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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I think I have to pull you up on this, no mention at all is made of anyone drowning in that statement or the article, they are just mentioned as incidents, if you wanted to be pedantic, you could easily say someone cannot drown in a hospital bed. since neither incident has had an official enquiry report published we should refrain from speculation over the cause of death of either of these tragic incidents until such is published.
  2. I have checked and you should see 3 dots in the top right corner of your post, these should have the edit function
  3. have you tried clearing your cache, plus are you trying this on a tablet or phone, or on a full pc because the way things work changes in the mobile view.
  4. currently editing is set for 10 minutes for members and full members.
  5. if you have it it will be by clicking the three dots top right, where any options will display
  6. a bit like the kayaker who we sitting in front of bishops bridge tapping away on his phone with earphones in totally oblivious to water rail trying to hold station 10 foot behind him as i waited for him to move out of the way, even a toot on the horn brought no glimmer of notice, they may have right of way, but when blocking the navigation stationary to play with their phone they are placing themselves in danger, had i been a novice i may not have been able to sit stationary (I wont say a hirer as they are not allowed through the bridge).
  7. is that in norfolk, i thought it just applied in the areas where they have tightened the restrictions
  8. the app wasnt really working when we made the choice to turn it off.
  9. its all down to that age old adage, one hand for yourself and one for the ship.
  10. The final parts have arrived for the conversion to lithium batteries, these are the low voltage alarms, basically they are set to alarm (quite noisily) if any of the batter cells drop below 3.3volts, they measure this across the individual cells of the battery, so will alarm if only one of the cells drops below optimum, normal cell voltage is 3.7v and peak is about 4.1v. I now have these, the 10 ah lithium battery (which as we have measured the load in the water at 5amps, allows for two hours continuous use flat out) running at 11.1 volts means we can retain the existing systems for speed control. The lithium battery is about 1/3 the weight of a 9ah lead acid battery, so ballast will be needed, but this can now be adjusted to trim the boat for level.
  11. we believe we may have resolved that issue by removing the link that ran the apps, new pages are appearing now, as are likes and PM's are working again.
  12. wheres elf and safety when you need them
  13. but 6 friends from different households would also be allowed.
  14. as far as i can tell if you have a single family of more than 6 that is still allowed, but if made up of two families 6 is the maximum number
  15. it seems to have fixed the like buttons and the PM system anyway
  16. I keep seeing xx new posts on a thread with the text that normally indicates the posts are on the next page, yet they are not visible, as if the thread isnt creating the next page that the comments are on
  17. We discuss them, but we dont speculate over the causes before the official inquiry has released the details. then if there are learning points we spread those as wide as possible. That said we will try and emphasise the sense of wearing life jackets and other safety gear, especially around Great Yarmouth and Reedham where the tides are pretty strong, as that is good idea any time around those areas and especially when mooring up or on deck.
  18. I think that should have signed you out. dont blame me if you cant sign in again, as i have a tendency to break things it seems.
  19. i will see if thats something we can achieve, cant guarantee it though.
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