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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Every inch? Yes, because if we give an inch we might just loose a mile, or even miles. Above Potter Bridge for example, the idea has been mooted.
  2. Grace, my favourite time of the year is when the light is right! October to February is pretty good and either early or late in the day. That said the above pictures were taken after lunch. When things are right I'd prefer having a camera rather than a drink in my hand! Today was a 'daggy day', as we say up this way, just needed the sun to give it a lift.
  3. Grace, took these this morning:
  4. Marshman, I have been known to sleep in the pub car park. On one occasion even in the landlady's fishpond, but that was in my less responsible, formative years!
  5. The Broads Authority is a rum set-up. The Broads Authority itself is allegedly lead by a committee of wise men whilst the Broads Authority that we see on the bank is managed by the executive. Unfortunately the committee is seen as being lead by the executive, in other words the tail is wagging the dog. The Broads needs an executive that is lead by the committee that is the actual Broads Authority. The executive appears to have forgotten that it is a public servant. The Authority is not there just to rubber-stamp the agenda of the executive, as has clearly happened in the past.
  6. I am in no way suggesting a wholesale replacement of the Broads Authority. Who ever is in charge needs to be Broads orientated, to understand the Broads for what it is. For Broads sakes we need a change at the top but we must keep the Authority. It's not perfect but rather than changing the Broads to suit the executive's narrow vision we need to change the Authority to suit the Broads, to regain the trust of the 'little people'.
  7. Jon, I'll arrange for the occupation if you take on the eviction, we could make our fortunes, 50/50 okay?
  8. As both an angler AND a boater I would not be happy to see any loss to the navigation area whatsoever. Beyond that I am entirely in favour of conservation of flora and fauna but I would extend conservation to include the Broads in the wider sense. We have to protect / conserve our culture, ethos and traditions just as we have to protect our reedbeds and spotted, lesser breasted whatsits. When we sailed in this year's Three Rivers Race, as dawn broke, with the mist on the water turning an ethereal pink, mauve and orange, we could hear the magical 'boom' of the bittern, several infact. That is the Broads, worth conserving. For the record I am in favour of the Broads being a National Park, provided that in being one we don't loose the Broads as we know it. Unfortunately I do not trust the Authority one iota when it comes to that wider conservation. The conservation of the Broads for what it is is surely the holy grail that we should be seeking. By that I don't mean that I want time to stand still, just that the ethos and spirit of the Broads is maintained. Unfortunately I do not believe that the BA's executive really appreciates quite what the Broads actually is. In the meantime I not believe that we can take the risk in supporting Dr Packmans ambitions. All a question of trust.
  9. Well, well, what sort of silly person wanted a boat taken from the Broads?!?!
  10. Problem is that we have an executive that is adroit at manipulating the meaning of both words and committees. The BA is suggesting that in being required to promote the enjoyment of Broads is key to calling the Broads a national park, even though it isn't one and both DEFRA & Parliament say it isn't. Just how many ways are there of saying 'no' yet Dr Packman ploughs on?
  11. I suspect that the CEO is relying on that well known saying. 'gently, gently catch the monkey'.
  12. Bonzo, Beccles Yacht Station in this case. I would guess that at many moorings it would be assumed that whoever was onboard a boat was there with the owners permission. Another point being that not everyone moors at a supervised mooring.
  13. Personally I don't cling to that belief. I do, however, believe that once the name is achieved the BA will then demand that the Broads becomes a National Park proper. I have read the agenda papers on this one with a great deal of interest. The Broads Society's response is well worth reading.
  14. Not just a preferred political agenda, more a hell-bent personal agenda, a self aggrandisement agenda..
  15. Fergus, with his partner, is involved with the campsite at the Whitlingham Redundant Gravel Pit (Broad). Perhaps he's retired early and gone full time there?
  16. One of my daughters came back from Germany yesterday and on the train from London overheard a rather alarming conversation if she heard it correctly. Apparently an individual was bragging that he is dossing on a boat in the Beccles yacht station, without the owner's knowledge and presumably consent. My Rebecca might have got it wrong but it does ring true and is certainly possible. People abandon their boats for six months of the year making them an obvious target for dossers and if one is doing it then I'm sure others will follow. Worth checking or asking us locals to check.
  17. Oi, us noisy pensioners are the salt of the earth! The Telegraph is right about lager louts though, better not mention all lads parties. . . . . . .
  18. Another worthwhile read, can't find an option to say 'NO'. And who says that Dr Packman doesn't lead the agenda!!??
  19. Worthwhile read: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/3313858/Make-the-Norfolk-Broads-a-National-Park.html
  20. Keith, it surfaced back in October. The public consultation finished at the end of December. Thankfully the NSBA is on the ball & several of us have already been in contact with DEFRA. See:
  21. Josh, dangerous talk for men over a certain age, unless they have strong constitutions!
  22. That Liberta is tasty! My idea of a real 'pint of two's palace'!
  23. Especially on planning matters!
  24. Yet another sunset photographed from the end of my garden. Nothing special but if you look carefully at the clouds in the middle you can see a small flock of birds 'murmurizing', great entertainment. As I turned from taking this snap a vicious, freezing squall crossed the Broad, brrrrrrr. As I walked back up the garden the skies opened, stinging rain, I was glad to get in.
  25. Might have headroom but ran aground instead! The low tide at Oulton Broad was at least a meter below usual low water springs. Helpful though, I was able to retrieve a shackle spanner that I dropped over the side two years ago. Tide turned almost to the minute as predicted.
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