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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I didn't know, so I looked it up! http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/cobblers
  2. Fishing from a boat really doesn't require a long rod, ten feet long is probably long enough and a traditional through action ideal for bream. I now have four of these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201285488909?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Including p&p I've paid between £12.00 and £15.00 each and darn good they are too! I bought them as guest rods and have taken to using one myself. Okay, not the same league as some of my rods but a ten foot, three piece rod is very useful and easy to back away on a boat.
  3. My father was involved with the original consultation process leading to the creation of The Broads Authority. The area eventually chosen relates closely to the navigation area rather than to the catchment area, a fact that I can remember being discussed in great depth at the time. Had the catchment area been included then I would agree that the creation of a Broads National Park would have had great merit but the catchment area was not included. It's worth googling Broads Catchment Area because Dr Packman put together an excellent document relating to it. The Broads Bill, would, in my opinion, have been the ideal opportunity to have sought an extension of the administrative area but that didn't happen. Had it then I think Dr Packman would have deserved a gong! As it is he didn't, and we have the hodge podge that we have and the resultant lies!
  4. A map of the 'Iconic' Broadland River Wensum: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=the+river+wensum+map&safe=off&biw=1600&bih=781&tbm=isch&imgil=oHFk-DkpSgm2qM%253A%253BGLMe3vJQQZm0pM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.wensumalliance.org.uk%25252Fg_earth%25252FWensumDTC.KMZ&source=iu&pf=m&fir=oHFk-DkpSgm2qM%253A%252CGLMe3vJQQZm0pM%252C_&usg=__Ts4hGe70SC8e0S62jjMW2sSLN1I%3D&ved=0CDkQyjc&ei=8PjdVMq4Bo3uapCugfgC#imgdii=_&imgrc=oHFk-DkpSgm2qM%253A%3BGLMe3vJQQZm0pM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wensumalliance.org.uk%252Fg_earth%252FWensumMap_2enlarge.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wensumalliance.org.uk%252Fg_earth%252FWensumDTC.KMZ%3B2336%3B1610
  5. Regarding Norwich and The Broads, it has long been the capital of Norfolk so one might reasonably expect it to be the capital of the Norfolk Broads, despite a large portion of The Broads being in Suffolk! However, Norwich has long turned its back on its river, and its Yacht Station. In a nutshell I don't think Norwich deserves the Wensum, in itself an absolutely delightful river that winds for many mile through Norfolk. Is including Norwich in the mythical Broads National Park part of Packmans self aggrandisement strategy or has Norwich woken up to the Broads and the fact that it is right on its doorstep? It is a fact that Norwich is outside the Broads Authority's administrative area so to include it in the BNP is a tad tenuous. In reality Norwich is as much part of the Broads as is Gt Yarmouth but surely no one would consider including a down at heel town like Yarmouth, or grubby Lowestoft come to that, in the BNP, would they or have they? Who actually decided to include Norwich in the BNP? "Adrian Clarke, senior waterways and recreation officer at the Broads Authority, said: “The Wensum is an iconic feature of the Broads. Does the bloke actually realise how little of the Wensum is actually located within the Broads area? http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Broads_UK_location_map.svg
  6. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/new_blueprint_aims_to_unlock_untapped_potential_of_norwich_s_river_wensum_1_3954672
  7. Re sponsorship, perhaps the Hire Boat Federation is an option?
  8. No, but it looks like Norwich has gone for National Park Status which, in my opinion, makes a mockery of the countryside concept of a National Park.
  9. More info here: http://lovemytown.co.uk/citystatus/index.htm
  10. Re Norwich being in the Broads Notional Park, how come? It's outside the Broads Authority executive area!
  11. I'm sure that it will, under the pretext that extra visitors attract further investment which in turn means more boats thus more tolls income. A tenuous argument, I know, but not unheard of. Lets twist words again, like we did last summer, and all the summers before that
  12. Keith's comments about forward planning, ahead of the formal acceptance of the re-branding by Authority members is well made and deserves further research. If it should be proven that orders were place ahead of that acceptance then BA officers have overstepped the mark and that deserves comment and dripping fans.
  13. 1 I'm not but I do question what I see as a departure from the original intention of the Act. Promoting interests does not require that the Broads is 're-branded'. 2 Information Centres are there to inform, it's there in the title. As with Beccles these Information Centres could be independent of the BA thus not a drain on tolls which, one way or another, I'm sure that they are. 3 Like Beccles Information Centre these could be independent, ideal vehicles for sponsorship.
  14. I don't object in principle to the BA accepting sponsorship from a go-ahead firm like Richardsons but like Keith I do wonder if the same opportunity was fairly offered to others? I do see sponsorship as a two edged sword and what worries me is that sponsorship can buy 'favours', as we have seen with the major political parties. When sponsorship becomes a lobbying tool then we all need to worry.
  15. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/mp_questions_environment_minister_over_broads_national_park_rebrand_1_3951236 The same but with the opportunity to comment! Just don't use the word 'lie' otherwise the auto moderator kicks in, grrrrr!
  16. 1 Is this jaunt to London sanctioned by the Broads Authority members or is it simply Officer initiated? 2 Have Broads Authority members ever sanctioned the function of the Authority as a Tourist Board/Authority? 3 What is the agreed budget for rebranding? As far a 2 is concerned I believe that the answer is quite simply 'No'. There was certainly no mention of this function when the Broads Bill went through Parliament.
  17. No, Strow, sorry and all that. I'm not going to be drawn into yet another of your repeat arguments. Tempting, but pointless.
  18. I'm not going to argue, Strow, not worth it, be wasting my time! Thought I'd bring this one out though
  19. I'm sure someone will grout about it!
  20. Griff's had a week on the tiles! Ho ho ho!
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