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Everything posted by grendel

  1. strange, must be before my time as i havent heard of him.
  2. I have just relistened, and you are probably correct , though it did say the idea was to limif the number of contacts between households its at about 28 minutes here https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/coronavirus-news-shops-schools-uk-deaths-lockdown-update/
  3. but i am sure if you listen to the questions after it was clarified that if your partner lived alone in another house and you were alone too you could get together, in fact i thought one of the advisors reminded boris that you both had to be single adult households.
  4. having listened to the speech i was under the impression both households had to be a single adult
  5. the problem with that is the virus is closer to the common cold than it is to a flu, so it depends on whether they can make a one shot vaccine or need a new one for every strain. whether it is given to any particular group will depend on the vaccine.
  6. long term I dont see a vaccine being forthcoming for the majority, i think it will be like the MMR vaccine, administered to all children at a young age and thus giving them immunity for life, for some the vaccine could prove as deadly as the virus itself (there are a percentage who cant accept the flu vaccine or have a bad reaction).
  7. We are discussing the issue and trying to work out a solution, we are not ignoring it in the hope it will go away, we do see it as a problem, but we are trying to solve it without destroying or hiding our countries history, bad as it may be. If we removed everything that might offend anyone, the whole world would be beige and neutral with no stimuli. and free thought would be frowned upon. you are the one refusing to accept that there could be a peaceful means of solving the issue, therefore it is you that is the problem. we embrace the problem and are attempting to solve it peacefully, without recourse to violence or lawbreaking.
  8. we do at present, but for how much longer should this mindless violence continue?
  9. its all too easy nowadays for people to throw out accusations like that without having to show a shred of proof, from what I can see we are all (who are commenting on this thread) being accused of racism, because we are discussing it. Whats the alternative, not discuss it, sweep it under the carpet, erase it from history, "no, it never happened, see it isnt in the history books". That would be the worst way to stop it happening again.
  10. we are not against the protesters, we are against the violence and lawlessness that accompanies them.
  11. Bricks get thrown at the police, does the average protester think, ooh i must pack a brick in my handbag (rucksack) to throw at the police - No. the people who bring bricks are already planning violence before they attend. dont try telling me that they happen to find them lying around because short of building sites, not many places have bricks just sitting there, and building sites are usually secured from public access.
  12. but it wasnt the protesters causing the trouble, I think we have established that it was the rent a mob who attend any protest whatever the cause who do the rioting and perpetrate the mindless hatred, they only attend to cause trouble, the vast majority of the protesters who attend are not there to cause trouble, just that small minority.
  13. or just someone posing new questions without answering the ones that have been put to them, are you training to be a politician?
  14. that is just vandalism, nothing to do with lawful protest
  15. maybe not erased, but hidden out of sight as though it never happened. no reminders there of the things that should not be done. perhaps next we should perhaps remove books like tom sawyer or huckleberry finn, for glorifying slavery, where do we stop, for stop we must or head down the same route as germany in the 1930's.
  16. there should be discussion before any statue is removed or just moved to a different location. plus any statue that is removed should have a piece of art commissioned to replace it. I forsee councils are going to use this as an excuse to rid themselves of statuary that they want removed for other reasons, before we know it they will be removing the cenotaph because it glorifies war.
  17. for me the removal of statues placenames and other historic statuary is just a knee jerk reaction, will they remove iconic statues like nelsons column in trafalgar square? Some of the statues are now historic landmarks, I believe they should remain, but have a more detailed explanation added, to explain that these are famous people for some of the things they did, but that other actions which at the time were considered acceptable, are no longer, a bit like the announcements at the beginning of most of the films on talking TV, that these reflected the attitudes and standards of the time. History is history, we cant change that, but if we are to learn the lessons that history taught us we do need to be reminded, if we just pull down these statues and get rid of them we are likely to forget those lessons. I hope any statues removed will be moved to a museum and preserved, but with that full explanation. complete with the history of when and why it was moved.
  18. is it a lucas 128sa, if so i could probably print a mounting plate using dimensions from the internet.
  19. wrong, its nothing to do with colour, its to do with a lack of respect for another human being, any human being, by making it to do with colour specifically, you are displaying a lack of respect for your fellow human. Respect is everything, lack of respect is the cause, and the symptoms, if you lack respect for the one, you will lack respect for the other.
  20. well we should have gone about now, i have moved all the bouys and hazards to navigation to another river.
  21. the phrase that springs to mind is the one that is stated every november 'lest we forget' we must not forget the lessons we have learnt through history. everyone deserves respect, and everyone should give respect.
  22. there is now a new thread regarding the statue where this topic can sensibly be debated, if wished it can be moved into speakers corner where the rules of debate are even tighter. I will be tidying this thread and moving some of these off topic posts into the other thread once I have finished work for the day and have time to do it.
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