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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. A similar idea has been explored by the Authority, Dr Packman was in America, at his expense, when he explored the possibilities on offer. Basically, if I understand correctly, separation would be by centrifugal force as well as filtration.
  2. Strow, you never fail to disappoint me! The mention of local types of boats is interesting, something that should be considered. Boats and boating have long been far from the top of the executive's personal agenda. Yet their very existence, from wherries to hire boats, have dictated much of the character of the Broads over the centuries. Whilst it would be good to see wherries toll free I think it would be much appreciated if the upper echelons of the BA were to acknowledge the place of boats in both the history and future of the Broads. Boats have influenced the Broads and the Broads have influenced boats, that needs to be acknowledged. Where would the Broads be without boats?
  3. This appeal is on FaceBook, stark and to the point: Would you believe that there is a government department that enthusiastically claims that it is something it is not? The Broads Authority now claims that black is white and that it is now a National Park, when it cannot be so. It's the final straw in a large steaming pile of mismanagement and we are fed up. Structural change is needed in the Authority. It won't fix itself. Please sign our petition at: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/74305 I rather wish I'd written that!
  4. In my mind the real topic that matters is the governance of the Authority. This has enabled the BA to make the declaration that the Broads is a National Park, this is covered in this petition. Whilst of great importance the other matters are incidental at this point in time but nevertheless they are relevant to the future well being of the Broads. Clearly written by someone who understands the Broads and has the well being of the Broads at heart, I enthusiastically support this petition and ask that you all do too. It serves to undo injustices of the past as well of much more recent times. For Broads sakes support it, please! It's our chance to be heard.
  5. Nor anything about a fully battened, roached main! http://engine.tech.netuse.gr/filesystem/images/20110728/low/prototype_LARGE_t_11_165.JPG
  6. Being a blond old codger might be a bit of a problem though!
  7. Don't think that many of the players are Norwich so I don't expect that being a foreigner really matters in that case!
  8. For Yorkshire to be God's County the inhabitants will have to learn how to talk proper so him upstairs can understand them? This is 'proper':
  9. Down here in Suffolk we reckon we can always recognise incomers during the winter. Locals in T-Shirts & foreigners, including Yorkies, in overcoats!
  10. Reading between the lines of the report I wonder if the owner has not installed the equipment with 'hard' joins, forgetting that boats vibrate and move. I think that this serves as a reminder to well meaning DIYers and even professionals who are not boat minded that the disciplines required for boats is often quite different to land-based installations. I well remember a local boatyard installing the wiring on a class of yacht that it was building. The electrician used mono rather than multi-strand wiring, the result was that the wiring snapped due to vibration. Subsequent boats were wired with multi-strand, no further problems. I am no expert but I can't help but wonder if there are not similarities.
  11. Seventy foot of carbon? That's one hell of a length, when lowered, to go though Yarmouth with! 80/85 foot l.o.a?
  12. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/tour_de_broads_festival_2015_cycling_routes_revealed_1_3933022
  13. Marsh, have tried to enhance that snap for you. It looks like she dredged with buckets on belts, probably very easy to maintain a constant depth with. I expect that she belonged to the Lowestoft to Norwich Navigation Company or whatever it was called.
  14. Marsh, i suspect that there is some truth in that tale. In one race I was caught by the undertow from one coaster. The suction created towed me along several hundred yards, right through the fleet, despite which I still didn't get a place!
  15. Clive,I have been behind Raisena in my dory, after that elusive photographic masterpiece, when I have watched your swirls in the silt. You won't come to a standstill, unless you hit the clay in the North Bay, but you might be cutting through silt. They are very nice people at WOBYC, they don't tend to set the cruiser races for low tide, it saves fuel on the rescue boats! If my memory serves me right Mike on Maidie grounded where he shouldn't in one race last summer. For the record Oulton is due for a big dredge, surveys taken place and lagoons have been prepared for the spoil but I have no idea when it's scheduled for.
  16. Today seems to me to be a good day to remember. Please, if you are easily upset, don't watch the following, it is quite sickening:
  17. I actually posted a link a few days ago. The report does include Broadland 'bog's but I suppose most 'stinkies' are suitable equipped. On the other hand us 'wafis' are glad of a civilised lavatory rather than a bucket for 'number two's', helps stop our boats being 'stinkies'.
  18. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/body_recovered_from_river_waveney_near_beccles_following_police_search_1_3932285
  19. Marsh, 1860, is that early enough? At one time sailing smacks were able to come onto Oulton Broad for storage and maintenance. A few years ago Excelsior, a sailing smack, came onto Oulton Broad for an exhibition, she didn't go many yards before running aground. At one times laden wherries, drawing about 6 feet, were able to sail the Broads, confident that the rivers would accommodate them. rather more limited today. At one time coasters could go up river to Norwich, doubt that they could today. Mind you, they have no reason to go there today but the loss of depth means a loss of flow to help keep Breydon clear. My daughters RCC sailing boat, Spray, draws about 3'4", we have sailed across the centre of Oulton Broad leaving a swirl of mud stirred up by Spray's keel.
  20. Strow, you don't live that far from either Hunters or Martham Boats, may I suggest that you pop in and measure up the old girls' bottoms!
  21. Strow, please, a little bit of research wouldn't go amiss on this one. 3'6" is pretty much a standard draft amongst Broads sailing craft, including sailing cruisers. Yes, some of the extreme racing machines have had their draft increased in recent years but 'most' have not. I rather suspect that less than one percent of Broads sailing cruisers exceed four foot draft.
  22. The Broads, a National Treasure, now, that would have made sense to me. Re water depth, many gin palaces exceed three foot draft, about the same as very many Broads sailing boats. That aside, water depth is very much a conservation issue. Water flow relates to flushing the system, remove that flush and the very character of the Broads environment changes. Shallow water relates to reduced flow thus a reduced flush, one of the reasons that Heigham Sound was eventually dredged, after much kicking and screaming.
  23. Worth a peep, will have to get myself one of those natty smocks! http://www.mustardtv.co.uk/browse/former-norwich-city-mascots-broads-bike-to-be-restored/
  24. Good ol Norfolk Skies, even if seen from Suffolk! Thanks for the compliment, young Norfolk Bor. Us ol' Suffik ginks do appreciate a bitter smarm !
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