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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. It's pleasantly entertaining!
  2. The video is clearly aimed at children, an easy, soft target for the BNP inhouse department of propaganda and selective misinformation. Education should be untarnished and wholly truthful. If one side of the argument is presented then so should the other. Balance is missing.
  3. Don't know about where you were moored this morning but down here on Oulton Broad it was a grand, autumn morning with plenty of blue in the sky at 7.00. Good time to be out on the bank! Greying over a little now though but still a grand morning.
  4. He is clever, very clever, unaccountable too.
  5. You were that far adrift? Wow, that must be a forum record!
  6. I took this photograph in October!
  7. There is a long history (how long has JP been at the BA?) of excessive control amounting to media censorship by the BA's main man.
  8. Was stood outside our local chippy this evening and got talking to a pair of holiday makers off a boat. They too had postponed their holiday until now. They told me that they could cope with the cold but the rivers were desolate and asked me if it was like that in the summer? They too were considering cutting their holiday short. Pity, because the Broads during October can be really special.
  9. Because its jib is backed? Now, getting it off my chest time. Read no further of you can't abide criticism of the Authority! Stakeholders, that's us lot, you and me, not just the chosen, helpful few. Was a time when, for many years, the Authority hosted annual, public meetings. It was at one such meeting that an Authority member referred to the likes of you and me 'as the little men', since coined as 'The Little People'. The comment was neither withdrawn nor did it elicit an apology and neither has it been forgotten nor forgiven. That was when Dr Packman did engage with the 'real' stakeholders. Okay, so one or two meetings did end in an uproar but that was not the fault of the stakeholders. The wider public is no longer engaged with. Open debate as in an open forum, no longer exists. There used to be the Broads Forum, no longer. Whilst it was the puppet organisation that it started as all was very fine and dandy. When it became, in part, a dissenting group, it was inevitably wound down and no longer meets. I have attended consultaions, sat around tables with an aligned Authority member recording comments and allegedly listening. Subsequent documentation often bearing little resemblance to the debate. Attempts were made to disband the Navigation Committee. Engaging with stakeholders, my rrrrrrs, as they say in Norfolk.
  10. Where should I start!? I note that 'comments' are turned off, inevitable, peddling misinformation does tend to encourage and deserve comment.
  11. The good lady might then the publish a photo of you in your best, off white long-johns!
  12. Put on two of everything. My missus finds that jeggins under jeans and two fleece tops does the job plus we have warm feet (fleece wellie liners) and warm head (fleece hat) and if we get too hot we open a window or the door to the tent, I kid you not! The trick is not to get cold in the first place. Modern outdoor walking gear, without the boots, is light and keeps the cold at bay. There really is no excuse for being cold in this day and age. I also have waterproof gloves, great investment, not cheap but worth every penny. I also have fingerless mitts for when its really cold at night.
  13. The worst culprits are the country hards on their two wheels, they do the same over the Beccles New Bridge. Cortinas and Minis, that is just so twentieth century!
  14. Goose down for pillows and meat for meals.
  15. Flyover definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary www.collinsdictionary.com › dictionary › flyover Flyover definition: A flyover is a structure which carries one road over the top of another road. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Not that it matters, other than to the pedantic, other definitions also quote a road crossing railway lines. The bridge crosses a canal, a tow path, a very minor road and a railway.
  16. There is a fly-over within yards of the marina. The local boy racers and hard boys delight in clearing their carbs as they scream over the bridge during the otherwise quiet hours. A great mooring, for deaf folk!
  17. There is a fly-over within yards of the marina. The local boy racers and hard boys delight in clearing their carbs as they scream over the bridge during the otherwise quiet hours. A great mooring, for deaf folk!
  18. As one who, until last year, sleapt onboard in what basically was a tent without heating, and survived, I do have some observations. Fleece liners for our sleeping bags, fleece beany hats, hot water bottles and fleece body warmers always did the job, even when the condensation on the tent walls froze! The same approach worked well aboard the sailing cruiser. After November we tended to sleep at home, in comfort and warmth!
  19. MM, if you can possibly drag yourself away from up North and come down South to the land of good pubs, Adnams and Green-Jack and the general lack of congestion that you are accustomed to above Potter then have a word with the Harbour Master at Oulton Broad re Colmans Corner & the Yacht Station. Colmans would be my choice, six pubs within easy walking distance as are several takeaways, most of which are very good. Also plenty of 24hr mooring to hop backwards and forth on, apart from the Norwich ones.
  20. John, your contribution, humour and openess to the forum, over the last few years, has been immense. You are well and truly in credit, time to cash that in.
  21. MM, am pleased for you. About time one of your plans reached fruition!
  22. They'd slide under, dead centre.
  23. After a few tides they drifted down to Kent, to Gravesend, further proof, if it were needed, that the Great Estuary really existed.
  24. It is quite uncanny in that those principle churches are placed as they are. Join them up with a pencil line and hey presto, the Great Estuary emerges! I'm almost convinced!
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