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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Came through in a sailing boat once, with the tide under me like that. The Quay Ranger was on the ball when I hailed him asking him to take my line, which he did without question. I put the tiller down, the head came round, the Ranger surged my line around a mooring post, I came alongside a surprised crew of holiday makers, one of which objected to being doubled up. The Ranger told her that I would be there until the tide slacked, it was the way it was done. Hats off to the Quay Rangers, all in a day's work!
  2. Seen down at Hastings. Three stories high, outside door to each floor and a stick above the top door to put a block and tackle onto in order to haul the old fellow up by. The seagulls traditionally replace the vultures.
  3. It would be good to have a few ducks around!
  4. Agreed but surely a case of needs must. A year ago the situation did not exist, and we, and I include the government, are on a very steep learning curve indeed. HMG has made mistakes, is making mistakes, but where would we be if they hadn't taken the initiative?
  5. Have just read the BBC report on this one and have pulled out this comment: There are some exceptions to the new rules. Households and support bubbles bigger than six can socialise together. A blessing is that, daughter number two has six children so with her husband that inevitably makes eight. Presumably they can all go on holiday together.
  6. It might have been far worse, he could have been an Ipswich supporter!
  7. The limitations imposed by the shed itself have surely taken over as the primary hobby it would seem! The shed is no longer housing a hobby, it is the hobby, the very driving force for getting up in the morning.
  8. The young, especially, are being totally cavalier in regard to Covid 19, HMG have no option but to put the breaks back on. The holiday industry will be hit, but that surely is inevitable.
  9. Thank you, Charlie, exactly why it pays to work the tides.
  10. Chubbies on the move, as the 1960's comedian, Sandy Sandford, was heard to remark, rrrrr's like jelly on springs!
  11. Trumans boatyard was also involved in what was probably the next stage. Desmond Truman apparently became more involved than has ever been publicly acknowledged and the floor in the boatyard's loft, as well as Oulton Broad itself, were used for testing models. My brother was a keen model maker, boats and planes, and was commissioned by Trumans to make one model using a miniature diesel engine. The engine became my brother's reward for his work. When the model was stripped down and the engine re-used I became the owner of the fan/propeller. Regretfully it was messed away with when I left home.
  12. Like MM I do have some sympathy with anglers but then why on earth do they carry on fishing when a swan is really near to their tackle? The situation is not helped when people feed swans and ducks from fishing platforms, I've seen that more than once. The result is that the swans expect to be fed when they see a human on the platform.
  13. Added to which motor boating at less than walking pace can hardly be considered a thrilling occupation!
  14. Hang round Lathams plus sizes cloths rails, you'll find plenty of willing volunteers there, male & female! Just tell them that you like them for being lovely chubbies and not just ballast.
  15. Personally I rather use two eyes to support one sausage fend-off on its side so to speak. It's easy to hold a fender in place against piles etc by rigging a fender in that way.
  16. Or hard against it for that matter!!
  17. So are these ladies Slummuckin' girt mawthers and a half?
  18. On EDP24 this morning there is a picture of a very attractive, nicely developed young lady splashing around on the beach. The caption states that she is twelve years old!! Typical EDP! https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/weather/september-sunshine-as-norfolk-temperatures-to-soar-again-1-6824982
  19. Twelve fenders, on a Hampton, wow! Personally I'd recommend a few big sausage ones over a load of small ones. That aside, cruising around you'll soon find a few floating in the reeds waiting for a new boat to dangle from. Just wish the hire yards would all use matching fenders though. Shabby chic is the way!
  20. Reed growth, perhaps nature will take care of that, if Oulton Broad is anything to go by. Water temperature has plummeted and a bit of a breeze, surface tow, has brought a huge amount of weed up onto my slipway. Good for manure but still a 'B' nuisance. Don't expect that to happen so early in the autumn.
  21. I've gone all the way from Oulton Broad to Horsey by boat and then walked to see the seals. I'll do it by car next time though, blinking long walk across the marshes and dunes for this old gink!!
  22. I also remember that, and one by the Small Faces. As for Beccles girls, handy, on the way home! Bungay and Barsham were a bit out of my way but hey ho, as Brucie used to say, "if the price was right"! As for Jazz, one of the Norwich clubs used or organise river-boat shuffles on the old steam river-boats from Yarmouth, memorable! The name of Alex Atterson might ring a few bells, both in Jazz & Folk circles, a bit of a driving force in his day.
  23. Heavens, I must be getting old, completely forgot about the Washington Club! Actually I don't think that I went there above a couple or so times. Once was a Hoseason's winter get together, very much a lad's night out.
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