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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. But he's lovely with it, bless 'im!
  2. Peter, I'm sure that you'll be wary of direct contact. Why I say that is because I'm aware of two old folk locally who have recently died yet they have been in isolation. With the best will in the world the local authorities have organised carers. The probability is that untested carers have taken the virus into their client's home. It's so easy, tragic. Worryingly one lived about three hundred yards away from my front door. Better that you help rather than an untested stranger. Dump the stuff in the porch or by the front door and back off. Arrange for your sister to help the old folk lift their goodies into the house, what could be safer. As for the travel, surely that is entirely reasonable by any standard. As has been said, do what you feel is right.
  3. Another Broads sailor sadly lost. Not a friend although I did know him to talk to, we both belonged to the same sailing club. His mum-in-law lived opposite to us, good friend to my wife, she was so proud of her son-in-law & the family often stayed over whilst dad was away. It wasn't uncommon for Concord to fly overhead but probably with passengers aboard so it was generally a sedate fly pass so to speak, just to say hi to his family I suppose! There is mention of two flights over Oulton Broad in the article but there was a third that I don't think included the sailing club and that was when Concord did what I believe to have been the final flight around Britain. I just happened to be in the garden when she came in low and slow, along our road so to speak before heading upwards over Mum in Law's house, massive power on, memorable! https://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/concorde-captain-from-norfolk-dies-from-coronavirus-1-6637861
  4. Trouble is that that might include some of the riff-raff!
  5. Perhaps those of us living within 500 yards of the Broads up until the end of 2020?
  6. It will be! Angling allowed whilst boating is not, uncluttered 24hr moorings, bonus!
  7. Jimmy and his pipe, evil smelling thing! The advertising agency maintained that a man with a pipe portrayed a trustworthy family man. In Jimmy's case that was perfectly true! I don't doubt for one second that Jimmy would have immediately responded without having to be told to do so.
  8. Your deposit effectively being their commission thus all that Hoseasons, and maybe Blakes too, would have to have returned was that deposit.
  9. As a result of which I believe that she was on the Hoseason's stand at the Boat Show.
  10. Backing away from the glorious thought of well rounded ladies froliking in the long grass, I just noticed this positive bit of spin in relation to the even more Glorious 16th. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/04/golfers-anglers-ready-cast-coronavirus-lockdown-restrictions/?fbclid=IwAR0-7gYp8QW-2WFCzbrvIErEiYNthM5bKJ_4LbekYsm6K43G3mowKjv8Nug
  11. My guess is that it became too popular, a nightmare for the organisers who were all part-time volunteers. Whatever Beccles does it becomes hugely popular! The Antiques Festival in the Town Centre brings the town to a standstill, the Christmas Fair is like being packed in a sardine can, it's a Beccles thing I suppose, it shouldn't be such a nice place!
  12. For me one of the highlights of the Broads calendar is the annual carnival at Beccles. Not quite the same since Beccles Regatta & the Carnival parted company but still well worth the trip to Beccles. https://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/beccles-carnival-cancelled-over-coronavirus-uncertainty-1-6635538
  13. Now we know why folk flocked to Geldeston! To said folk this must be terrible news indeed! Mind you, perhaps it also underlines a debatable advantages of global warming! https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/norfolk-police-find-cannabis-plants-at-geldeston-1-6637808
  14. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/east-anglian-based-hoseasons-says-doing-all-it-can-to-deal-with-holiday-cancellations-1-6637647
  15. I was wondering if that might not be the problem. Perhaps Hoseasons could do the obvious thing and request a refund from the third party. Hardly rocket science! Surely Hoseasons acts on behalf of the both parties in any transaction?
  16. Exactly. Hoseasons is doing itself no great favours in going against the decent flow. Companies such as Haven are showing what can and arguably should be done. I think that I speak for the great unwashed majority when I suggest that companies dodging their responsibilities with their cleverly written T&Cs are doing the reputation of the business world no great favours whatsoever. What Hoseasons is doing appears to be reprehensible, what Haven appears to be doing appears to be highly creditable, which company will people turn to in the future? I believe that Haven uses Hoseasons, does this mean that a Haven customer that booked via Hoseasons is treated differently to one that was booked direct? Would the same apply to a Richardson customer?
  17. I can never understand the clamor to knock down that Bridge at Potter, it's a doddle, even in a cabin boat!
  18. There's an established, annual Spring run on one of the rivers but you will need a boat, and maritime plod won't like that, at least not this year.
  19. Did any of our more rotund lady members join in on Saturday?
  20. Knowing the family personally I would have been surprised if they acted any differently. They are cute bunnies, they are active throughout the year whereas many of Hoseason's customers are seasonal. Seasonal businesses rely on their winter/spring deposits to pay their bills at the start of the season, or they did in my time! I'm afraid that Marshman's last comment may have more than a little substance.
  21. No, I haven't a clue, but I will guess that your first option is to effectively cash in your voucher. Personally I'd do that rather than wait for a crash. In the event of which I suspect the bank would have no option but to honour their S75 agreement.
  22. Hoseasons are hacking off not only their customers but also the customers of those that they represent. So what happens if Hoseasons ceases trading? In practical terms their physical, realizable assets are surely limited. Come on Hoseasons, sort yourselves out! The implications of them not doing so are worrying.
  23. Hoseasons has very clearly damaged itself, and possibly the Broads holiday industry. It will be interesting to see if their 'major' accounts stay with them. Very unfortunate for all concerned. Hats off to Which.
  24. The one that I admired at the Stratford's place was more white than the one in the photo, if I remember correctly, and didn't have the blue-birds on the bow. Do you know if Denham Owl was designed by a man called Arnott Fowler?
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