind bars, we shall have to wait and see what Joe Public thinks of them. As an individual with galloping access problems I wouldn't want the railing around the outside but a hand rail, like the boom on a sailing boat, can be very handy.
  6. Ah ha, that explains the term 'cattle class'.
  7. I'm not aware that anyone has ever fallen out of a dayboat from Oulton Broad so I can only guess that bars being installed on some of the local dayboats are for imprisoning wayward children, containing rampaging Yorkshire men or repelling rampant young ladies from Essex.
  8. Seen at Oulton Broad this morning was this young wherry with mum keeping an eye over her calf. Albion has been at Oulton Broad for several weeks now and as one of the yacht station staff commented, looking very pretty amongst all the plastic-fantastic. Now that's what I call a rudder!
  9. Presumably the price reflects on the yards themselves !
  10. http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/marinas/moonfleet-marine/ It would seem that Moonfleet has already been swallowed up by Richardsons and, here I'm guessing, all that will be happening at the end of the year is that the name will disappear. An inevitable outcome and I can't blame Richardsons for that.
  11. 'I generally ignore the poor information and advice that pops up on this forum', yes, that got up my nose too, especially as I find the information and friendly atmosphere on this forum to be generally excellent. I really don't think that criticising and comparing forums, even if only by inference, is at all helpful, however the comment is delivered. Both Vaughan & myself are in danger of ruffling a few feathers on this topic but nevertheless I think that Vaughan's point is well made and needs to be supported. Very often in life it is not what one say but how ones says it. I have no wish to antagonise anyone and I hope my criticism will be taken in a constructive manner.
  12. I have long admired Moonfleet, a very real loss to the Broads in my opinion. Small yards built the Broads, soon few will be left. Sad news, not as sad as Jonzo retiring but still pretty sad.
  13. Spider, you will be missed. John, I have to say that I think that you have over-reacted. We must remember that A is better than B and B is better than A and anyway it's all is a matter of opinion and often the topic of good natured banter although, regretfully, not always seen in that light. On the other hand it might be intended as well intended advice and certainly not intended to inflame. Condescending, not intentionally, I'm sure. It's unlike you to take umbrage, hope that I haven't added to that. I wonder how 'Pesky' would have reacted?
  14. An uncle of mine worked for National Rivers for all of his working life, eventually being based & living in the Fens for over thirty years. In that time his house physically dropped by over eight feet, apparently down to the land drying out due to deep ploughing. On top of that, as far as Norfolk is concerned, apparently we suffer from continental tilt, namely some parts rising and other falling. I'm far from being an expert but it does appear that there is no one size fits all explanation as to what is happening to sea levels and the like.
  15. We have become just so dependent on our phones, to the point of obsession in some cases. Perhaps Banksey has got it right: https://images.washingtonpost.com/?url=http://img.washingtonpost.com/blogs/style-blog/files/2014/04/banksy.jpg&w=1484&op=resize&opt=1&filter=antialias
  16. In the past I drove a Coast Guard Land-Rover rescue tender, complete with blue light. It was made abundantly clear to me that the blue light's role was entirely advisory, it gave me no powers whatsoever. I understand that it is the same for a police car, or a BA launch for that matter.
  17. On the other hand the land might have shrunk or compressed, as does happen.
  18. Along with Horace Batcheller & Dan Dare. Woi blass bor, yew mus be hully aenshunt if yew memer them!
  19. So long as he leaves Potter bridge alone !
  20. You won't be alone, Charlie, no chance of that. Those not particularly lovable, four legged, long tailed critters shelter in the boat shed during the winter, I kid you not. Unfortunately Norfolk rats are no substitute for a Yorkshireman's sheep
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