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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. For those who don't remember it:
  2. Locals are no less desperate to visit their local recycling centres than are tourists who wish to be able to dump their holiday rubbish. My local recycling centre has appalling traffic management and people skills and its a nightmare to visit at the best of times. With the pandemic life has become even harder because we now have to book in order to dump our excess rubbish, a system that doesn't work. If locals wish to use riverside facilities then, quite frankly, I don't blame them. As for the BA, surely it was obvious that with everything that floats being out on hire that there would be pressure on rubbish disposal. A few extra skips would be good! Time to up the tolls multiplier for boatyards in order to pay for hireboat rubbish.
  3. I thought that most dogs did use litter trays!
  4. Serious question, if any of those opposed to double mooring were unable to find a single mooring would they then bite the bullet and double up or would they just motor off into the sunset?
  5. Did he also have an eye patch and a wooden leg?
  6. I personally would leave my pussie at home. I once took my beloved 'Buzzy' out on my rowing boat on a very still morning. Stupid critter decided that the mirror like water was akin to firm land and jumped off the back of the boat, presumably to walk back to his basket or milk saucer. Nothing more pathetic than a half drowned cat! I was also involved in a search for a holiday maker's cat. In the end they had to go back home I promised to keep an eye open for their pet. I did eventually find it, dead, behind the piling where they had been moored up.
  7. It's the often quite unnecessary, for the Broads, display of electronic wizardry above the fly-bridge that creates the problem!
  8. JennyMorgan


    No laughing matter! I would treat the children as my own, pick them up, play with them, indeed be totally familiar with them. I had a matter of seconds to win them over, to gain mum's confidence, to produce a picture that would sell, to do that I had to win a smile, even a laugh. I had to be their friend and to make them mine. It was a great way to make a living. More than once I helped mum with her baby, changing nappies even. Being a child portrait photographer was more about being a people person, being totally at ease with children, than it was about being a photographer.
  9. The BA aren't adverse to requests for particular boat registration numbers, if you ask nicely! As for aircraft, asking a Broads forum does seem a tad tenuous!
  10. The BA very clearly does have a responsibility to its toll payers who, in some cases, wish to access the Broads or to exercise their right to access the open seas. The BA has the ability, if not the will, to jolly along its neighboring authorities who control the various access points. Granted the BA has no responsibility towards the physical work required but effectively it needs to ensure that its front and back doors are kept open and unrestricted.
  11. But they don't serve Adnams at Stacey!
  12. Years ago a glider affair crashed into Oulton Broad, almost on top of me. I phoned up various local news-desks, the first came straight to the point, "anyone dead?" "No" says I, "not interested" said the voice. Some things don't change!
  13. Don't worry, he'll magic one up!
  14. JennyMorgan


    Timbo's mention of knickers brought back some memories. I used to work for a company called Parasol, visiting shops across Norfolk, Suffolk & Essex and photographing little children by the thousand. One quaint ladies shop in Attleborough, Green's, had me smirking as when I arrived to set up my studio I couldn't help but notice open crutch knickers on display in the window. Wahay, what sort of shop was I working in for a week? Me being me I couldn't resist asking the very straight laced proprietress whether they were a big seller in Attleborough. Oh yes, in the summer, my lady customers like to keep cool! One of her sales assistants did confide in me by saying that Mrs Green wasn't aware of what she was actually selling, but she did sell many dozens of them! Perhaps I should submit that to the EDP.
  15. For Broads big boat users I suppose it is a story because they now have no access to the sea. Why have a brute of a motor cruiser and then never go to sea, like what it was actually built to do?
  16. Hi Jeanie, if it's the same one as in the picture then she has the potential of being a very nice boat, her hull is a very strong, well made one. I had one as a hireboat. They can and do polish up well. At £2000.00 plus a potential to spend maybe £10,000.00 she's a relatively cheap boat and could be a real eye-catcher as she was when she was new.
  17. I think that there still is however on the Broads it is not so prevalent, or that is how it now appears to me. The 'we are all in it together' aspect does seem to have waned in recent years. I well remember sailing into Cowes on the Isle of Wight, seeing an available space next to another yacht, going alongside only to be welcomed by the then Prime Minister, Edward Heath, a very nice man he was too. His 'red' was a darn sight better than my Lipton's special! Solitude is there for all, mudweight on Hickling Broad for example! I wouldn't mudweight on Breydon's mud flat's though, some one would be bound to come along wanting to rescue you.
  18. Nothing else better to do on a gorgeous sunny day? Apart, that is, from painting the inside of my rowing boat, an 18' Thames skiff, taking about an hour and a half for each coat but at least I'm sweating off all those extra 'lock-down' pounds!
  19. I've long regarded rafting up/double mooring as a matter of mutual courtesy and co-operation. Common courtesy that the outside boat skipper asks and common courtesy that the inside boat skipper says yes. Such is the spirit of boating as ably highlighted by Davydine. I go along with the sadly departed Trudi Wakelin on this one. Nice people ask and nice people say yes, isn't that how life should be?
  20. I can think of several localisms used to describe various 'b' foreigners, settlers and incomers, several (!) jokes too, but I don't want to upset anyone!
  21. Are you sure that it's your face that folk are laughing at? Haven't you noticed that they tend to laugh after you have passed them?
  22. Holiday Makers, Grockles, Izzerts, Punters, Trippers, whatever, just nicknames. Holiday visitors, is that acceptable?
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