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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. A matter of principle, Clive. I believe that I'm right in saying that several of the big sailing boats are seeing hikes of around 40%. Compared with the cost of a carbon mast it is nothing to fret over. The way the review's recommendations were accepted was surely not the Authority's finest hour.
  2. Bill, Google has just delivered this link to my in-box: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/boaters_disappointment_at_broads_tolls_shake_up_1_4784295
  3. Not sure I know which one has the need but certainly one of the two does look to be in active and probably ineffective suppression mode. Perhaps a good time for renaming? Thunder-Guts for example?
  4. Bill, no EDP link that I can find, sorry. The image that I have posted is from a Facebook news forum but I don't think that you'll find it any clearer over there.
  5. Our local rag has published the following. Inevitably it shows no sign of the anger & frustration that I can assure folk was present. I note that the it was not written by the reporter that was there.
  6. There is a right and proper way to complain: http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/contact-us/comments-and-complaints/how-to-complain I would suggest copying to your MP & Secretary for State. Include lots of facts, not just hearsay. Good luck!
  7. Quite honestly. Colin, I was as disgusted as I was unsurprised, if you get my drift. Actually, on a personal basis, I quite enjoy my occasional meetings with JP and expected better of him. On that particular occasion I was amazed that he had the absolute brass neck to carry on as if the public gallery was empty. To blatantly lead the meeting as he did, omitting letters of objection, contradicting the NSBA without granting their chairman a right to reply and relying on a weak committee that clearly aren't in the habit of reading their briefing notes is to my way of thinking pretty objectionable. For heaven's sakes for a committee member to state quite clearly that the Broads is a national park says a great deal about some of the committee membersl! Actually a funny story has emerged from that as I let slip what I thought was an inaudible expletive, namely a well used sailing expression much used when motor cruisers get in the way. Well, it was heard by at least one committee member sat further away than the offending committee member. Apparently such comments being made at future BA meetings are to be known as PW'isms, fame at last. My slip of the tongue accepted I thought the members of the public gallery behaved impeccably.
  8. Trouble is, Dnks, you will be cutting your own throat to spite yourself, and Packman knows that. In my opinion the only route open to us is a legal challenge, The Authority is also a Harbour Authority and there are clauses within that Act that might be useful. I understand that the NSBA and at least one individual are exploring the possibilities..
  9. Colin, I don't know how you felt about the meeting but I thought it a pretty clear indication of just how JP works and how he gets his way.
  10. I have never heard of a nagging man, have you? Men just don't do it, do they?
  11. Jonzo, don't dismiss Sony. In the last few weeks my wife & I have trawled our local TV shops doing comparison tests and, for us, Sony was noticeably a superior image.
  12. Obfuscation is another apt, none The Sun word where Dr P is concerned.
  13. Now how on earth did those old Broads boatbuilders plank up before the advent of computers? Must ha had em fairly scratchin their ol noddles!
  14. Hilary Franzen, one time BA press officer, was married to the editor of the EDP.
  15. Well, I got to the meeting at Yare House yesterday, met up with Richard from the other side as well as a number of friends from the rhond. I don't think that any of us were impressed with the way the meeting panned out. Our local rag has produced a rather truncated report, regretfully. It was a highly controlled meeting where it was quite clear that only helpful to the cause letters of praise where read out, letters of objection being ignored. The NSBA, the boaters organisation, was criticised at every opportunity and whilst the NSBA Chairman was at the meeting no right of reply was given which I thought was disgraceful. It was quite clear that various members had failed to read their briefing notes or do any research. One even referred to the Broads as being a National Park which it isn't, blame Parliament for that! With one exception a weak committee that was easily lead. In the meantime some boat owners will see a rise in their tolls of up to 50%. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/changes_to_boat_tolls_on_the_broads_are_approved_1_4783204
  16. In the real world I would also clamp the plank to each rib as I go. Nails & roves are also good !
  17. I would go so far as to say that the Authority has a responsibility for the product, along with others, but really doesn't have any responsibility for selling it. I believe that that is especially so if the hireboat multiplier is to be reduced.
  18. In my younger days I thought nothing of rowing from Oulton Broad to Geldeston and on one occasion rowed from Oulton to Great Yarmouth and the back along the coast to Oulton Broad via Lowestoft. Easy, anyone could do it, just use the tides rather than fight it. As the saying goes, go with the flow. By the way, for river rowing these boats are excellent, I have one, over thirty five years old now: http://www.salterssteamers.co.uk/16ft-double-skiff.php
  19. It wasn't long ago that DEFRA gave Packman free reign to decide whether to rebrand the Broads as a way round the NP issue.
  20. Whilst I accept that the RSPB's influence is far reaching and invasive, allegedly they have paid lobbyists patrolling the corridors of power. However the one to fear by far, in my opinion, is Natural England or whatever today's title is. Indeed there are also one or two in the Environment Agency who I wouldn't trust any further than I can spit. When the BA and the EA were both at Dragonfly House their CEO's offices were conveniently close to each other. A friend of mine did some research into who at the EA, NE & BA had been to particular universities at the same time, a few remarkable coincidences there, as you might expect. I have no doubt that the RSPB has infiltrated these organisations but having sat in at various fisheries meeting where NE representatives have been present, ohhh dear, be wary!
  21. Thank you, Keith. Draw your own conclusions folks.
  22. Thanks, Bill, seen it in ducks bit knew nothing about it. See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_wing Do people really feed ducks with popcorn? I probably eat far too much bread but I still manage to get in a flap!
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