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Everything posted by grendel

  1. at least with a martham boat, if you cant get through the bridge when you pick it up, you have all of hickling and horsey to explore, but its not that often they cant get through, but then with lower roof heights and only 9'6" beam they are better shaped to get through in the first place.
  2. when you consider that the uk as a whole is slowly tipping (land levels dropping 5cm a century in the south and conversly rising 10cm a century in scotland), although the bridge is not sinking relative to the surrounding land, that will have been a contributory factor, but not the major one i feel.
  3. So due to the weather precluding a boot fair this morning, i got down to work and stained the decking of the rear well, next will be a coat of varnish.
  4. so this just needs the stain doing now. and cleaning all the paper from the glue joints, so that it didnt stick to the workbench, I put a sheet of paper down, as this can be cleaned off the wood.
  5. I will also point out that the majority of the non plywood timber has been cut from the two pieces of burmese teak that Griff supplied to me, which has been cut into planks of various thickness, and has been used extensively in the build of this model.
  6. steps being installed, they need to be linked to the floor, or the floor wont be able to be removed
  7. i am using steel square blocks (used for supporting things perfectly square) to support the parts as i glue them.
  8. pyrography completed, i will add the remaining sides prior to staining the decking.
  9. time to detail the rear well floor, sides cut out and the rear sections glued in place, next to line in the floor covering with the pyrography tool.
  10. how soon before we hear if the transplant was successful, its nice to see you brushed its teeth in the previous picture.
  11. Vaughan, i think they mentioned moving the tree cutting to the upper bure after christmas, other than that its a case of read the 168 page report yourself to find out how we will erode your rights by operating under the guise of a national Park. at least with clear water they can now see the bottom weeds, is 3 months enough to agree that there is less clearance under potter heigham bridge than before, plus will it include the effect of dredging certain sections of river in the study?
  12. since according to the Broads Authority double alongside mooring is allowed at Coltishall common, and there is mooring for 46 boats, I very much doubt there was absolutely nowhere to moor there. I like hiring shorter boats as people who often moor up in the middle of a space big enough for two boats generally leave room for a little 25 footer to squeeze in.
  13. a bit of duct tape will sort that out. (or very coarse sawdust, maybe the logs before sawing
  14. there seem to be a few holes where holes probably shouldnt be.
  15. my only concern about crossing at a different time than low water would be to make sure you have clearance at the bridges as I think you said you need 8 foot, ideally if you wanted to cross at a time other than low water slack, then high water would be the next best thing, but I believe the bridges have less than 7 foot at high water, so obviously that isnt an option., going south i would try for a bit later than low water so that you fight the tide going down the bure (which should avoid you getting swept under the bridges unintentionally) and then you will take the tide up Breydon. as mentioned above, your first point of contact should be the yacht station at great yarmouth, they will know what the tides are doing on the day, and be able to advise on the height at any given time. another alternative would be to go down to the yacht station and moor up ready for an early start next day as near low slack as daylight allowed. we will be down just a few weeks before you (12th to 19th October) with 3 jewel of Lights and Broad Ambition and we will be heading South across Breydon, with the low water at 4.20pm aiming for reedham to moor up before sunset (18.06). on the way back later in the week we are aiming for great yarmouth arriving before low tide while the tide is still against us, as low tide and sunset coincide that day(17.59), so we will get under and moor up at the yacht station rady to proceed the next morning. we will have 3 days down south with 3 up north and the odd day will be transiting between
  16. Ah, just found the user manual, yes its plug in, but still uses a radio between units - sigh
  17. John , I believe this may be what you are searching for - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Motorola-MBP8-Audio-Baby-Monitor/dp/B009OZMQYU it says this in the description - whether that means it works through the wiring or not i dont know, worth a look at maybe.
  18. they dont seem to think people want a plain basic baby monitor - sound only that can be wired, after all you dont need video, a simple microphone and speaker system would do the job.
  19. or the air gaps between the mahogony bits
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