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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. . . . . . and ogled Tropical Linda at the Sampson & Hercules at the weekend, rubbing shoulders with sons of well to do boatyard owners!
  2. Both the Norfolk & Suffolk wildlife trusts are trapping them on their reserves.
  3. Perhaps the BA could do a suitable compilation of all these bridge related songs and play them on a loop at each low bridge. Ian could the be presented with his own personal copy so he can at least hum along as he approaches his foe! I hope that the blood has been washed off the bridge.
  4. I talk to a local wildlife reserve manager, as well as using my own experiences, and we have both seen fox, otters and mink taking eggs from nesting birds. We have both witnessed carrion, not least Harriers taking both eggs and fledgling. I have watched Marsh harriers decimate a field of ground nesting birds on more than one occasion.
  5. West Somerton and Ludham are surely both prettier than Wroxham.
  6. Perhaps predators in general have the upper hand on the Broads at the moment.
  7. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/9-pretty-villages-in-norfolk-1-6821169
  8. You probably will, next year! Personally I have never ever had anything but courteous and helpful responses from the Tolls office.
  9. There are people within that know full well that it had been published for the world to see. Strange, innit!
  10. I have a nagging doubt about the probability of them having been posted in error. I actually think that the BA's handling of the Covid 19 financial issues has, so far, been good and that the 'leaked' report reads quite well, in their favour. It's absolute hell being a cynic!
  11. I suspect that Robin/London Lad's Independence, and a few others, are more than capable of navigating via satellites and computers! Perhaps BA will be suitably equipped this winter!
  12. To be played when approaching Broad's Bridges!
  13. Interesting new reed-bed crops up at Ludham Bridge. Might need the occasional trim!
  14. That could never be as interesting as what is written between the lines of the original subject document!!
  15. Then why, with corresponding respect, was it headed "Not for publication by virtue of paragraphs 3 of part 1 of schedule 12a to the Local Government Act 1972 "?
  16. I'll say it again, why did the Authority feel that the information should be withheld in the first place? The same applies to all their financial matters, it is our money that is being manipulated as well as being spent. Beyond that I actually think that the information contained, and perhaps strategically released, is indeed both helpful to us and to the Authority, it is, to a degree, a reassuring document.
  17. Wow, Poppy, that is deep! Mind you, I'm impressed, what with me being the sarcastic, cynical old bugger that I am, at least where unaccountable local government quangos with a history of deception and manipulation are concerned!
  18. I was rather hoping! Schoolboy French coped quite well and Google Translate did its bit!
  19. https://www.chasse-maree.com/broads-one-design-un-monotype-signe-linton-hope/?fbclid=IwAR0Iie0X1ExTTWIo5CXueuMumJCnJU52wlvvp1oRuV-UjNElLfgspcfn01U
  20. Likewise . What is good for the goose should be good for the gander.
  21. Hello, Daphne, welcome to the forum, a good first post, thank you. I do have a tolled skiff and a kayak, I'm still getting my Broads fix, in a limited manner. Re the hire fleet, I agree, they ought to make a fair contribution although I do wonder what will be deemed as fair and who will make that final decision?
  22. Or hooking a gudgeon on my pintle!
  23. I have two boats that are un-tolled this year, un-launched too, sat in my garden. Three of my nearby neighbours also have boats in their gardens, likewise un-tolled. A BA person tells me that it's the same at Wroxham, many club & private moorings being unused this year.
  24. The Great British Stay-Cation. will it last? If the widely reported, recent TUI flight from Turkey is anything to go by then I suspect that it will. At the moment nothing on this earth would induce me, and I suspect many others, into boarding a cruise ship or an air-liner! Elsewhere British restaurants are reporting a rash of 'no-shows', people clearly hedging their bets, making multiple bookings just in case. Will there be a rash of cancellations in the spring? Who knows, I wouldn't be counting my chickens before they hatch. Unpredictable, worrying times. Personally I shall stick with British holidays, might go on the Broads, again and again!
  25. I largely agree with both Floyd and Vaughan on this one. However, I inevitably preach caution. The one issue I do have, both with the BA's and Vaughan's comment is that the Authority has kept the navigation open. They haven't, as such. it is inherently open as an arm of the open sea, tidal river, should be. The point is that they didn't attempt to close it, thankfully. I do question why this unexpectedly released report was initially withheld from the public gaze. It is widely acknowledged that there is a regrettable lack of trust issue in regard to the BA and money matters in particular. This report does, in my opinion, paint the Authority in a good light. It is doing no harm by being published, indeed it is a positive.
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