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Everything posted by grendel

  1. actually, its the lack of the weight of ice after the last ice age, the weight has reduced so scotland is rising again
  2. correct, the north pole location is slowly moving (the magnetic one anyway) and there is evidence in the past of the magnetic poles flipping N to S, the mechanism is not understood completely, but its not a quick process, so I think we can rule out the wobble as a cause of variance. the graph clearly shows the general trend is a rising sea level since 1900.
  3. perhaps we should arrange for a drop in sea levels as that can be attributed as part of the cause, so ST i suggest a stint as King Canute is called for (though to be fair on that fair regent he wasnt out to actually stop the tides, but to demonstrate the fallibility of even a king, and that nobody could control nature.)
  4. well we now have sea level data represented, expilot says there have been regular surveys of the bridge, so i guess we need to find that data too as it must be out there somewhere, it does strike me that the reported boat sizes that used to get through (shall we assume during the late 70's when the sea levels were lower) compared to the boat sizes that get through nowadays that there is a discrepancy of not just a few inches between the 4" of sea levels and shall we add the 4" difference of the tides, is still less than the difference between what could get through and what no longer can, so tidal levels and rising sea levels dont appear to account for the difference, we are told that level surveys show the bridge isnt sinking, so what other factors are there?
  5. looking at the graph, you will notice quite a large dip (nearly 50mm) through the 1970's until the late 1970's, so going back to our childhood memories for the bridge clearances clearly is putting those memories in a significant dip of sea levels, the level then climbed steadily through the 1980's until it dropped again sharply around 1990 before starting a steady rise to today, looking at the pattern, it could be about to have another sharp drop soon (fingers crossed)
  6. here is a pdf that contains the data graphs for sea level for the UK from about 1900 https://www.ntslf.org/sites/ntslf/files/pdf/images/bslindex.pdf this shows that on average the sea level has risen about 100mm (4") from here - https://www.ntslf.org/products/sea-level-trends
  7. so filing finished and double sided tape added, ready for when the second coat of varnish dries on the well deck
  8. so with an hour or so on my hands waiting until a reasonable hour for a routine appointment, i have bought the well deck area back in from its first coat of varnish, and am about to do some more filing on the stainless steel hatch surround. This was cut out of 0.3mm stainless steel sheet with scissors, and the inner section removed using a diamond cutting disc in the dremel, more pics when i have completed the work.
  9. Lynsey, I think you are referring to the dyke to Catfield from Hickling, I think paladin was referring to a dyke just up river from How Hill, off the Ant, that leads to Cromes Broad (but is in Catfield parish). I too took a judith up to Catfield Staithe and yes its a tight turn up the top there by the staithe, when I went up there Tumblehome was moored up at the staithe.
  10. Google earth still shows a vessel up the dyke as late as november 2017, so it could well still be there.
  11. I suspected when I hired Jayne II from Martham boats that they had future proofed her a little bit as they had rebuilt the entire topsides, by rebuilding it a couple of inches lower than originally, this was backed up by heading through Potter Heigham Bridge at less than 6 foot, with several inches to spare.
  12. well the first coat of varnish is on, so next up is the stainless steel hatch surround in the well deck over the rudder. a bit more trimming to get the edges straight, then manage to keep it flat.
  13. at least with a martham boat, if you cant get through the bridge when you pick it up, you have all of hickling and horsey to explore, but its not that often they cant get through, but then with lower roof heights and only 9'6" beam they are better shaped to get through in the first place.
  14. when you consider that the uk as a whole is slowly tipping (land levels dropping 5cm a century in the south and conversly rising 10cm a century in scotland), although the bridge is not sinking relative to the surrounding land, that will have been a contributory factor, but not the major one i feel.
  15. So due to the weather precluding a boot fair this morning, i got down to work and stained the decking of the rear well, next will be a coat of varnish.
  16. so this just needs the stain doing now. and cleaning all the paper from the glue joints, so that it didnt stick to the workbench, I put a sheet of paper down, as this can be cleaned off the wood.
  17. I will also point out that the majority of the non plywood timber has been cut from the two pieces of burmese teak that Griff supplied to me, which has been cut into planks of various thickness, and has been used extensively in the build of this model.
  18. steps being installed, they need to be linked to the floor, or the floor wont be able to be removed
  19. i am using steel square blocks (used for supporting things perfectly square) to support the parts as i glue them.
  20. pyrography completed, i will add the remaining sides prior to staining the decking.
  21. time to detail the rear well floor, sides cut out and the rear sections glued in place, next to line in the floor covering with the pyrography tool.
  22. how soon before we hear if the transplant was successful, its nice to see you brushed its teeth in the previous picture.
  23. Vaughan, i think they mentioned moving the tree cutting to the upper bure after christmas, other than that its a case of read the 168 page report yourself to find out how we will erode your rights by operating under the guise of a national Park. at least with clear water they can now see the bottom weeds, is 3 months enough to agree that there is less clearance under potter heigham bridge than before, plus will it include the effect of dredging certain sections of river in the study?
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