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Everything posted by grendel

  1. thats where i filled up when i was on Water Rail, 32 litres for a weeks cruising I didnt feel was too bad.
  2. thats where I filled up when i was away on water rail, I didnt think 32 litres was too bad for a weeks cruising
  3. no, as you see thats a few years out of date at the moment, there was a thread somewhere.
  4. drinking the whole bottle in one sitting removes the problem entirely.
  5. its all the same stuff so you can mix it, currently the situation is under review, but generally diesel sold on the broads will be a 60/40 split between propulsion and heating, diesel for heating is a lower tax duty, diesel for propulsion pays the same duty as the stuff that goes in your car, you will have to sign a form to acknowledge this split for the tax man. yes generally diesel is more expensive (even for the red stuff) as the yards dont buy in the quantity that petrol stations do, so dont get the discounts, but you do get the convenience of not having to lug large cans of fuel around. but there is a greater price variation across the broads, with some places being markedly cheaper than others. We did have a thread somewhere that was kept reasonably up to date with current prices.
  6. most marine chandlers will have them too.
  7. or v and ends in olvo my v70 has just passed 204,000
  8. neat bit of brazing to fix that, I presume you have also replaced the worn engine mounts to prevent a re-occurance of the issue.
  9. agreed one is one too many, and the figures dont state the differentiation, the ones for Norfolk probably include the sea too. safety is a relative thing, quoting from the report was just to provide some degree of balance to the discussion, there are many things out there that have a possibility of a fatal outcome, the risks need to be balanced for all decisions in life.
  10. if you look at the 2019 figures for england, by county Norfolk had 2 drownings, Suffolk had 3, compared to the combined total of Devon and Cornwall of 31. the broads is a relatively safe place according to the statistics
  11. last year only 9 drownings were while motorboating, while 87 were while running or walking, swimming was the next highest category at 44 Granted 9 deaths while motorboating is still too high, but amongst the 223 drownings in 2019 it would appear that far more deaths are attributable to being near water or swimming in water, than being aboard a boat. when you compare to such causes as deaths from not wearing seatbelts that caused their compulsory use, the numbers are negligible. In fact the numbers from swimming bear out the claims for the dangers of that sport.
  12. if you want to read through the annual reports here - https://www.nationalwatersafety.org.uk/waid/reports-and-data/ there are all the figures, but it would seem apparent that being male aged 20-24 gives you the highest risk of drowning, with a much reduced risk if you are female or over the age of 65
  13. I am sure someone recently told me they had researched the statistics and more people drowned cycling to and from the pub, than did falling off a boat, thus we should make lifejackets compulsory for cyclists too, in fact lets go one step further and make every single person spend their life in one of those zorb bubbles, as that achieves social distancing too.
  14. there are some wildish moorings down south, there is the one with what i will refer to as the easter island heads, just a few bends upstream from the waveney river centre, room for two boats.
  15. 3 new 3Tb discs arrived today for the ebay diskstation to add to the one that arrived thursday, this should give me a further 6Tb data storage (with the raid configuration that is running). ooh just had a short power cut
  16. funnily enough i learned to deal with cold water shock when i learned to swim, from about may each year we went to the local pool, this was an outdoor pool fed by the local river, so rarely got above 10-15 degrees, so i dealt with that cold water entry every time (afterwards we would be treated to a scaldingly hot chocolate from the drinks machine. swims were limited by how long you could stay in the water before turning blue. So for me if i enter cold water i resist the urge to panic and kick out, its been ingrained as part of learning to swim, to be fair if every child had been taught to swim in an unheated outdoor pool, then i think it would help with the occasional dunking in a cold river that accompanies water sports in general.
  17. no matter what time i aim to get there i seem to always be slightly wrong and end up punching the tide one way or the other, even if only for a short while
  18. I have just shut down my old workstation, it was new in 2008(ish), I have had it since 2011, and it has run continuously since, it was latterly used as a file server with a couple of large hard drives, due to running short on space, I have rationalised my storage with an additional 4Tb diskstation (2x 4Tb drives in a raid configuration for data protection) and another chance purchase of a 4 bay diskstation which will expand my storage further. my files are currently being ransferred to the diskstation from the old large format drives by the expedient of plugging them in as external drives into the usb ports of the diskstation and doing a direct transfer within the diskstation, thus the old workstation is now redundant and has been switched off and the hard drives removed for transfer to the diskstation. diskstations are network storage devices, and use a lot less power than a similar capacity of storage in a workstation 43W instead of a 500W workstation, I think I will soon have more storage capacity than my workplace (with 1000 + employees) but when downloading videos from the cameras you eat through storage in gigabite chunks (each 18 minute video is about 1 gb) and if I went to 4K video it would eat it even quicker.
  19. they are nothing special, no commentary, just taken as I was cruising along, I have tried to video some of the less travelled places, above low bridges, or like the trip to new Mills, areas where hire boats cannot go, so that others can get a feel for the wonders of the broads that are out there. I am lucky, the camera breaks videos into 18 minute (approx) sections. some videos are in more than one playlist (some as many as 4 playlists) but the idea is if someone wants to view a particular section of river, then its there as a playlist, I think i may still have some from July still to load, but I will get to those as and when
  20. And thats it, folks, All my August holiday videos uploaded to youtube
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