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Everything posted by grendel

  1. there look to be a few in kent / london border at the moment
  2. was it one of these incidents? https://www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/power-cut/map?incidentid=INCD-116777-Z
  3. if i had been a fan, i would have been busy - at the boot fair
  4. I did that to a friends allegro on his wedding day, wired the horn to the windscreen wipers so every time he went to wipe the windows - parp, then it was the shaving foam on the screen so he had to use them.
  5. did you connect the horn up to the low oil pressure light (and have you found what the issue was with the old engine?)
  6. well lads week has been and gone, so its time to get some more work done, this time its shaping the toe rails and fixing them in place, first 2 sections done
  7. my parents just managed to get a new gas oven with an eye level grill to replace their old one, it still needed wiring in to the mains for the spark igniters. so they needed to have a new socket installed to accomodate this.
  8. Dave if its any consolation the same happened to Broad Ambitions canopy on the friday before lads week, just out of stalham on the way to potter heigham. fortunately the only damage was a pop stud pulled off the frame, and that was fixed with a bigger screw.
  9. so she is on the water again and moving under her own power? (sorry cant get the webcam at work as it is classified as streaming media.
  10. well I have done a search, and you were obviously sitting in your car in the car park, as the 4 sets of words are from 4 vertically adjacent 3m squares in the end bay of the car park This is probably down to the inaccuracies inherant in using a mobile for GPS coordinates (+- 9m accuracy) so each time the app is queried, it is falling into a different 3m square. this is still better than the original gps system initiated by the military, where there was a deliberate margin added to gps coordinates of anything up to +- 100m, (only overcome by a decoding pack in a military grade GPS). if you were in your house, you could easily be in any one of up to about 9 squares but how about if the dispatcher of the ambulance mishears the word, or just misses the s of the end, eg vivid faster belt comes up as pitcairn, pennsylvania. Another thing is that coordinates obtained from Google Earth pro, dont match the UK grid coordinate system, they are based upon the US grid coordinates, thus putting a grid location in London, somewhere in northern ireland. no system is foolproof.
  11. it does strike me that the older generation moving to a small village with no local ameneties are setting themselves up for problems in old age, when for example they can no longer drive to the shops, and all of the small local stores have shut and busses only run once a day, I wonder if they will be able to cope, or will they then bemoan the loss of the village shop and bus services? in local villages we have already seen newcomers complaining about the smell from farm animals and the hayfever caused by the crops that had been traditionally grown at that location for generations, and woe betide that you hold them up by driving a tractor down the roads. Life in the countryside has always been a hard life with few amenities at your door, yet a lot of those moving in dont seem to understand the problems that come from living in a rural setting.
  12. currently sitting in my office at work it is giving me an accuracy of +-21m, this could reduce with a better satellite fix as I currently only have 5 fixed, so outdoors I would expect a higher count, but in general 9m accuracy is about all you can expect from a phone.
  13. As I work with maps day in day out I am happy that if i have my tablet, that I could find my location to about a 20m radius (as that is the general accuracy of most phone or tablet driven GPS systems), If I had in addition my Plug in GPS antenna, I could narrow that further to about 3m. this would of course be using eastings and northings. as with my tablet on the os map data I just have to press on the current location icon to display the coordinates to 1m accuracy
  14. You also need a gps fix and phone signal to use it
  15. considering they probably have more boats than all the other yards put together thats hardly a surprising statistic. particularly at Ludham bridge where the vast majority of their craft will have to pass.
  16. on the contrary, the boats are always well presented and clean, we just pride ourselves on returning them with a few extra touches that benifit all, such as the LED bulbs, that reduce battery consumption.
  17. I have also once had to wait an extra hour before taking charge of a boat from Marthams as they wanted to make sure the pet hairs and odours had been removed before they handed the boat over to me as the next hirer.
  18. I can readily understand their position, on the lads week we had 3 dogs aboard, and on our boat we found golden retriever hair throughout, even in the areas the dogs had never been, we of course gave the carpets a good clean through and got as much as we could up with the dustpan and brush on board, but undoubtedly there was still some remaining that would have required a hoover to pick up.
  19. we officially pick up the boats on the saturday, but as we are all coming from everywhere HW's are kind enough to let us board early on the friday evening, as some of the lads dont leave until after they have finished work on the friday, we have also over the years done little jobs such as converting the lighting to led bulbs, they generally get the boats returned in better condition than when we take them over.
  20. the one we used on Royal tudor was just an L shaped pipe, stopped up at the short end, the other end angled upward and a propane torch heating a pool of water at the bend.
  21. the one for my model boats is just a wallpaper steamer and a length of 1 1/2" drain pipe.
  22. Saturday 19th just the short trip from Acle to Potter Heigham today, we headed upstream, arriving at the yard at 9 am, by 9.30 am we had unloaded and were getting into our cars to head for home, although the week had been fairly wet, it was enjoyed by all.
  23. Friday 18th Our last full day, not too early a start, but we were headed just around the corner, to Womack Water, here we moored up and watered up, the water point at ludham had been out of order, and the hose here is very slow, it took 2 hours to water up all 4 boats. Some of the lads headed to the pub, and others decided to fish, we heard tell that there was good pike fishing here, which turned out to be the case, 2 lads took the dinghy and managed a total of 3 pike spinning, Charlie was fishing for perch with worm and float and managed to get himself a small jack pike. mid afternoon and it was time to head to acle bridge inn where we had booked a room for our themed meal out, this years theme was crusaders. while there we experienced a good rainbow, getting ready for returning the boats the next morning we moved the dinghy from Broad Ambition to one of the other boats, as they had an early start to return to Stalham next day.
  24. Thursday 17th in the morning Broad Ambition took advantage of an early leaver to come round from the other section o staithe and water up, we had a 9am start, and headed up river to Wroxham, during the trip up we took an opportunity with all the experienced helms to do a close formation 3 abreast so that we could get some good pictures, this was the first day we managed to cruise with the canopy down, so we were making the best of it, Charlie had the tricky position in the centre and we made sure we left a good clearance for other river traffic coming the other way. When we arrived at Wroxham, Broad Ambition moored up outside the hotel, and we took the 3 jewels into Faircraft loiynes yard to moor up. Shopping was done and a quick visit was made to the kings arms for the obligatory couple of pints, 2 pm and it was time to head down river to ludham bridge, today was my day to cook, and my menu was fresh sausages from the butchers, accompanied by mash, followed by a nice rice pudding. After tea it was time to visit the dog inn, and consume some more beer.
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