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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I dont know about anyone else, but this comes across as a little disrespectful to me, if you are not interested dont read, but to make a comment indicating the subject bores you seems to me to be disrespectful of those that are taking time to put their thoughts down on the forum. This is why we dont have (and never will have ) a yawn emoticon, as it is a sign of disrespect.
  2. my view is that there is a reason the daily infection rate is rising, back in july we had 500 daily cases, now we have 2500 daily cases, the death rate has not changed over that time, the only thing that has changed is testing, we are doing more testing, the testing centres are moved to locations with rising rates of infection, so while we are doing twice as many tests as july, they are targeted in ares of high infection, thus more positive results, the lack of change in the death rates indicates things are pretty stable now, so the only real difference is that we are detecting more people who are infected, not that more people are infected, we are just detecting more of them. So far we have tested nearly 1 in 4 of the population, once everyone has been tested (if that is possible) then we will have identified all those infected and then the remainder of us can proceed with all due caution, well thats how it seems to me.
  3. or in a glass jar on the shelf
  4. grendel

    Hooked Cygnet..

    its funny, when I am fishing for ducks, I always seem to catch goldfish
  5. it would also appear they have a smaller engine to use for general cruising.
  6. Right, I have tidied up this thread and hidden all of the political comments, so please dont stray into opinions of any political party and their actions or lack thereof, stick to the topic which is the effect that the new ruling of gatherings of 6 people or less upon the industry and holidaymakers on the norfolk broads.
  7. politics should be restricted to generalisations, not individual parties or their actions, unless those directly impinge upon the broads. (other than via COVID) we can discuss the ramifications of certain new laws being brought in, but not the actions of the politicians that bring them in.
  8. I believe that any new laws brought in under these emergency measures have a defined limit to their term, and have to be regularly reviewed.
  9. it also struck me that with the announcement that universities would reopen, and the predominance of cases in under 25's there might be a correlation, especially when you consider freshers week.
  10. are you restricted on the height of said shed, I mean, could it be 2 or 3 stories- hang on rethink that, a fall from a second floor of the shed would be worse, just encourage the vultures.
  11. there is also the question of having electricity nearby to supply the posts, at the rates we get charged by contractors to lay cables, which comes to thousands for a mere few hundred metres (I once quoted an 1100m trench at over £100,000) if the electric isnt nearby, then it wont be getting it.
  12. that explains his comments the other day about the vultures circling above his shed, fallen over again, its not only Ian that will be needing a bump cap at this rate.
  13. I seem to recall that the pilots had to be plane pilots as well as channel pilots to operate the big cross channel ones
  14. probably because they are difficult to steer at 5mph
  15. I am sure someone said before that there is a limit to how long some types of bow thruster can be run continuously, (was it about 10 seconds or so) as they have motors similar to car starter motors with similar limitations.
  16. except for the fact hovercraft are not allowed on the broads. at the speed limits generally planing hulls cause more wash (the wash reduces once they are up on the plane) displacement hulls (generally the type seen on most broads cruisers are limited to the efficient speed by a factor of the length of the boat (where the wavelength of the wash equals the length of the boat is the displacement speed), so a longer boat is capable of going faster, but wash is a factor of the shape of the hull and how the water reacts at the chines and stern of the vessel. so without going into it too deeply, a well designed hull may well have less wash than one of a different design - as an example most martham boats have a low wash design, and barely produce a wash up to about 4.5mph, and not much after that unless you try and push them above the dispacement speed. whereas most fibreglass bathtub type boats will have more wash at 4mph than a martham boat at 5.5-6mph. with all these factors in play, setting speed limits has to have a starting point.
  17. indeed a sad occurrence, as could have been Ians unfortunate accident should matters have gone differently, we have to remember that these things can happen to anyone and consequently I will say stay safe everyone.
  18. MM, you are not a secret reporter for the EDP are you? that sounds all too close to what they would publish.
  19. Ian, I think your experience just shows how small incidents can be blown out of all proportion by the media, making things sound much worse than they actually are, not a fun experience by any means, but not as bad as the EDP made it sound. I would hate to think how they would have reported my dinghy sinking had they got hold of that one, probably would have reported it as a river cruiser sunk with lives at risk, whereas it was nothing like that, just an unfortunate mistake on my part, resulting in a bit of a swim (much the same as taking a tumble off a paddle board i guess.)
  20. they ask you to do these things, then 4 hours later come along expecting it to be all done, whereupon they remind you (for the very fist time to your knowledge) of an appointment you need to take them to, (which was why you should have finished 2 hours ago) and tell you you should have told them it would take all day before you started.
  21. what a good job you have all those short ends on the floor planks. that at least means you dont have to make the whole floor clear to lift the boards
  22. excessive wash does come into it, as it is evidence of exceeding the speed limit. as hull type can be determined by boat type. the important thing is for all responsible boat users to do their bit and stand up to the fore when asked if they will testify in court if necessary, without people willing to testify, it becomes very difficult for the Authority to pursue a persistent offender, unless they can catch them in the act themselves, even if you just get a picture of the boat in the act, then you would still need to be willing to testify for them to be able to use that as evidence.
  23. when do day boats stop hiring, unless they are on an extended season, there will be few boats heading that way otherwise.
  24. thats not how it works with the leccy posts though, you put £1 of leccy on the post, the post supplies £1 of leccy, it doesnt matter who uses it , the regulator just cares about the fact that for your £1 that amount of leccy is made available at the post.
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