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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Approved comments are allowed, but not unhelpful criticisms, these tend to fall at the first hurdle, at least mine do! Bob, you wrote: The world is not going to end because of a branding exercise, nor would it end if the Broads did become a full National Park. That is probably true, but would we like the resultant changes?
  2. Charlie, the boats are ready constructed, all you have to do is turn up & race, you now have no excuse. Mind you, having BA on hand to act as a support vessel or hospital ship for unfit and knackered NBN crew members could be useful.
  3. http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/dragon_boat_race_is_returning_to_oulton_broad_1_3939928 Anyone game?
  4. Just curious, had a peep at: http://thebroadsblog.blogspot.co.uk/ I see Packman is not yet crowing, I wonder why?
  5. Ordnance Survey agreed to stop using the name a year or two back, after I corrected them!
  6. Not just the birds, but foxes too. The buggers must be hungry, nicked four of my chickens, damn them.
  7. On the other hand I don't live within the National Park boundary because, as far as the Broads is concerned, it doesn't exist!
  8. Malcolm Martins, the writer of the above letter, has written elsewhere that he suggests that other local parishioners check out whether their parish councils responded and whether the BA 'received' their comment. Seemingly the BA's agenda suggests that a lot of PCs didn't respond, Thorpe St Andrew being one of them. Worth checking.
  9. I would go so far as to suggest that Hoseasons changed the face of boating in the latter half of the 1970's when they decided to target the high street. At that time I joint owned the Waveney River Centre and had the shop there. Overnight the customer base changed and both shop and pub takings dropped considerably. They may have filled the boats but not with people who wanted a boating holiday as such. I always felt that that was a turning point for the Broads.
  10. Not only that I think that there is a risk that the very character of the Broads as a holiday destination will change, not sure that I would welcome that. Personally I head for the spit and sawdust rather than the lounge bar!
  11. Not a boatyard job but if you fancy the Bay Watch life then this one is for you: http://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/lifeguards_wanted_for_11_norfolk_beaches_1_3942086
  12. This, I think, people will find interesting, from the EDP's letter page: A fine example of suppressing 'unhelpful' information, some might call it cherry picking. Either way a pretty damning letter.
  13. Just thought that folk MIGHT find them interesting, I did. https://www.facebook.com/uknationalparks/photos/a.128058424520.96643.21047304520/10153067047184521/?type=3&theater
  14. Found the picture of the sail, not much of a clue. Fairly certain that she was a local class that never really caught on.
  15. Polly, there was a Martini on Oulton Broad many years ago, don't remember much about her. To save me ploughing through all the above films which one has the Martini on? Might jog my memory.
  16. JennyMorgan


    Leo, I found this one useful elsewhere but not over here , however I will keep it handy, just in case.
  17. Nice pictures! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.128058424520.96643.21047304520&type=1
  18. Having worked for and worked with Jimmy Hoseason, and knew him for well over forty years, I can testify to the tremendous loyalty that surrounded the man. That loyalty and his drive was second to none. His office was not far from Oulton Broad Yacht Station and he would always find time to talk to his customers, I never knew him to be remote.
  19. John, very apt re a certain other rebranding exercise!
  20. Compare: https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=off&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1600&bih=781&q=Hoseasons+Logo&oq=Hoseasons+Logo&gs_l=img.12..0.3424.13863.0.16834.
  21. More good stuff here: http://intheboatshed.net/2015/02/01/potter-heighham-and-the-broads-1932-and-more/
  22. Follow this link to the Norfolk & Suffolk Boating Association and scroll down on Latest News page until you come to the Autumn Newsletter 2014. http://www.thegreenbook.org.uk/
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