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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Tuesday I was brought through by Marthams in Jayne 2 at 5'9" with some room to spare, as she has just had acomplete new top put on I suspect Martham are starting to future proof their fleet ensuring they can get through the bridge.
  2. Well we have just crossed with no problems, I did VB see one boat high and dry out of the channel, so probably the one mentioned before.
  3. Well we left Beccles at 10.15 aiming for Breydon at 3pm, we were an hour early due to a combination of wind and tide, despite me stopping off to help some poor boaters who were stranded in the reeds, they waved and called, having just waved to the two boats in front and received a friendly wave in return, it turned out their outboard had stopped working and they wanted a tow back to the waveney river centre. I did point out as a hire boat I shouldn't really tow them but I took off the two non swimmers and gave them a bow and stern rope to tow alongside., We got them all safely back to the WRC and I dropped them off at the refueling quay., Then it was back toward Breydon, by the time I got to dt places bridge I realised I was going to be an hour early, so from then on it was Rickover and down with the tide, I got to burgh castle to find the other 2 boats I had been travelling with m9red up there, do I joined them, little lady Helena joined us shortly after, and about 2.15 we departed across Breydon, arriving spot on at 3pm, a little outgoing tide but not enough to worry about. Just before 5pm we arrived at Stracey arms mooring, and two of us moored up for the night, the other two boats heading on.
  4. No everything went well, most of my pictures are on the camera until I get home, here's a few from my tablet PC
  5. Boat breakfast time again, beans and sausages on boat made bread toast. Yesterday for the bring and share buffet I made a loaf of bread and some rolls, when I went to look at the aftermath this morning there were just 3 slices of bread remaining, not being a waster, I recovered them for my breakfast toast.
  6. Yes of course. Just the right consistency to not disappear all over the plate but to ooze gently.
  7. John, I have manually reset your post count to add the 2300 back on, not certain what happened though.
  8. Not sure about motor boats, but the flappy things were struggling a bit yesterday. So today they probably will all be moored up -if they have any sense that is.
  9. We will be sitting moored up at the wooden boat show, showing off all the boats. First order of the day -breakfast, followed by tidy ship ready for the hordes of visitors through the day, followed by a communal buffet with everyone contributing.
  10. M.M I guess it depends where you want to hickle.
  11. Unfortunately 10am Sunday is when some of us need to be heading away to cross breydon to catch the slack and the tide up the bure., But if you arrive earlier you may get a chance to chat to some of us before we leave.
  12. grendel

    Kill Cord

    My engine died as it dragged the dinghy under.
  13. It's the 8 foot submarine ones I have problems with.
  14. She has now arrived, most of my piccies will be once I get home as they will be on the camera, but I will have a wander in a minute to get some on my tablet.
  15. Most of the boats are here at oulton now, just waiting for Chloe Jane
  16. Well I am sitting waiting at herringfleet, for the fleet to come through Yarmouth and up from Breydon, I will also try and get some pictures and video, though the video song be uploaded until I get home.
  17. Well I have moved round to herringfleet moorings to await the crossing of the red sea by the Egyptians (sorry, the rest of the wooden boat fleet crossing Breydon this morning. I did find a problem on my engine check this morning, I needed to add 1/2 litre of water to the cooling system, plus one of the alternator bolts had lost its nut (I can see it sitting in the engine drip tray, just out of reach). Temporarily I have added a cable tie around the thread to stop it dropping off, but the battery is charging ok.
  18. Looking like it's going to be a nice day.
  19. It was fine, the Chinese version of bangers n mash
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