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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Not if you are someone who likes 'em big, especially when they come in pairs!
  2. Quite right! As the saying goes, "the smaller the boat the bigger the fun…"
  3. Bluesman, I am truly sorry that you well deserved holiday ended on such a low and I can appreciate your decision. I don't think that you will be alone in that. As I understand it the Broads has seen a huge number of first-time boaters this year, indeed there is talk of a 50% increase over recent years. Add to that the appalling weather of the moment, plus the shortening days and the Covid restrictions then it's no wonder that some folk have cut short their holidays, probably never to return.
  4. Many boaters unfortunately tie their ropes to the top of the post rather than the bottom, doing that doesn't help.
  5. Or more likely manipulation of funds etc..
  6. Perhaps boatyards should offer safety training as a selling point, a positive bonus rather than running shy of it.
  7. Hopefully next year will see a full summer season thus a good potential for the holiday trade.
  8. Perhaps if the Authority would go back to marketing Broads holidays as Broads holidays.
  9. I could, with the face of a well known proponent of the dreaded BNP beneath it!
  10. There could actually be a cost saving to the industry as just one training advisor could instruct several dozen hirers at a time thus overall change over times, thus costs, could be reduced.
  11. The 'industry' does have influence via the Navigation Committee. The industry is able to put pressure on the Authority. The navigation posts on Breydon need to be clearly numbered and those numbers maintained. They should also feature clear top marks, cones or cans, traditional shapes. Two charts could be carried by every hire boat crossing Breydon. Those charts should feature the numbered posts. One chart would be from Yarmouth, the other to Yarmouth. The hirer would be advised to tick off each post as they pass it. Clear instructions should indicate on which side of the boat the post should be. This should be promoted as a fun thing to do as well as being a safety activity. There would be an initial cost but subsequent costs would be minimal.
  12. Whilst a few might be put off I am sure a greater number will appreciate the help and advice. Andy, how can you be sure that the industry will be destroyed?
  13. Not up to a glut of them now, sadly.
  14. Wonderful, isn't it? I won't be cooking for eighteen this year! Better still, only washing up for two of us, bliss.
  15. I have more than a sneaking suspicion that the 'community' will be deeply into decrepit boats. Not sure that bacon butties or steak & chips will be on the menu! A cynical thought, maybe.
  16. That happened quickly! There is already an online group seeking to raise both funding and interest with a view to creating a community pub. We live in interesting times.
  17. Geldeston Locks, on their facebook page, have announced that they are closing for good. Last orders this coming Sunday. I don't doubt that Covid 19 will be blamed but it was Covid that destroyed what was good at The Locks.
  18. The George Borrow, not being feint hearted I remember it well!
  19. Silly me, I forgot the Wolf Inn, only been in there once. Two pubs that you don't know, amazing! From Oulton Broad South railway station head off towards Gt Yarmouth. The Blue Boar is not really a drinking pub but the food is excellent. The Old Frank is very popular locally and that is a drinking pub.
  20. Keelhauling was the least that the miscreant deserved.
  21. Meanwhile, down at Oulton Broad, the Bitch in the Ditch, alias the Lady of the Lake, is back up and running and very nice it is too. The Village now has the Flying Dutchman, The Waveney, The Lady of the Lake, Broadside, The Wherry, The Commodore, The Old Frank and The Blue Boar.
  22. If you predate Susan then you must surely be of some considerable vintage! I was more keen on the Wherry but nevertheless I did frequent the Locks. Susan was a component of the legend that is the Locks. Some might argue that the privy beside the pub, hidden behind a bank of nettles and open to the sky, was as important to the legend as Susan herself.
  23. Morph those two comments into one and maybe we are getting somewhere near to the truth.
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