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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Hopefully they will all realize that practical and 'au naturel' is the best way, especially on a boat!
  2. Anglers already have their own, ready made 'do I look daft in one of these' hats! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hat-Cap-Fishing-Camouflage-Traveling-Backpacking-Fishermen-Hunters-Hikers/143570349558?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item216d75adf6:g:YAsAAOSwjgZdJwZl&enc=AQAEAAACYIQvEcHUrT7nmUC3yY5qbPyaBN1nJEDYW8MyypsJPgXKRMnMe4hpRS1YrOJd%2BCnTxUtaLMGrLWnJRZwNr%2F4UKwo%2B9lunmd3NL%2FC4jXm5KSZ7X2wVve3fQtFpH9XgHs9bKE9K41MIcQG670ksP%2BNCgzBFzjqytuEMaIUq%2Fl%2BxWKjVG71C%2Fl1u77ticmRRWg9U3lyH2SSl8czVRdig3f2HzgtYttNWYCRMsGUuo716%2BIQwz3TRa8HF%2BtB4WGlXJFGvehEAEgR8LomhRmV3dPZQmCXW0VVgYPzplj86FNpV2ZQc%2B6VRZ5tYaFC5LEOfToUAEqa3cIa2HbalNDqrXWVWRxbFyTht35ANO1lWepvsbIri8Pm7KlzePXwZmF%2FKB4G42o7N%2FsvatBvFyy96Zw4moHxzD6Cn4bJ8LjDMeG29lBzAxx5BI8PUJsnpctk5BS8RCTB0dTkVDn5kzCvr3PoUpX6P%2BUnP9B6nn70KNUnAIZQ71Sl39NAqxqbjAvwj6i3ayP2k49lGboX6sXihhMNiBkuvoJUETyt8LbUq6h0z00Juj12DOdASvnC83wMnPUDUQ2Y%2Fp2la%2Bc%2B%2BWMiLiTgk0Z%2FY7CFwKYVlIZYPl5phVSc%2FNNU%2BdWod794kDwQPskZSQlGrZTNs5ZkGkMI3V61boPDQkITZ25SL4oyWTz4PWidmTbfbDFaGCnSvfMXRTCkffZMvdHrCsddjKfWx66sFZDk%2FCzc2SeSZGB0SEZ7isocZt%2BUpo9IM3KkUb%2B44YMLpES7NKEfbaRO%2BK20eFZPa10uqgDDXMPTrN6yC1qZts8uH&checksum=1435703495586c0a1f889e414726833b4dfba7590b2a
  3. Perhaps it that 'bird' you pulled when you were at Minsmere?
  4. I need to hear it, local superstition is that if I don't then I won't be here next year, I'm getting worried!
  5. No further comment, wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean!
  6. The RSPB's report for Broadland: http://www.brga.org.uk/files/Download/RSPB_Broadsvisionfinal.pdf
  7. Suffolk Wildlife's Carlton Marshes reserve has always been free to enter, probably because it is criss-crossed with public footpaths and bridal ways, indeed one such path, as I see it, leads directly to the new 24hr mooring.
  8. At one time, if not now, very little, if anything, was ever passed into the public sector without at least a final nod of approval. We are not talking companies.
  9. Tom, does 'he' not have a sight of, or even an inkling of what is to be published in the name of the Authority?
  10. Tom, I have lifted the following comment from a posting made by a fellow cynic, it's very apt! "The BA executive rarely do anything without an ulterior motive and this is why so many of us are cynical about this current announcement."
  11. Tom. rose tinted glasses perhaps. A number of us on this forum have got to know the individuals as well as the organisation itself over a number of years, hence our misgivings, suspicions and distrust. I served on the navigation committee for four years, proud as punch I was, to start with. My enthusiasm didn't last, maybe your's won't either.
  12. I note that they are seeking evidence. It would seem that the Authority is relishing this situation. As Vaughan has said, gawd help us.
