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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I was a keen member of that other forum for many years, however, myself and others left. This is neither the time nor the place to explain my/our reasons for that mass departure but just please accept that I have no great wish to return, even if it's to debate with JP. As for Dr Packman, whilst we tend to disagree we have been on first name terms for many years and we have had many a discussion on a face to face basis. In the meantime he is quite capable of responding on this forum although I doubt that he will directly. As for what I and others write on this forum I remain convinced that his diligent minions will pass on any relevant comments that are posted here.
  2. When Dr Packman ceases to pursue his personal, some might suggest vanity project, then doubtless it won't materialize & then we can all shut up. However, whilst he still insists on working towards his ambition, e.g. road-signs amongst other things, then no, I for one won't be silenced, sadly for some.
  3. Nobody has to read this, if you do so then it is by your own free will!! Re funding, good point but let's look at the history of funding cuts on the Broads. Not so long ago HMG decreed an austerity drive and cut funding to the Broads and suggested cost cutting measures by the Authority. We lost a couple of information centres but it wasn't long before the Acle Debacle/NP information centre reared its ugly head. So much for cost cutting measures, especially as our tolls were raised to make up the shortfall as will inevitable happen again should there be further funding cuts. I fear that his NP ambitions and extravagances will continue unabated. Mind you, HMG also proposed a cull of the quangos, inevitably as far as Norfolk was concerned that was a non event. Varying opinions are welcome! Just to remind you all!
  4. Two points, firstly, there is a constant turnover of forum members, many of whom will be initially unaware of the issues and debates regarding the BNP. Secondly, can we really afford to lower our guard? To that last question I'd say NO, obviously!
  5. Both the New Cut and Oulton Dyke are sections of the same 'navigation' and both are effectively independent of the adjacent natural waterways. Slutten's Dyke, still just about passable, is the original link between Oulton Broad and the Waveney. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oulton_Dyke
  6. Archant's recent failings will seemingly impact a far wider area than I realised, it's certainly not just a Norfolk issue. https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/archant-bought-out-new-owner-shareholders/?fbclid=IwAR0OcdeFZ63p-Axk4pNXcMU7_vAgsv-8AZGdOMmnLsy8mTmAA01_WsITEaU Airgun World, now that's a blast from the past!
  7. Archant's demise comes as no great surprise, regrettable that that might be. I dread to think what changes are ahead and suspect that Norfolk will see it's identity further eroded. In my jaded opinion I suspect that Archant only has itself to blame.
  8. I rather suspect that your wish will come true! https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/archant-secures-new-investment-from-rcapital-1-6813940
  9. Decent people too, on my my route home from work, if I'd gone by car rather than by boat.
  10. There was a small holiday chalet park and clubhouse there but it never really got off the ground, not least because it was pretty much always akin to a builders yard and tended to flood. It was eventually taken over by the Bromley Brothers who realised that there was more money to be made by digging a hole, filling it full of water and charging people for the privilege of mooring their boats there. I rather suspect that the holiday park was also too small to sustain the holiday park.
  11. Or even stern-gland dependent?
  12. That would be a very fitting tribute to Vera Lynn too. That our country is a land of hope and glory is why so many people wish to come here, of that I'm sure.
  13. More to it than that, Poppy. The BBC is wide open to criticism on a number of issues, not least that of deleting the words of traditional, patriotic songs.
  14. To my previous comment, can it be right that 'marketeers' are able to undermine the will and intention of BOTH Houses of Parliament? It has happened!
  15. We have at local level a farcical situation where one particular untruth has been allowed by the Court provided it is for marketing purposes. That fact does not just devalue marketing but also the credibility of our legal system and, in particular, the driving force behind that regrettable untruth. Marketeers have a lot to answer for. A wholly truthful approach would be very much appreciated.
  16. Can we trust marketing? In one word, NO! We can be confident that 'half price' will actually be a lie, that the price will have been heavily inflated prior to being halved, for example. Manipulating the truth and reality leads to distrust, there are obvious local examples. It is not just marketeers that we distrust, politicians and particular senior public servants at both local and national level probably head what is fast becoming a despicable list.
  17. How not to bring the planners on side!
  18. You could even try 'drop shotting' for perch, it does work! https://www.anglingtimes.co.uk/advice/tips/articles/how-to-start-drop-shotting#:~:text=Line%3A A thin 0.06 to,is great for drop shotting.
  19. A Mepps with a single hook baited with a lob worm can catch well!
  20. I've always found it to be totally fickle. Wind direction & force is a factor. I've had the blessed flow swap directions half way along! Perhaps the Waveney is the dominant factor, but not always.
  21. Ideal for E-Bay, collectors sometimes pay silly money for old reels in hardly used condition. I wonder why it is hardly used? Joking apart, I'm sure that you could have a lot of fun tiddler snatching with you Dad's reel. It's a good area for a mobile approach too, especially with a lure rod and going after pike and perch especially. I rather envy you your holiday.
  22. Because it's akin to finding a needle in a haystack! A few good ones are caught every year, both North & South, by those in the know.
  23. But what would you do for entertainment if the telly packs up? Can't imagine what Jayfire would get up to!
  24. I wouldn't worry overly about the New Cut, the tidal flow is not great and it can be surprisingly unpredictable, in other words it doesn't always rely on the rule book.
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