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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Jay, do what I do and dont do it anywhere near a camera.
  2. what can be given, can also be taken away- just remember that.
  3. Be prepared for lots of messages asking if you are certain next time you ask to be deleted.
  4. you obviously havent spotted my last post above then.
  5. I had considered making you wait until you had 50 posts again and giving the jokes thread a break from your jokes, but I relented and have put you back to full member status.
  6. Polly, You Know MM is on his boat, if he takes 2 paces forwards that will either put him in the water, or the pleasure boat inn, if the latter, you will struggle to get him any further.
  7. I recognised the way the bunch of reeds on the left was bent, they were like that Monday when I went down there. OK I will keep my mouth shut on any more from that area.
  8. i did see some yachts heading into the dyke at the north end of horsey mere, or I would have had a go up there monday, in some ways its so beautiful and peaceful up there I feel sorry for those people who cant get through the bridge, still thats what keeps it that way I guess.
  9. i think i have spent way too much time exploring the bits above that bridge.
  10. looks very much like Catfield Dyke to me, leastways thats what Catfield looked like when I went down it in May
  11. looks like west somerton to me, how were the weeds.
  12. when I started my current job, I was just working normal office hours, but for the first 6 months until I passed my probationary period, i was working at Borehamwood- a good 2 1/2 hour drive from home- each way, I would leave home at 5.30am, and get back home around 7.30-8pm (depending upon traffic) eat then go to bed to start the whole round again next day. after my 6 month probation I was allowed to work from our office at Childerditch, a whole hour closer to home, where I have worked since, its still a 12 1/2 hour day (leaving at 6am returning home at 6.30pm) but that is due to optimising my timings for traffic and generally starting an hour early every day, this gives me some leeway when traffic is bad, or when I need to leave early.
  13. last bit of the Chet and out onto the Yare
  14. cruising the river chet from pyes mill
  15. meeting the convoy across breydon
  16. to be fair i could put one on board, i just didnt think about it.
  17. its not easy controlling the model and pointing a camera.
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