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Everything posted by grendel

  1. My daughter is asthmatic, and really struggles to breathe properly when wearing a face mask, she can if she is not being active, but as soon as she starts moving around she starts to struggle to breath.
  2. yes, to all those declaring the uk has the worst death rate in europe, this week, Sweden had 5.29 deaths per million head of population, compared to the UK 4.48 per million. this just goes to show how the press are manipulating the numbers to make things sound worse than they are. we have more deaths per day than sweden, purely because our population is bigger, but it doesnt sell papers to say we are not the worst in europe.
  3. I have to measure it first, mind you if I do a 3D CAD drawing then it will be printable too.
  4. how long will it be before i am known as 'please make 2 Grendel'
  5. I do have the two models of BA to finish first though.
  6. its like finding hard and fast figures for the worldwide deaths from the 1918 spanish flu pandemic, they agree on 50 million, but say it could be as high as 100 million, 1/3 of the world population caught it, 1/20 of the world population died from it. At least modern medicine and communications has so far kept this pandemic out of those realms.
  7. I stayed away from that too, so what we are saying really that it is the media hype over probably a single shops empty shelves that started the panic buying, and the rest fell into place from there.
  8. I am considering a 3 day working week as soon as i can manage, I just have one weeks hire of Jayne from Marthams all paid up last year to squeeze in too, I have 10 days unbooked holiday, so that should give me at least 5 long weekends afloat (on top of the three weeks already booked).
  9. this afternoon the other side had its coat of varnish/turps 75/25
  10. my very argument with a friend, he was quoting how belgium was doing so much better with only 1/5 of the total deaths of the UK, but then their population is 1/5 of the uk. then compare with other countries where the population density is a lot lower, ie people are further apart, he tried to counter with the fact that the population is all concentrated in the towns, my counter to that was that the distance between towns in the uk is a lot less than other countries, you can walk between towns and villages here, some places abroad they are a good drive apart, that distance must have some effect. when they tried to compare to india, with a high population density, but low in confirmed cases and deaths, then its simple, only the higher casts of people are getting tested, only confirmed deaths are being recorded, deaths of people not tested are not being counted, as they havent first been confirmed as having the virus.while i was trying to research the numbers, i was reading reports of hospitals so overstretched they had paitients sharing beds, compare that to their 166,000 confirmed cases. As you say, you need to be certain you are comparing like for like.
  11. I think we should vote for doubling the moderators wages (2x0 = 0) as for how we will be accepted once we start heading back, well some of the locals might not like it, while others will welcome the business and trade, i think we will have to accept that we wont be universally welcomed, and will just have to do the best we can not to do anything that will make the locals consider us a threat. if we treat the area as some have treated the seaside, leaving rubbish all over, we will of course be made unwelcome, respect is a two way thing.
  12. B currently if we removed every post that mentioned politics, then we would be removing most of them, we have tended to be more relaxed and allow people to vent, but that only goes so far, and there comes a point where a post goes over even the relaxed guidelines, this is why some are getting through and others are being hidden, life as a moderator isnt easy, we dont want to stifle discussion, but we must also keep it within limits.
  13. the posts were hidden as they were getting eminently political and were nothing to do with the broads, bearing in mind this is the corona virus and the broads thread, and that non broads related politics is frowned upon. Apologies to those who quoted the political post and had their posts removed.
  14. Its a shame this is a virus not bacteria then , otherwise he would be eminently qualified.
  15. there is a lot of organisation in that chaos behind the model, everything for my unimat lathe is concentrated into that area, and its just how I need it.
  16. today i only got one half varnished with 75% varnish 25% turps, but tomorrow i will get the other side done too
  17. yes they read all about it on facebook. he would get banned under tos for talking party politics quite quickly)
  18. no it isnt (from what I remember of a trip sailing on oulton broad from lads week)
  19. all the ladies in our office are pretty (and some of the gents think they are too)
  20. or like a family friend, sold the sidecar, and on the way home after dropping it off, stopped at the lights and promptly fell over sideways.
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