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Everything posted by grendel

  1. If we ignore the fact that there was a slave trade, but we have progressed since that point, if by forgetting the fact that it happened and was a bad thing, we think we have progressed then we are wrong. It is only by remembering the bad things that were done that we can hope not to have them happen again. If we forget the holocaust happened and how and why, then we have not learned to heed the warning signs and be able to avoid them. where racism etc come into it, it is not good enough to counter accusations with I was only doing my job. if you know it is wrong but do it anyway, to my mind that is worse than doing it through ignorance.
  2. and they pass under all bridges most of the time.
  3. all of Marthams boats pass through wroxham, and you dont need the pilot, as they all pass under potter heigham, wroxham is easy, I had over a foot clearance last time I took one through.
  4. I have now found how to record without sound.
  5. it seems to have finished that now, give it another try
  6. it is running an audio track removal at present which is probably why its blocked, it should be available later (i really must remember to turn the radio off while recording)
  7. if you feel like watching i have a couple of videos of varnishing (the camera split it into 2 videos)
  8. after yoga this morning a little shoppin trip, i spotted lidls have action cams for £40 each, and i wanted a spare, so i got me a couple this morning, if you want to record your trips on the broads these are a cheapish option to do so, these are wi fi enabled too.
  9. well despite the torrential downpour last night, i seem to have fixed the leak
  10. it does strike me, all other considerations put to one side that if you look closely at the picture, they are actually spaced apart in small groups, of course the picture has been taken in such a way that it doesnt highlight this, but look closely and you can see the groups, maybe some of the spacing isnt 2m, but in most cases its 1.5m.
  11. so after fixing the leak it was on to rebuilding a power pack for a defunct delta sander, using lithium cells, this was originally a 12V one, but i rebuilt it using 4 cells into a 14.8V one.
  12. well smaller puddle, but hopefully solved now, investigation outside showed the panel had a good seal, but the glass panel above looked a bit suspect, so that was sealed round the edges, then the inside resealed as well, fingers crossed now,
  13. what I see in all of this is a lack of respect. If people respected each other no matter what race religion or political viewpoint, there would not be any of the problems, If people respected nature and when they did visit the beaches (or anywhere) left it neat and clean as they found it, with no rubbish, there would be no problems. basically all the issues stirred up by the media boil down to the lack of respect, for anything. when I visit the broads, I respect the area, I respect the locals, and I respect the boat I am travelling on (at least I like to think I do). I dont leave my rubbish lying around, because I like the area without rubbish, rubbish stays on board until it can be disposed of at the correct location. I dont leave the boat in a mess, because I respect the yard and when I pick up my next boat, I want it to be clean and tidy. I respect the locals, they live here, and I respect other visitors, they are there to enjoy themselves too.
  14. Actually the R rate in London is about middle in the country, though Yorkshire is still the lowest, north west is the worst at just over 1 https://www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/now-casting/
  15. dunno, it was something i got in asda while b&q wasnt open, I will check it tomorrow and see where its getting in on the outside.
  16. well with the torrential rain came an issue, there was a puddle in the conservatory (not a small one either) so having ascertained it wasnt coming from above , but from the side, i started moving stuff to find the source. of course it was under the shelves, so, after removing the bottom shelf i found the source, a bad seal on one of the wall panels, and the water was pouring in, fortunately by this time the rain had stopped, so i was able to run a bead of silicon around the panel to hopefully stop the leak
  17. I would then question how they came in contact with me, as far as i know i have only been out shopping. and i dont take my phone with me, so how do they know i have been in contact with anyone?
  18. since my phone only does calls and texts they can tell me until they are blue in the face and I still wont believe them.
  19. As the Broads Authority have stated on another thread
  20. My next projects arrived today, 100 lithium cells to make battery packs from.
  21. I think the rotring pens may have dried out though
  22. I still have my sets of manual drawing equipment, including french curves and flexicurves.
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