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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. VC, I hear it all within my own four walls from one who also works in the NHS. I was trying to be subtle, perhaps here is not the place.
  2. It really shouldn't be a joke, well, lets be serious for a moment, but there are some exceptionally huge folk out there & I do sometimes wonder how on earth anyone would go about retrieving an overly large person should he or she become a casualty. It might sound callous but towing and beaching might be the only option but a convenient landing place might be several miles away. I best go on a diet! Another problem is that of toilet space on older boats. Patrick Senior at Martham once told me about a super large lady on one of their small two berth boats who had used momentum and her weight to force herself into the toilet compartment and had become stuck. Various options were considered, like putting the toilet pump-out into to blow mode but eventually a bulkhead was removed.
  3. Timbo, perhaps she appeared extremely large due to having inflated lifejackets under her jumper and one stuffed down the back of her baggy shorts. Re towing up to Ludham, best borrow George's trade plates unless you want an over zealous Ranger pulling you over for no toll.
  4. It was good to meet you again. Yes, it was pleasantly sunny, not up to Thursday's sunset though. Two cakes, gosh, you glutton! Got to admit that I am partial to Latham's cakes but small they are not.
  5. My experience of care in the community with Suffolk County Council has been nothing but praiseworthy. When my mum-in-law's dementia really kicked in they were amazing & for that my wife and I will be eternally grateful. I'm confident that the gentleman at JPH had absolutely nothing to fear in being hoofed put of the hospital. The level of care for mum, and assistance given to my wife and I as carers, was nothing short of humbling. The advice that we received from Help the Aged both for mum, ourselves and also my aunt and uncle in their last few years was incredibly helpful. At least in Suffolk getting old and helpless is not such a problem.
  6. For the ultimate I-Spy challenge, and 20 I-Spy bonus points, spot the old boy with a dripping stern-gland and a welcoming mug of coffee!
  7. Big thanks to Regulo! I haven't blown it up yet but maybe tomorrow. All the way up from Sunny Essex only to find the river was frozen, must have been disappointing.
  8. Perhaps commemorative T-Shirts will be available?
  9. Hopefully the 24hr free moorings will remain the same !
  10. The legend was born in 2016, it will only grow with time.
  11. One of my daughters is a prescribing pharmacist, previously at Norfolk & Norwich, then in London and now back in Suffolk. That story made her blood boil but then so does the general bed blocking saga. In ten years she's seen it all, some of her stories are not remotely funny. As has been suggested to me, society in general really need to re-evaluate it's relationship with hospitals, their demands on A&E and bed-blocking in particular. Chris, your story is touching, but thankfully not unique. The care that my mum-in-law received as dementia took its toll is equally heartening. The NHS does us proud, just a pity that it is abused as it is.
  12. In reality it might have been sharper when new, just got flattened over time when dings were planed out. Don't forget the red fender protection for the stem.
  13. They don't just rescue boats and humans! http://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/wartime_artefacts_and_distressed_seal_pups_in_busy_few_days_for_hemsby_lifeboat_1_4852260
  14. Ah ha, I do know the story about that one. Apparently it's two edged, one being that dogs have been known to tiddle both on mooring ropes tied to mooring posts and also the ends of fresh water hose pipes. Secondly people tend to drop and leave the end of the hose in the river, the pipe even dangling in mud, neither activity being particularly hygienic. Dogs aren't always man's best friend! P.S. James isn't always costs obsessed, dastardly rumours to the contrary are completely unjustified.
  15. The service at Brooms is always first class, even when I moor up and ask for a mere five litres of petrol.
  16. http://www.redherringlowestoft.com/our-gins-gin-night/81f8ot8lx7ruwzxcxx70oj8q54zozg Two of my daughters and their friends have been to several gin nights and thoroughly recommend the experience. Good venue at any time.
  17. Oulton Broad has been ice covered for two days now.
  18. Dnks, perhaps there was risk that the rinse pipe might be used for filling the fresh water tank, urghhhh!
  19. Mark, as a regular I would have thought you would be in the know. All I know is what other people have told me and that is that it won't be doing pump-outs in 2017. Hopefully you'll still be able to moor there.
  20. A Linda Lovelace technique?
  21. Just make sure that it is on suck and not blow and then you'll be alright.
  22. Regulo, if it's still available then could I have it please? Be ideal as a shore to buoy tender.
  23. There is to be a boatyard at Oulton Broad, on the development site where they are building apartments just past the old TopCraft yard, I presume pump outs will be available but I doubt that it will happen in 2017. Not a hire yard I'm afraid.
  24. If the Oulton Broad pump out is now closed, and I believe that it has, then folk will either have to keep their legs crossed and buttocks nipped or seek a pump out at the nearby Waveney River Centre. I'm not sure that Beccles has pump out facilities either, unless someone knows better.
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