  13. Says it all really, and we know where the BA's loyalties lie.
  14. I'm not sure that it matters but I suspect that it is at least based on fact. Certainly there have been media reports of cleaner water, less street pollution and so on, undoubtedly a plus in these tragic times. I know that I am seeing birds in my garden that I don't usually see and yes, I do welcome that. However, Is it just a coincidence that the BA are telling people to stay away at this time? The Yare BA ranger does appear to be particularly active, RSPB Strumpshaw coincidentally being on his beat. Too good an opportunity to be missed?
  15. Thank you Poppy. Regretfully there are folk who have yet to learn that lesson, no names but I suspect we all know who those might be!
  16. Thank you Fred. I whole hardheartedly agree that in an ideal world politics should have been the very last thing on our minds at this tragic time in our World's history. Regretfully there are those who seek to take advantage of any situation, however inopportune that might be.
  17. Fred, you and I generally appear to be pretty much on the same wavelength in regard to Broads Politics. We may not agree word for word but the gist of our thoughts are generally not far apart so I don't relish disagreeing with you but this time around I must and I apologize for that. In a nutshell I believe that in this instance you are being naive, especially for the wise old bloke that you obviously are. Vaughan has nailed it. The RSPB's report for Broadland is a noxious document, I've posted links to it in the past. The BA has a history of pushing it's luck, getting away with it, and then building on that, witness the BNP saga. Perhaps the BA is just reiterating government policy, hats off to them if that is the case, but history suggests that it will eventually be used as a step forward in gaining further control, it's what control freaks do. In this instance the BA has exceeded its powers, that leaves me wondering what the next move will be. I can assure you that there are good folk out there who question what connections there are between the RSPB and the BA, or at least with people within the BA. I have sat in on meetings where both representatives from Natural England, or whatever its now called, and the RSPB have been present. We have to be concerned.
  18. A pony tail or a plait maybe? Then you'll need to decide, a monkey or a parrot on your shoulder? A wooden leg and a eye patch would finish things off a treat!
  19. My wife has cut my hair now for the last fifty years, she's just about got the hang of it now! For the first time ever, a week ago, she asked me to take three or four inches off her hair. Gulp, my life was in my hands but I have sat watching her cut mine for all these years, it really can't be that hard, and it wasn't and I'm still alive and am still married!
  20. Perhaps today's ruling that parks must now be open will also apply to National Parks and family members thereof? Not sure that the waters haven't been muddied still further!
  21. On the BBC News website it clearly states that people may do as they wish in their own gardens, provided it only includes family members that live at that address. Relief, no rule bending, I can go fishing!
  22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p089v084 Turn up the volume and sing along, brilliant!
  23. Jean I agree, but I also fear that there are those that will use this present disaster to slip something unpleasant under the door. If only I could trust them then it would be one less worry. I am glad that Vaughan has reminded us that his daughter is in the ICU unit at a local hospital, one of mine is also in a local NHS hospital and, as I have said, four of her immediate colleagues have the virus, one seriously so. You might think that we have enough to worry about but the Broads is deeply ingrained in both of us, and undoubtedly others, we are aware that tomorrow will come. For the record I am deeply proud of my daughter, she goes to work knowing full well that she could return to her two little boys and bring the virus with her, yet I still worry about OUR Broads.
  24. Not even a glimmer of argument with that message, nor the perhaps more relevant message of 'stay at home'. That is not what I, and possibly Marshman, are concerned about. The government have issued one size fits all guidelines, understandably, and the inner sanctum at the BA appear to have, perhaps gleefully, interpreted that as an excuse to 'police' the Broads, coincidentally during the nesting season, threatening police (proper) action. I wish I could believe that there was no hidden agenda here but I can't. There has long been a creeping agenda to restrict our use of the Broads, plenty of evidence to support that accusation. As far as the BA is concerned, too good an opportunity to miss, or public duty duty, you decide. Beyond that, these sweeping guidelines, and the Authority's interpretation, do appear to have forgotten those who have the very good fortune to live by the Broads.
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