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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. If that 35' is seaworthy then Lowestoft Harbour & the North Sea is a great deal cheaper. I do know three local boaters, personal friends, who have their own private Broads moorings, yet have moved down to Levington Marina near Ipswich. Seemingly nothing will tempt them back to the Broads, despite having Broadside houses & moorings.
  2. Well, to be entirely honest, not me, not suitably equipped
  3. One of the joys of Broads boating is being able to get away from the blessed phone! Reckon that the darned things are best stored in a water filled, lead lined bucket for the duration of the voyage. Re breakdowns, my handheld VHF with Channel 16 seems to work perfectly well wherever I am on the Broads.
  4. For Gracie, sorry that I couldn't find one of his bum though:
  5. In the case of CooDee/Lathams, 'It's August, it's August, there is Christmas tat in our stores'.
  6. Agreed that Ed was never going to win but he was entertaining and likable, some of us like that in a person. There is a saving grace in Strictly, heaven forbid that it becomes obsessively serious, in that the good natured underdog is a welcome ingredient.
  7. Agree about Ed, good bloke. Re the Canaries: http://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/norwich-city/paddy_davitt_verdict_time_of_the_essence_for_norwich_city_1_4794619
  8. If my FreeSat & Netflix are reliable indicators then there are five channels churning out Christmas movies and that goes back to September at least! I love Christmas with a passion but I really do think that the shops are into serious overkill and inevitably people are drawn into it.
  9. I remember that one too! I worked at his studio in Ipswich a year or two before that one, I did fences as work experience. Great bloke, I loved the detail and little jokes that went into his cartoons. He had several Guinness pumps besides the drawing boards, wasted on me though, I couldn't stand the stuff! I spent more time as a runner/go get than I did wielding a pen or wash/photo-paque brush but it was a great experience.
  10. Great idea but how long is it until Christmas? Driving not far this evening & I was surprised at just how many folk have already decorated their houses.
  11. It'll take more than Balls to sort the Canaries out, what a disaster! Reckon even Donny could thrash them at the moment.
  12. No! Like as in which is where my previous link was intended to go.
  13. Just be careful when painting the name! https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=off&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1600&bih=770&q=Joke+with+boat+names&oq=Joke+with+boat+names&gs_l=img.12...3258.10853.0.14136.
  14. Being outgunned is exactly where the canoe access people are, plus some pretty unreasonable demands such as car parks in the middle of nowhere.
  15. I attended several meetings with River Access For All in regards to the River Waveney. Whoops, oh dear, all very good until they came up against the angling fraternity. We need to maintain all navigable waters, no argument there, not so sure that we need to open up every dew pond across Gt Britain. All a question of reasonableness and those guys weren't doing that, they wanted access come hell or high water and I really don't think that my fish pond is really that big. Initially I was 100% supportive of their campaign but now I'm very cautious.
  16. Tim, re Kinderscout and all that, the ramblers started off with little or no access and fought to right that injustice. Broadlanders, on the other hand, already have access but now we are increasingly having to defend those rights. Conservation by exclusion goes against the original concept of a national park. I have long admired the Ramblers Association, we need something similar on the Broads.
  17. Probably nothing that you can do about it but the sound track on that film is not good. I unearthed this comment and I think that it is about right: 'National Parks were promoted in Great Britain as a means of preserving scenery and wildlife, and of satisfying demands for more outdoor recreation'.
  18. My father was chairman of what was then the Oulton Broad Joint Committee. In that position he was one of the worthies involved with the original consultation which lead to the creation of the Broads Authority. Somewhere or another I have his copy of the original Countryside Commission report that includes the accepted definition of a national park. I shall have to dig it out.
  19. He already has alternative funding, us! By the way, Marsh, with the sun out I toddled off to take a ganders at Albion's exposed nether regions. No snaps I'm afraid, she has copious plastic covers to maintain her dignity. You are right, she looks incredibly small alongside Excelsior.
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