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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Oulton Broad is owned and the owners are known, your's truly owning a bit of it. At one time Oulton Broad was largely owned by the Coleman's mustard dynasty before being handed over to the Borough of Lowestoft. The main navigable channel is part of the Norwich to Lowestoft navigation and therefore owned by the successors of the railway company that bought the canal company out of bankruptcy. The only advantage of owning a portion of Oulton Broad's bottom is that I can have a mooring buoy and can, although never have, turf noisy oiks off who have dropped their mudweight onto my mud. The disadvantage is that the BA won't dredge my mud for free!
  2. But does she? I went over Breydon twice last week, both times at or around low water slack when, if folk do as they are told, is Breydon's busy time. Okay, so no one will come to any harm if they do run aground but on the second crossing it was blowing a gale and had anyone broken down then they could quickly have been in trouble. Perhaps she only goes out when the tide is over the flats, provided it's between tea breaks and during office hours, must allow for travelling time, and high boats can't get under those bridges. Interestingly, in recent weeks, I have watched a conventional ranger's river launch out on Breydon, despite being officially deemed unsuitable for the job! Okay, so the one that had come down the Bure had gone through bridge to turn, perhaps.
  3. The Telegraph suggests it was a suicide pact so it must be right: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/30/couple-found-dead-on-norfolk-river-bank-may-have-died-in-suicide/
  4. Seemingly believing the red and green posts on Breydon is a problem for some!
  5. Nobody mentioned New Year yet, have they? Hey, the rain has just stopped, the sky has gone from dark grey to bright blue, best go and bale last night's rain out of the bilges and feed the chickens.
  6. I had expected that Gracie would be admitting that she'd bought this years Christmas presents at the last year's Boxing Day sales, from Brantanto's.
  7. But, Gracie, you are the first to mention Christmas presnts, even admitting to having bought one!! It's only October 2nd!
  8. From a previous NBN thread, the Broads at Christmas!
  9. Errr, perhaps she was on station. moored up at Breydon.
  10. And there are two channels of continuous Christmas movies on the TV right now! Surely one of 'em could be dedicated to something interesting, like sailing, fishing and the broads? It was all his fault in the first place!
  11. If you are in the area during November then you might wish to see the lights going on: http://www.edp24.co.uk/home/merry_and_bright_when_christmas_lights_will_be_switched_on_in_your_town_1_4718497
  12. Perhaps if the chippy were to serve their sushi & chips wrapped in copies of the Times then perhaps the Horning locals would support them throughout the year .
  13. Sorry, John, called you Allen, the old mind is going!
  14. Horses for courses, Alan. On my daughter's boat, Spray, we would be more than likely to come in under main, furling the large jib at the last moment in order to prevent the bow falling off the wind.No way will she sail under jib alone, other than downwind. On my drascombe I'd more likely scandalise the main, relying on the jib, as you do, with once again a last minute furl on the jib. In the Hickling scenario we actually came in under bare poles for the first attempt, it was that windy, with a last minute head up into the wind close under the stern of a moored boat right on the corner by the beach. Quick with the sails and a beam reach under partially furled jib and full mizzen we went back out of the dyke and turned for two more attempts, getting it right on the third go. I suppose I could have used the motor but a challenge does no one any harm, occasionally! At worst I'd have ended up on the lee shore and looked a prat, nothing new, but hey, we got there in the end. P.S. I was showing off, but don't let on. We were actually the only sailing boat to do it under sail on that occasion.
  15. Folk should try coming alongside under sail. Took me three attempts the other evening at Hickling! Unfortunately sailing boats have neither breaks nor reverse, only the wind, and there was a lot of it on that occasion, and a lack of forward motion to prevent them bending their bows. Sometimes it can be just so easy, but not always.
  16. Suggestions in the local media suggest that these deaths were the result of a suicide pack. So very sad if that is so.
  17. That would be money well spent, in my opinion,
  18. Blast me, bor, last time I saw Vaughan he was a doddy little fella with a full head of brown hair!
  19. Wuss & me will do all the slow motion!
  20. Fair point but all that information/access is already out there, it's called the internet.
  21. Come on, Poppy, be realistic, that'll take at least two long squirts! Good opportunity to give it a wash too.
  22. I don't avoid it subconsciously avoid it, I just do! It doesn't always happen but I just love it when I slide past the yacht-station and the tide is absolutely slack, just so satisfying! I actually like slumming it and having the odd day out in Gt Yarmouth, the Sea Front, the Harbour, Regent Street, great, love it but Yarmouth from the river is not the most attractive of the town's assets; Reckon the town's tourist board would do well to take a river trip and look at Yarmouth as the tourist must see it. Marina Keys is a disgrace, a wasted asset. Come on, Yarmouth, we don't expect you to pull your drawers up, at least not before the end of the week, but pulling your socks up would be a good start.
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