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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. There might be a reduction in supply from the yards but against that there is a huge supply of ex-hire craft in private hands.
  2. There is a small matter of planning consent.
  3. I suspect that come the New Year the 'right price' will be rather more in favour of the punters. My prediction is that there will be bargains to be had, I can feel it in my water! All a case of supply and demand. There is no shortage of boats on brokerage, but there might be a diminishing supply of would be owners.
  4. It would appear that there is a shortage of moorings, at least for 45ft boats. It might be reasonable to guess that Joe Public's confidence in the future re jobs and security is presently on hold.
  5. Maybe, perhaps they are also off-loading old boats before a possible price slump.
  6. It's mentioned in the agenda papers for the next Broads Authority meeting that the hire fleet is predicted to become smaller next year, despite the suggestion that next year will be a bumper one for bookings.
  7. We don't have to look very deep for questionable polices. For example my Grandson's partner has had to go into isolation, result of track and trace. inevitably he and she have their intimate moments as they live in close contact yet he is not required to be isolated. Short of being locked in individual cells I have to question isolation, not the principle but the practicalities. Not all of us live in houses where isolation is really possible.
  8. Wise words, Vaughan, as ever. It makes me wonder if James is not aiming for a very desirable destination rather than a departure point, your suggestion certainly makes sense. It has so much to offer in than it's set in a delightful area that for one I have never tired of. As a local we now have the amenity of the Carlton Marshes Nature Reserve on our doorstep which James has very wisely provided ferry access to and from. Hats off to James for what he has created. If you are very lucky to might witness galloping yurts! The WRC has become a gem on the Broads.
  9. Fowlers hire boats were there for one season, WRC's hireboats, three or so years, Waveney Cruisers pre Fowlers five or so years. Probably no more than ten years in total since 1950. When I say 'hire boats' I mean cruisers rather than dayboats.
  10. Perhaps one of a number of reasons. Prospective boat cleaners must be few and far between at Burgh St Peter, it's hardly a bustling metropolis.
  11. They certainly don't, indeed I think that they actually add to the attraction of the place but apparently not everyone agrees with that sentiment. The place is surrounded by miles of unspoiled Norfolk countryside and marshland.
  12. Best visited in the run-up to Christmas. A trip to the Adnams shop is a must and near to being the perfect one stop Christmas shop. https://www.adnams.co.uk/locations/southwold
  13. Private boats go from Beccles, Brundall, Somerleyton and Oulton Broad to visit the WRC & Waveney Inn for the weekend. Trouble is that the hire-fleet takes up a lot of room on a Saturday, taking up moorings that otherwise would be used by pub customers. In my experience mixing hire & private boats is not always successful. Bouncing large hireboats off sometimes very expensive private boats is not always best appreciated.
  14. I do know that a number of WRC boat hirers have expressed distaste for the road access. Beyond that the suggestion that the neighbouring Bridges are a problem is a sound one. My guess is that the hireboats are moving in order to make way for private boats or maybe an increase in private berths. My next guess is that weekend pub taking would go up if the hireboats aren't being turned around. Might also be a local shortage of boat cleaners. Haven't been to the WRC this year, regretfully.
  15. Just found this website: https://mashable.com/2016/04/30/norfolk-broads/?europe=true
  16. Very sensibly the owners managed without. She was also capable of passing under Potter Heigham Bridge thus was a proper Broads boat.
  17. The oldest Broads boat being here: https://watermillsandmarshes.org.uk/chet-boat/
  18. The Maria, built in the 1820's, is still about. Reckon she the second oldest Broads survivor:
  19. The Angling Alliance is affiliated to the WWF. Mind you, they rarely lose their case, not normally taking on a case unless that are pretty certain of wining.
  20. It has long been admitted, in high circles, that dredging Hickling thus increasing the flush effect would be both beneficial for the Broad itself and the downstream rivers. Dredging has since taken place in the Sound and on the Broad although I'm sure that more could be done, both North and South on the Yare. The Waveney is pretty good and the dredging at Oulton Broad can only be a good thing. Dredging at Hoveton Great Broad can only help, provided the Broad isn't dammed off from the rivers.
  21. Cut your own out of Fablon. Ask Grendel to do the name in brass, complete with ornate flourishes. Single stick on letters from Halfords, Nearest & Dearest or Jeckells. A permanent marker. Stylish from E.Bay such as https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-x-Boat-Name-Vinyl-Stickers-Graphics-Decals-Narrow-Boat-Speed-Jet-ski/293678543066?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item44609af0da:g:l2AAAOSwhO9bXLUB&amdata=enc%3AAQAFAAACcBaobrjLl8XobRIiIML1V4Imu%2Fn%2BzU5L90Z278x5ickkvjzWOStkxwnlDuxSI1PVVq0WarV7XMSiY81THlkaLqzyyMpmBZc0coDSuwxmX%2BUUAYmXi6qYPm73HlJzAvwROMvV0fnxCKxGcPxKJhF0mvqpKJvq99GwCiEDMcbV9S43p90EBFW6sUT4WHqZiz1Z3vgffYCQ7l8xq5ZdQSo%2BzzAMJ%2FEbTt915jRozi7HryICbsa0AThk1QdsK0nD4YGfsNfYOKhZIbPEySmmWy21Iu8RifOeIn8tifIR%2Fu9z996%2B3PRKBZlDVivUZNPmIkM89i7%2BFURk%2BAtnv4X%2FW96ceLE%2FJJK0sLmEULj%2F8roH6MBLOcq%2BHMbUxvJERlv0opYKwFNCHcE2Jy5R%2FrL2OQuLs%2FmfdmzlcZkfHV7CilYdDxuiz%2BsrU71sWS0Fbj0AMliVV3bZvqYHn3iE1QLEOG%2F6KQOiZ6oQd1SOxaXD051oHyntxg%2Fw2BsjPt1srNCLlkB1q07RAB54yfabA19h7rFIMgRs9zfsMYdIbVmWL63ncitumVWBTEjzaJwbYGc8Yq%2BXFJfQYrJGcAzls3kujZwDckrnrhbn38yX6L8%2FQ1s%2FZKo7wte1aG9zWeh48Npkgn6zYe2UQC9andnBlFNX0mV01xHTwslUbFe03SEfn6iDXucTQqX9l4uVuwyVi27S5quUZImgDhYnzOoXS116qmGBBKkLjM5%2FgPTjDKga5W8xD6O8uHVhHExGtkN9huSiFSbWtzNMYCcpxErkifyFiViy2PJuprJAGPwVXDm4uynDhS%2FJ%2BMiUFu9EBbC%2FCPzIDdyOyQ%3D%3D|cksum%3A293678543066089ad7f4e0234ee290dba05c60e96dcb|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2334524
  22. There are a couple or three 'carrs' up that way, you're spoilt for choice!
  23. If a mooring is head to wind then it's not uncommon to see Broads boats brailing their sails by lifting the boom with their topping lift. Bit more breezy then they might ease the peak. The wherries don't have booms but they just detach the mainsheet. It was perhaps more common when sails were made of cotton and needed drying and airing.
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