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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Scroll down, it's on the right near the bottom. Tenacious you should have no problem!
  2. Well it did! I suppose it's obvious but I hadn't really thought that far ahead, at least not as far as that event is concerned. I'd already resigned myself to the probability that there will be no Oulton Broad Regatta this year but this latest cancellation really does bring it all home, with a bump. There is also a report in the EDP today highlighting the fact that many pub landlords are now predicting that they won't be opening this year. Even if boating holidays are allowed, increasingly unlikely I suspect, but a Broads holiday with no pubs is a frightening prospect.
  3. This is a bit of a shocker, not least for the Brundall Navy who always turn up to support the Gala Day. https://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/coronavirus-cancels-oulton-broad-gala-day-2020-1-6630809
  4. All 2 mins 54 secs of it here: http://www.itssolastcentury.co.uk/lounge/Television_Shows/Callan/Theme_Tune.php
  5. Smart boats then, smart boats now. The Stratford's bungalow was, it's been knocked down, just around the corner from where I live. I frequently went past and for some time a Harvey Eastwood was moored there. Don't know who owned it, being a yard owner it was not unusual for various boats to be moored there.
  6. Hi Toby, I well remember the Stratfords. Hardly close friends but I often met your Grandfather for various reasons. Decent bloke.
  7. I'm damn certain they have, and so have marina charges.
  8. It's a very confused market that they were in. A walk around most coastal marinas will show that people can be perfectly content with sometimes quite hideous and decidedly vulgar boats, at least in my jaded opinion. Knowing what people want is no easy task, especially when far too many of those folk don't actually know what it is that they do want! It's a lucky naval architect that gets it right! On top of that the second-hand market is absolutely awash with boats, indeed it is probably saturated. And then that thorny question, are there enough moorings available, especially at a reasonable price?
  9. If nothing else this pandemic has clearly shown us the risks involved with foreign travel. Being trapped on a cruise ship or in a hotel, no, not for me and presumably not for others either. It will be some time before trust is regained. The UK holiday industry has a chance now, let's hope that it doesn't blow it. Hi-de-hi to make a come-back? Probably not, I loved working in that industry but I wouldn't have wanted to pay to be there!
  10. Chris, I can quite see your logic. For three years I had a Fairy Atalanta that served me well in the roll that you have portrayed. A quirky beast but she suited us well. I believe that she is still afloat but I suspect that old Westerlies will be around long after she has passed on. There was a Contessa 28 at Bosham that in return for being 'boatman' to I was allowed to sail as and when, which wasn't very often but I have a long affection of my days out in the Channel aboard that boat, she was a joy for just the two of us.
  11. I did look very seriously at buying one of the smaller Hardy boats for Broads use. Loved the boat but they were insistent on installing an engine that would have seriously over powered her for Broads use. Then of course there was the issue of price, wow! Hardy's are good but that price, like the oversize engine, was a serious handicap. The head ruled the heart so i put the idea on hold and there it has stayed. In my case their inflexibility, more than anything, cost them a sale, perhaps others were similarly put off. I really have no great desire to belt along Oulton Dyke at thirty plus m.p.h., a concept that the salesman seemed incapable of accepting!
  12. Never understood the appeal of Westerlies, sailing caravans. Now they are sought after, pre-owned classics that never sailed particularly well. I suppose the glut in second hand Westerlies, Brooms too, eventually became both brand's death knell. I was down at Brooms shortly after Martin died, there were forty plus pre-owned boats for sale on site at that time, hardly helpful.
  13. Regretfully Oyster has unhelpful history: https://www.sailingtoday.co.uk/news/oyster-825-polina-star-sank-due-to-unsound-lamination/ Whilst it almost certainly won't happen again the fact remains that it did.
  14. Thomas Cook went udders up'ards, who would have expected that? Vouchers are all very well, provide that the company is there to honour them. Thankfully I haven't got to decide.
  15. He's not that big, he's just passed wind!
  16. John, I too will be blunt. That statement is profoundly flawed. It is clearly written in law that the Broads is a tidal water and that I, and lots of others, have an absolute right of access to the sea from our properties, riparian rights. That right was challenged by the Authority in the House of Lords and our right was upheld. If we wish to exercise that right then we have to pay a harbour due (toll) in order to be able to do so. There is no alternative, we have to use the services of the Authority, no debate. I have absolutely no alternative, in order to exercise my right I have to pay what is demanded of me by the unaccountable Broads Authority. It is taxation without representation. The Harbours Act is abundantly clear, harbour dues should be fair and reasonable. This is my home, Canvey Island is not, nor do I wish it to be.
  17. The BA's finances need thorough investigation before future tolls are set. Perhaps HMG coffers might make up any shortfalls. The BA certainly needs to review its financial affairs, an independent review would be prudent, indeed its the least that we should expect. When an actual rather than an estimated shortfall is clearly identified then, and only then, the BA will have to both justify its further demands from the toll payer and then modify its overall expenditure to match its income. The unjustified profligacy at Yare House in connection with it's NP aspirations needs an instant halt for example. Granted that many people are content with the level of tolls but the reality is that the BA offers very poor value to its stakeholders. Millions have been wasted over the last twenty or so years. Only when the BA's affairs have been scrutinized should the toll payer be expected to dip their hands still further into their already strained pockets.
  18. That's our problems solved then! I wonder what else this ruling could apply to, tolls perhaps?
  19. So they did, but not at 1946 values but that is just a minor detail! My father, like Vaughan's, did his bit, both during the war but also in the rebirth of the Broads post war. Dad desperately wanted to join up but being in a reserve occupation, he was a baker & confectioner, was only able go as a volunteer, he went both to Dunkirk and the D-Day beaches. As the saying goes, he had a 'good war, he always felt guilty about that but maybe that encouraged him into creating jobs. Other business friends did too, one being a shipbuilder. Another friend and a brother-in-law had been unwilling guests of the Japanese thus they had a backlog of their pitiful wages to invest, and so they all did. Dad ordered, and paid for, six sailing boats in order to help kick-start Fowler's boatyard. Another friend ordered and likewise paid for six more boats both to help rebuild the local sailing club and to boost Truman's boatyard. Thankfully people came along and bought those new boats and so the money went round within the local economy. The local yards took to re-opening Oulton Broad which had become overgrown with weed during the war as the Broad had been mined in order to prevent German sea-planes from landing. A concerted effort was made to carpet the navigation channel with old sacks soaked in diesel in order to kill the weeds, imagine that being sanctioned today! Competitors came together as one to rebuild Oulton Broad just as others did right across the Broads. In comparison we are nowhere near being in the same situation but I am sure that the same spirit will ensure that the Broads quickly returns to it old self.
  20. Why? Just because a new poster hadn't noticed that the topic has already been discussed? As the Friendly Forum surely we don't worry about such details!
  21. At least they have made the offer voluntarily rather than go head to head with their customers, like what us lot are!
  22. The SORN system springs to mind. By the way, Fisherman, welcome to the forum. You have chosen a topic that's already been discussed to death! In a nutshell there are those who think that they should and those that think that they shouldn't!
  23. It would seem reasonable that they should, or at least something similar to what is happening on the canals.
  24. RYA advice regarding contracts, including charter/hire here: https://www.rya.org.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/Legal docs/COVID-19 Contract Guidance.pdf
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