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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. We've discussed this in some depth, do we need more of the same? However, re a 'jolly' to London, the BA is not a tourist authority, arguably not their remit, they should leave that side of it to the industry. Be interesting to see the eventual cost of this jaunt and to which budget it is charged and at what proportion. Questions need to be asked, in my opinion.
  2. Speed, you'll have to look incredibly closely!! You might just be lucky and see it
  3. Must be the real thing! If you look very, very, very closely you'll see a car in a dyke in the background.
  4. Phew, Strow, they are ganging up on you!
  5. From that very same report: The Broads is the only National Park that has seen a fall in house prices over the last five years, down 2%. Overall, the average price in National Parks rose by 12%.
  6. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/car_crashes_into_ditch_at_acle_1_3949940?usurv=skip However, no reports on the condition of the dyke
  7. Does it come complete with mill stone and string to put round your neck? Polly, reckon Brilliant would look good parked there! An iconic Broads building, hope that the new owners respect that, no weird Hunsett Mill type extensions and chip shop chimneys for example!
  8. I wouldn't want to live in one if it really wasn't one!
  9. Back in the 1950's I was shunted off to boarding school at a place called Taverham Hall, on the banks of the River Wensum in Norfolk. Curtailed my boating a bit during term time but the fishing was wonderful, so very privileged to have some of the finest roach and dace fishing in England at that time on hand.
  10. A good friend of mine, a far cleverer bloke than me, came up with this: Ideal for printing off and putting in boat windows!
  11. Here is the Official Broads National Park logo, suitably amended!
  12. From a man who admits to having learned all he knows about life from Health & Efficiency!!
  13. Tench are on the Broads, other people catch them, just not me! There are some whopping carp on The Broads, but you need the patience of Job to catch them and a lifetime to find them, or a lot of luck.
  14. We are now down to a pointless level of discussion that is helping no one. Paladine used the term 'baiting', just about sums it all up, in my opinion, totally pointless and helps no one. People either will or won't support the petition. I just hope that I won't be in a position of being able to say 'I told you so', but that is for the future.
  15. Strowager, numerous good folk do have an agenda, The Broads. It is not to be unexpected that such folk would want to highlight failings that impact on their great love. They might even ask forum members for support, after all this is a Broads forum. Clearly you have a problem with this, fair enough, got to say that I don't understand your attitude but then you obviously don't understand mine, or those of others who are concerned enough to make a stand. Time to step back from the brink?
  16. Surprise, surprise, it's still being published! http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.pdfmagaz.in/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/12/he-naturist-january-2013/HE-Naturist-January-2013.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.pdfmagaz.in/01124122-he-naturist-january-2013/&h=262&w=192&tbnid=KbFofZ_BeT-mMM:&zoom=1&tbnh=186&tbnw=136&usg=__1tloy9JrxGFGU9rsS0RbYCwM4CI=&docid=Cd4kRHUngkjb9M&itg=1&ved=0CJABEMo3&ei=cpHWVIy1H-vW7QaB7ICoDg
  17. One for Strow, is this the rebirth? http://www.broadly-speaking.co.uk/forum/topic1255
  18. Geoff, September and a good bream bashing rod, sounds good! Wendy will be able to keep your glass topped up whilst you do the hauling.
  19. Whilst Old Wuss was reading Womans Own others of us read Light Craft, or Health & Efficiency!
  20. There is a Hardy General on e-bay at the moment: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HARDY-The-GENERAL-Cane-rod-/381143664328?pt=UK_BOI_Packing_Postal_Supplies_Labels_LE&hash=item58bdeec6c8 I see that it is not entirely split cane so perhaps not so desirable but we'll have to wait & see what it goes for. The more specialised Hardy split cane rods can and do go for surprising prices, either in original condition or expertly refurbished. John/Morris is quite right, a 90% price drop for poor restoration is not unheard of.
  21. My guess is that some members of the group are not supportive of some of the issues raised in the petition. Perhaps, for example, some folk don't want Hoveton Great Broad opened to the masses. Perfectly valid concern but perhaps the petition is suggesting that rather than closing waters the BA should actually be opening them up, something that I agree with. Had the petition stuck to the core subject then perhaps the number would be higher. On the other hand the petition writer has chosen to take this opportunity to raise a number of issues, quite understandably. Whatever, the writer has got of his/her nether regions and done something positive rather than just sitting on the sidelines, nitpicking, point scoring and trying to undo the good work of others.
  22. I hope that Paladin won't now totally withdraw from the debate! There is no question that the forums are watched by the BA so, on occasions, suitable prudence is obviously prudent. At this point in the debate there is nothing to be gained by revealing all one's cards.
  23. I really am bothered! Batrabill, perhaps you could consider a less aggressive style, just a suggestion you'll understand.
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